Michelle Finch Sticks To The Plan Cover Image

Michelle Finch Sticks To The Plan

Author/Uploaded by Harte, Rita

Copyright Copyright © Rita Harte, 2023 First published 2023 Email: [email protected] All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the p...

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Copyright Copyright © Rita Harte, 2023 First published 2023 Email: [email protected] All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a database and retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the owner of copyright and the above publishers. Cover by Cover Ever After ISBN: 9798393613174 Imprint: Independently published Dedication For my lovely dad, who knows exactly how life-changing learning to read can be. Michelle Finch Sticks To The Plan An Australian romantic comedy Rita Harte 1 Michelle "Michelle!" I scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces."Michelle! Over here! Michelle!"I rubbed my eyes, gritty with recycled air, and blinked rapidly. Nope, I still couldn't see anyone whose face I knew, though a man with a combover and too many shirt buttons undone gave me an unsettling smile when my eyes caught his. Yuck."Michelle! Seriously, you need better glasses or something!"That last comment was accompanied by a tight double hug that squeezed the breath right out of me."I swear you were looking right past us!" My sister Abby's familiar voice was in my ear. The hug wasn't over yet. Knowing my sisters, the hug was just getting started. "I should have made that sign!""You wanted the sign to say, 'Welcome home from prison!'" Tessa, my other sister, objected. "And I vetoed it. You owe me one, Michelle.""Much appreciated." I extricated myself from my two grinning sisters. "It's so good to see you!""I'm so glad you're finally here!" Tessa gave me one more squeeze as Abby grabbed my suitcase."I can do that." I reached for the handle, but Abby pulled it out of my grasp."Nope!" She shook her head. "You look exhausted; I'll do it.""And I'm taking your carry-on," Tessa added, eager fingers stealing it right out of my hand. "All you have to do is make it to the van. Reckon you can manage that?""I'm sure I can muster up the strength somehow." I let out an exaggerated sigh. "But you'll have to carry me if I pass out on the way.""I should have brought Dylan," Tessa said. "He could carry you, no problem.""Absolutely not!" Abby was adamant. "This is sister time! No dudes.""But I want to meet Dylan!" I was curious to meet Tessa's boyfriend, especially given all the time we had spent analysing his personality, behaviour, and intentions in our group chat."You will," Tessa assured me. "Tomorrow, maybe. But right now, we want you all to ourselves.""Exactly," Abby agreed, striding ahead and dragging my suitcase behind her in a way that couldn't be good for the little wheels. "I wasn't sure you'd make it until you sent that selfie from the plane.""Ouch," I said, forcing a smile, but her words hurt. "Of course I was going to come! I've been dying to see you two.""It's just that you cancelled the last three times," Tessa sounded almost apologetic. "It's okay. I know how busy your job gets and how important it is to you, but—""But that job has totally taken over your life!" Abby declared. "Ever heard of work-life balance?""There were extenuating circumstances!" I wanted to defend myself. "First, share prices crashed across the resources sector, then a Senior Partner quit just before the end of the financial year, then there was that scandal where the Finance Minister was accused of doing something inappropriate with a whiskey bottle on Snap Chat, and then—""Excuses, excuses!" Abby waved a dismissive hand. "You're here now. That's what matters."As we stepped through the sliding doors of Kingsford Smith International Airport, the sound of honking horns and the smell of exhaust fumes hit my nostrils. Still, I couldn't help gasping in delight at the sudden sunshine that warmed my sallow, plane-dehydrated skin. "It's sunny!" I said, sticking out a hand to catch the rays. "Like Sydney is supposed to be!""You've got way better luck than me," Tessa told me. "When I first landed in Sydney, it rained for a week.""Maybe the universe is rewarding you for finally taking a break," Abby said, unwilling to let the topic go.But I just shrugged. "Maybe," I said mildly. I knew better than to argue with Abby when she was insistent on making a point. We crossed a busy walkway and began to make our way up a winding ramp, Abby taking a panting breath as she tugged my suitcase over the concrete."We could get the lift," Tessa suggested. "If you're struggling with that suitcase.""No way!" Abby turned to shake her head at us. "The lift is for losers. And I am not," she drew herself up to her full height, "struggling with this suitcase. See these arms? Strong enough for two suitcases. Probably four!""Of course they are." Tessa shot me a wink, and I had to cover my mouth to stifle a giggle.As I followed my sisters up the apparently much quicker ramp, I pulled my phone from my pocket, relieved when it showed that, yes, it had connected to Australia's 5G network. My relief dissolved when I clicked my email icon; it was like unleashing a tsunami."Shit," I murmured, scrolling through the sea of emails. It didn't seem like anything too crazy had happened in the finance industry since I had left Glasgow, but—"Oh no, you don't!" Abby whipped the phone from my hands. "You're on holiday, Michelle! No checking your work emails.""You don't know I was doing that!" I protested. "I could have been updating my Tinder location.""Were you?" Abby raised her eyebrows, making full use of the fact that she was the tallest of the three of us to look down her nose at me."No," I confessed. "It was work emails. You know I'm not on Tinder.""Just as I thought." Abby nodded with satisfaction. "Seriously, Michelle, I'm not going to battle it out with your phone all week for your attention. You said you needed a break and wanted to see us.""I do," I said.

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