Cherry Picking Cover Image

Cherry Picking

Author/Uploaded by Lexy Timms

Cherry Picking Dancing in the Cold Series, Volume 1 Lexy Timms Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2023. This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. CHERRY PICKING First edition. January 1, 2023. Copyright © 2023 Lexy Timms. ISBN: 979-8215158463 Written by Lexy Timms. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyright 2023 By LEXY TIMMS All rights reserved. No...

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Cherry Picking Dancing in the Cold Series, Volume 1 Lexy Timms Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2023. This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. CHERRY PICKING First edition. January 1, 2023. Copyright © 2023 Lexy Timms. ISBN: 979-8215158463 Written by Lexy Timms. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Copyright 2023 By LEXY TIMMS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. All rights reserved. Cherry Picking Dancing in the Cold Series #1 Copyright 2023 by Lexy Timms Cover by: Book Cover by Design Dancing in the Cold Series Cherry Picking Light the Lamp Shutdown Player Find Lexy Timms: Lexy Timms Newsletter: Lexy Timms Facebook Page: Lexy Timms Website: Lexy Timms YouTube: Want to read more... For FREE? Sign up for Lexy Timms’ newsletter And she’ll send you updates on new releases, ARC copies of books and a whole lotta fun! Sign up for news and updates! Cherry Picking Blurb “You’re afraid, like I make my deals with the devil...” Tasha doesn’t exactly hate her roommate; it’s not his fault his girlfriend dumps him and left his name on their lease before she took off. Tasha just hates the fact that he’s a scholarship hockey player—entitled, good-looking, and movie-maker kind of mysterious. When they wind up in a dance class together that she takes thinking it will be an easy A, until she realizes she has to create a dance routine to present to the incredibly strict and hard-marking professor. With a partner. Tasha doesn’t expect Linc to be good at anything off the ice, but he knows how to heat things up on the dance floor... The more she gets to know Linc, the more she sees he’s not as typical as she assumed. Instead, he may be just the right person to show her how to stop taking life so seriously. Contents Dancing in the Cold Series Find Lexy Timms: Cherry Picking Blurb Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Chapter Twenty-One Chapter Twenty-Two Chapter Twenty-Three Chapter Twenty-Four Chapter Twenty-Five Chapter Twenty-Six Chapter Twenty-Seven Chapter Twenty-Eight Light the Lamp Bk 2 Dancing in the Cold Series The Roommate EXCERPT Chapter 1 – The Roommate Chapter 2 – The Roommate Chapter 3 – The Roommate Roommate Wanted Series Find Lexy Timms: FREE READS? More by Lexy Timms: Chapter One Tasha As I walked out of Stevenson Hall, snow fell lightly. It felt like for the first time since September, I could breathe again. I was finally halfway done with my last year as a Biology major at Illinois State University. I wasn’t ashamed to admit I was getting senioritis even this early in the year. I felt like I had already garnered everything I could learn about being a writer. Anything I still needed to learn would only come to me once I was actually working in the field. Being a writer seemed akin to being an opera singer. You could either do it, or you couldn’t. There wasn’t much room for a middle ground when it came to creative talents. I relished the crunching noise of the frosty grass as I walked across campus to my apartment. At the end of last year, I’d moved out of the dorms and gotten a place off ISU grounds with another girl from my program. It was exhausting to live in a building with freshmen when I’d already been there three years and the rent nearby wasn’t bad. We’d found a place just off Beech Street and never looked back. I loved living in my own place. It was, if I was perfectly honest, the thing I’d been looking forward to the most when I moved this far away from my childhood home in Naperville. My parents were furious when they found out I’d enrolled as a Bio major to work for a non-profit in a third-world country. If I’d had any chance of staying there in an official capacity at all, it disappeared once they started hounding me about picking something that would offer good job security. But I wasn’t about to become some corporate piece of soulless trash. I had a humanitarian spirit, and I was damn determined to let it breathe before I gave up on life as they had. I grabbed the mail when I walked inside, our dinged-up metallic box squeaking on its hinges as I opened it. Bills, more bills, and a postcard from my little sister who was in Bora Bora. She’d gotten married a few months ago to an investment banker, preferring to make her career as a society wife rather than something you got a piece of paper for. I sometimes wondered if she had made the right choice. She was luncheoning in a tropical paradise while I was considering whether I could make my tennis shoes last another six months with the hole in the side. Tash, I petted a monkey today, You would have loved it. I’m considering getting one as a pet when I arrive back in

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