A Rite of Waters: A High Fantasy Slowburn Fairytale Romance (A Kingdom of Stone and Starlight Book 3) Cover Image

A Rite of Waters: A High Fantasy Slowburn Fairytale Romance (A Kingdom of Stone and Starlight Book 3)

Author/Uploaded by Adelia Jezek

A Rite of Waters A Kingdom of Stone and Starlight Book Three Adelia Jezek Copyright © 2023 Adelia Jezek All rights reserved. To my loving, ever-patient, and encouraging partner and family. Thanks for the constant support and all the extra coffee. A Rite of Waters Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapte...

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A Rite of Waters A Kingdom of Stone and Starlight Book Three Adelia Jezek Copyright © 2023 Adelia Jezek All rights reserved. To my loving, ever-patient, and encouraging partner and family. Thanks for the constant support and all the extra coffee. A Rite of Waters Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter One The late sunset streaked deep red against the spires of Menastel as we galloped through the mostly empty streets. The horses’ hooves seemed to strike like pealing bells against the smooth, even stones, and a few heads peeked out of windows and doors as we rushed by. Soren rode at our front, his long cloak fluttering like dark wings behind him. Rose rode at my side, her long dark hair curling around her arms as she leaned over her mount’s neck, her cheeks flushed and eyes bright with excitement. I tried to keep my seat as I urged my horse on, despite my aching thighs and back, jostled and sore after almost a week of riding through the Minalorean countryside. Tomas came behind us, reassuring and wary, a stern guardian lest Rose and I be left behind in Soren’s haste to return to the palace of Menastel. The streets wound around buildings taller than any I’d ever seen in the Golden Duchy. Although we’d passed by many of the Cities of the Plains on our journey, I had not yet come to realize how high the towers rose, or how sprawling and populated the cities became as they grew closer to the capital. Shadows began to creep out from the alleys as the light faded from the sky, now a dim blue gray above, and a single star pricked through the deepening dusk. I drew my breath, letting my thoughts focus on the gentle reassurance I could feel from the light of that star. My skin seemed to come alive as another star pierced through, and the ache in my legs subsided as I ran my fingers over my thighs, letting my renewed magic sink into my bones. Soren pulled abruptly on his reins, his horse shaking its head slightly as it neighed out a reproach. Rose and I followed suit, though she managed it better than I, as riding had come almost naturally to her and she had no longer needed the princes’ aid by the beginning of the third day of our ride. I felt comforted that at least I had not made my horse rear and that I had kept my seat. Tomas rode around to Rose’s side, taking her hand as he glanced at Soren, his brows knitting together tightly. “Why did you stop?” he asked as Soren held his horse back. The horse pawed impatiently at the stones, its nostrils flaring a little as it tried to step forward. “The gates are closed,” Soren said, gesturing bluntly forward. “And there’s an armed guard patrolling it.” “Closed? Guarded? Since when has Father ever…” Tomas began, shaking his head. “Probably since his two beautiful, idiot sons disappeared without a trace months ago and left the kingdom rife with worries of war and bloodshed?” Rose said, patting Tomas’ hand fondly. “Perhaps if the gate had been shut and guards been posted, you would have had a much harder time leaving without alerting the palace and the entire High Court?” “Ah but then I would not have met you, my dear,” Tomas said playfully, his face creasing with a warm smile. “And so I am glad that I disappeared. The curse was just the unfortunate price I had to pay.” Rose rolled her eyes but could not suppress the smile that crept across her face. She coughed and turned to face the Crown Prince. “Will they not recognize you immediately, Soren?” Soren cleared his throat as he let his horse take a few steps forward. “I should hope so. I do not want another night in a tavern while Father waits alone by Mother’s side. We have to see Father as soon as possible.” “It will be all right, Soren, ” I said softly as my horse trotted to his side. “Are you ready?” He looked at me, his eyes soft and shining, and he smiled warmly. My heart fluttered at how the fading light highlighted his handsome, angular features and a flush spread over my cheeks. “Yes, Callia. I’ll go ahead and talk to the captain of the guard. Also, once we are inside the gates and admitted to the palace, remember that we must not use our mother-names. No one other than Mother and Father, and Mother’s brother’s family, know that my brother and I even have them. And for now, it’s better if no one knows yours either.” “Of course, Prince Dacian, as you wish.” I nodded, my chest tight at the reminder of the strict rules of the unfamiliar world of court that lie just beyond the walls of the palace. The world that Soren and Tomas were taking us to. Their constant reassurances of the welcome we would receive and the ease in which we would find our place suddenly felt empty and unsure. The princes had given us some ideas about proper etiquette at court, but our journey had left little time for practicing the finer points of courtly manners and deportment. Soren pressed his lips together, his shoulders tensed, and he touched my hand nervously. I gave him a small, encouraging smile despite the niggling worry in my mind about the idea of meeting the King of Minalorea myself. Soren sighed slowly, giving me a grateful nod as he released my hand. “Wait here until I call you forward, or the gates open,” he said, turning suddenly and spurring his horse forward. “Emilian, don’t let them separate the ladies from us.”

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