Restoration of Faith : A story from the Dresden Files Cover Image

Restoration of Faith : A story from the Dresden Files

Author/Uploaded by Jim Butcher

 About the Author
 Jim Butcher is the author of the Dresden Files, the Codex Alera, and a new steampunk series, the Cinder Spires. His résumé includes a laundry list of skills which were useful a couple of centuries ago, and he plays guitar quite badly. An avid gamer, he plays tabletop games in varying systems, a variety of video games on PC and console whenever he can make time for...

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 About the Author
 Jim Butcher is the author of the Dresden Files, the Codex Alera, and a new steampunk series, the Cinder Spires. His résumé includes a laundry list of skills which were useful a couple of centuries ago, and he plays guitar quite badly. An avid gamer, he plays tabletop games in varying systems, a variety of video games on PC and console whenever he can make time for it. Jim currently resides mostly inside his own head, but his head can generally be found in his home town of Independence, Missouri.
 Jim goes by the moniker Longshot in a number of online locales. He came by this name in the early 1990s when he decided he would become a published author. Usually only 3 in 1000 who make such an attempt actually manage to become published; of those, only 1 in 10 make enough money to call it a living. The sale of a second series was the breakthrough that let him beat the long odds against attaining a career as a novelist.
 All the same, he refuses to change his nickname.
 About this Book
 Copyright © 2010 by Jim Butcher
 Dresden Files series #0.1
 This Dresden Files short story appeared in the 2010 anthology, Side Jobs, and takes place before Storm Front, the first book in the series.
 Harry Dresden is a wizard working for a private investigator who specializes in finding lost children. When he and his employer must find a young runaway girl, they quickly get more than they bargained for.
 The source of the story text is the author’s website. The cover image was borrowed from the Dresden Files graphic novel, Fool Moon, and digitally edited to replace the title.
 This ebook was created on January 2, 2023
 version 1.0
 Books by Jim Butcher
 Dresden Files
 Storm Front
 Fool Moon
 Grave Peril
 Summer Knight
 Death Masks
 Blood Rites
 Dead Beat
 Proven Guilty
 White Night
 Small Favor
 Turn Coat
 Ghost Story
 Cold Days
 Skin Game
 Peace Talks
 Battle Ground
 Dresden Anthologies
 Side Jobs
 Brief Cases
 Codex Alera
 Furies of Calderon
 Academ’s Fury
 Cursor’s Fury
 Captain’s Fury
 Princeps’ Fury
 First Lord’s Fury
 Cinder Spires
 Aeronaut’s Windlass
 The cover has thick blue borders at the left and top. The author’s name appears top left in uppercase letters in a medium, white sans-serif font, directly below this is the first part of the series name, DRESDEN, in a fancy extra-large, serif outline font. The outline is a cyan blue graduating to white at the very bottom. Beneath the letters “DEN,” FILES appears in a medium, white sans-serif italicized font. The series name overlaps the top of the illustration. The short story title, RESTORATION of FAITH, is in a medium, white, sans-serif font rotated counter-clockwise within the blue border at lower left. In the illustration portion of the cover, Harry Dresden is shown with a determined expression, striding towards the viewer against a nighttime backdrop of flame and fire. He is wearing a dark trench coat and has a flaming brand in his right hand and a staff in the left hand. A pendant around his neck features a bright blue glowing stone.
 Restoration of Faith
 Books by Jim Butcher
 About the Author
 About this Book
 Table of Contents
 Books by Jim Butcher
 About the Author
 About this Book
 Restoration of Faith A story from the Dresden Files
 I struggled to hold onto the yowling child while rumbling a quarter into the pay phone and jamming down the buttons to dial Nick’s mobile.
 “Ragged Angel Investigations,” Nick answered. His voice was tense, I thought, anxious.
 “It’s Harry,” I said. “You can relax, man. I found her.”
 “You did?” Nick asked. He let out a long exhalation. “Oh, Jesus, Harry.”
 The kid lifted up one of her Oxford shoes and mule-kicked her leg back at my shin. She connected, hard enough to make me jump. She looked like a parent’s dream at eight or nine years old, with her dimples and dark pigtails—even in her street-stained schoolgirl’s uniform. And she had strong legs.
 I got a better hold on the girl and lifted her up off the ground again while she twisted and wriggled. “Ow. Hold still.”
 “Let me go, beanpole,” she responded, turning to glower back at me before stalling to kick again.
 “Listen to me Harry,” Nick said. “You’ve got to let the kid go right this minute and walk away.”
 “What?” I said. “Nick, the Astors are going to give us twenty-five grand to return her before nine p.m.”
 “I got some bad news, Harry. They aren’t going to pay us the money.”
 I winced. “Ouch. Maybe I should just drop her off at the nearest precinct house, then.”
 “The news gets worse. The parents reported the girl kidnapped. And the police band is sending two descriptions around town to Chicago P.D., and they match guess who.”
 “Mickey and Donald?”
 “Heh,” Nick said. I heard him flick his Bic, and take a drag. “We should be so lucky.”
 “I guess it’s more embarrassing for Mister and Missus High-and-Mighty to have their kid run away than it is to have her kidnapped.”
 “Hell. Kidnapped girl give them something to talk about at their parties for months. Make them look richer and

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