Lies Of An Angel Cover Image

Lies Of An Angel

Author/Uploaded by Presley Reign

LIESOF AN ANGELBOOK ONETHE MIRROR SOULS SERIESByPRESLEY REIGN PUBLISHED BY:PRESLEY REIGNCopyright © 2021 by PRESLEY REIGNLicense NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did...

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LIESOF AN ANGELBOOK ONETHE MIRROR SOULS SERIESByPRESLEY REIGN PUBLISHED BY:PRESLEY REIGNCopyright © 2021 by PRESLEY REIGNLicense NotesThis ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.cover: Book Cover Couture DEDICATIONFor Carol Anne, whose strength anddedication to her childrennever falteredandto my love, who inspires me,supports and loves me unconditionally. TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER ONECHAPTER TWOCHAPTER THREECHAPTER FOURCHAPTER FIVECHAPTER SIXCHAPTER SEVENCHAPTER EIGHTCHAPTER NINECHAPTER TENCHAPTER ELEVEN The boundaries which divide Lifefrom Death are at best shadowyand vague.Who shall say where theone ends, and where the otherbegins?~ Edgar Allan Poe Standing on the beach, alone in the dark, I’m waiting for them. I know they are out there. They have always been out there. I have always found them or they have always found me. Somehow they know I am the one that will see them. I will hear them. I will touch them. I will love them when they have no one else left.‘I am Natalie Black and I am a ghost seeker.’ I run this affirmation through my head on repeat as I stand there. Thinking through the events that have led me to this place and this battle, getting through this night will be my biggest challenge yet. I have to believe that with Hayden’s help I will be able to draw Adam to me and help him finally find his peace. No matter how much he has hurt me, I have to help him. He has no one else that can.A shiver runs down my back and what feels like fingertips slide from the nape of my neck all the way down my spine. Here, alone on the beach, Adam stands staring at me, only ten feet away. I can’t move. I’m frozen in place. His face portrays his anguish, his hurt is so plainly evident in the look he’s giving me. He wants to take me away from here. He wants to grab me and run but he knows I don’t want to go with him this time. Our moment has past. He let me go and I’ve moved on. My heart belongs to Hayden now. Silent tears pour down my cheeks as I watch him move towards me, towards his final end.~~~ 1The MoveSitting in the passenger seat, gazing at the gray clouds in the distance, a feeling that something is different this time creeps over me. All of our essentials are packed into suitcases in the car with us, not in the moving van. Jumping up, I glance out the back window and notice the moving van that was following us is gone.“Where are we going?” I ask my mother, looking over her pale face and noticing her angry scowl.“We are going to my mother’s house for a few days,” she said staring out the front window, seeming a million miles away and in no mood to explain anything to me. I decide not to press her further. What did it matter where we went, all that mattered was that we were moving again.The arrival did not go as well as my mother had hoped. My grandmother failed to hide her shock when she saw us pull up. She obviously had not been warned that we were coming which made me wonder how spur of the moment this decision was. John, Luke and I sat in the car and watched her in the doorway asking if we could stay. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I could tell she was begging now, her head dropped and my grandmother looked cross.“John, do you know where dad went with the moving van?” I ask calmly.“How would I know where he went? I have no idea what they’re doing this time,” he said, seeming lost in his own thoughts. I wish he would talk to me more. I know he’s mad about moving to another high school too but he never vents, he holds everything inside.“What is going on?” I demand, when she finally returns to the car.“Calm down. Let’s go inside and we’ll talk later,” my mother said as she picks up her suitcase.As it turned out, she refused to comply with her mother’s rules and she quickly set out to find us a house to rent. My grandmother can be strict. She controls when we eat, when we go to bed and what we watch on television. I understand why my mother wanted to move out of there so quickly. I may have fought her on it at the time though if I had known what the alternative was going to be.I couldn’t hide my surprise and disappointment when my mother sold our car. She said she would need the money for rent since she had no clue when our father was going to return. The house she found seemed nice enough from the outside, I observed as we pulled into the driveway. My uncle Willie helped us bring what few belongings we had into the house. The town or village, as I preferred to call it looked deserted. The one and only main road had a variety store, liquor store, post office and a hardware store all within view from our front porch.It is winter now and the streets are empty. My mother said that in the summer, the cottages open up and there will be a lot more people around. I walked through the door and down the narrow front hallway which led to the living room. The dining room in the front of the house will eventually become the ‘master bedroom’ as soon as my mother puts up the curtain

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