Fated to Flame Cover Image

Fated to Flame

Author/Uploaded by S. A. Gladden

 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6

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 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6
 Chapter 7
 Chapter 8
 Chapter 9
 Chapter 10
 Chapter 11
 Chapter 12
 Chapter 13
 Chapter 14
 Chapter 15
 Chapter 16
 Chapter 17
 Chapter 18
 Chapter 19
 Chapter 20
 Chapter 21
 Chapter 22
 Chapter 23
 Chapter 24
 Chapter 25
 Chapter 26
 Chapter 27
 Chapter 28
 Chapter 29
 Chapter 30
 Chapter 31
 Chapter 32
 Chapter 33
 Chapter 34
 Chapter 35
 Chapter 36
 Chapter 37
 Chapter 38
 Chapter 39
 Chapter 40
 Chapter 41
 Chapter 42
 Author’s Bio
 About Rize
 Fated to Flame text copyright © Reserved by S. A. Gladden
 Edited by Rebecca Dimyan
 All rights reserved.
 Published in North America, Australia, and Europe by RIZE. Visit Running Wild Press at www.runningwildpress.com/rize Educators, librarians, book clubs (as well as the eternally curious), go to www.runningwildpress.com/rize.
 ISBN (pbk) 978-1-955062-53-4
 ISBN (ebook) 978-1-955062-54-1
 The crackling of fire was the primary sound in the sacred chamber, putting Leon Exousia’s mind at ease. He kept to himself naturally, but it had become more of an occurrence for him to find himself seated on a cushion, staring at the bluish-white hue of the magical flame in front of him. The priestesses that regularly tended to the altar had departed not too long ago, leaving the lingering scents of myrrh and sandalwood burning in the small urns nearby. The gentle curls of the incense smoke created a myriad of patterns in the flickering light, catching his eyes as his mind drifted a million miles away.
 His thoughts touched briefly on his father, as they were wont to do whenever he turned introspective. High Lord Vretiel Exousia’s death had come much too sudden; Hellenians had exceptionally long lifespans, and while he knew his father had been approaching the tail end of his, the sickness that eventually claimed him left the realm in a state of shock and ripe with gossip. While Leon had been prepared for much of his life to succeed his father, it didn’t mean that he felt ready to do it now.
 It also did not help that there was a more pressing concern on his hands, one that weighed on him heavier than his newly assumed position as High Lord.
 The Flame was dying.
 “I knew I’d find you here, moping.” A playful voice echoed through the room, accompanied by approaching footsteps. They stopped just behind Leon’s kneeling figure. “It’s lower than it was even yesterday."
 “I know.” Gold eyes reflected the dull spark of the magical flames on the dais in front of him, while his lips turned downwards in a frown. Turning his head slightly to the sound of the newcomer, Leon raised a dark eyebrow. “Have you come to lecture me, Elliot?"
 “Me? No…” Elliot drawled with his usual smirk splayed upon his full lips. Spiky, ice-blonde hair was his bread and butter, contrasting starkly with his deep skin tone and blood red eyes. He was unusual for a Hellenian, tending to lean heavily towards human trends in fashion and mannerisms while preferring to wander amongst mortals than he did his own kind. Yet, he weathered any gossip and odd looks with the charm of a demon who knew exactly where he stood, and that was thankfully by the late High Lord’s son as he had since they were little. “You know I don’t lecture. I’m just telling you to get off your ass before the Draconians beat you to it."
 “Not like they could if they wanted to; we hold the Spark, after all.” Leon rose from the cushion, stretching his long legs and giving his wings a quick flutter before returning them to the usual folded position against his back. It was a sign of disquiet that he hated displaying, being a demon that preferred to keep his emotions close to his chest. But hailing from the royal line meant that his wings were his crown, noticeable to all in shape and style as signal to his importance to his people. “You’ve come to tell me what I already know, I see."
 Elliot unearthed his hands from his pockets and gave a good-natured shrug. “Someone has to say it. And even though I know that it’s not obvious to most, I know you’re feeling Lady Selene's death pretty hard, too. She wasn’t just another Prime to your father… it was real, what they had.” His voice dropped a bit of its usual lilt. “That shit almost never happens."
 Errant fizzles and popping noises from the faltering Flame filled the silence that stretched between the two friends, each lost in his own sphere of thoughts for a moment. Elliot was correct in his assessment, and it made the resulting tragedy that much worse. Leon had seen the change in his father from the first time he had encountered Selene; he had become softer, smiled often, and liked to visit the human realm for more than just duty. Selene had given him a reason to learn the world she grew up in and explore life beyond the gothic hills of Hellenia.

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