Strange Visions Cover Image

Strange Visions

Author/Uploaded by Ronald B. Kline Jr.

 A special thank-you to Precious McKenzie for her help in writing this book. 
 Copyright © 2023 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.
 All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photoc...

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 A special thank-you to Precious McKenzie for her help in writing this book. 
 Copyright © 2023 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.
 All rights reserved. International copyright secured. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Lerner Publishing Group, Inc., except for the inclusion of brief quotations in an acknowledged review.
 Darby Creek 
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 241 First Avenue North 
 Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA
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 Cover and interior images: Natsmith1/Shutterstock; Milano M (chapter number background)
 Main body text set in Janson Text LT Std. 
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 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
 Names: Kline, Ronald B., Jr., author. 
 Title: Strange visions / Ronald B. Kline Jr. 
 Description: Minneapolis : Darby Creek, [2023] | Series: Sinkhole | Audience: Ages 11–18. | Audience: Grades 7–9. | Summary: Seventeen-year-old DJ Porter is worried when the animals and people of her hometown start coming down with a mysterious illness, but the arrival of federal agents and scientists make her wonder if something more is going on in Foggy Creek, Texas. 
 Identifiers: LCCN 2022025437 (print) | LCCN 2022025438 (ebook) | ISBN 9781728475523 (lib. bdg.) | ISBN 9781728477992 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781728479583 (eb pdf) 
 Subjects: CYAC: Extraterrestrial beings—Fiction. | Sick—Fiction. | BISAC: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural | YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Animals / Pets | LCGFT: Paranormal fiction. | High interest-low vocabulary books. | Novels. 
 Classification: LCC PZ7.1.K6535 St 2023 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.K6535 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23 
 LC record available at
 LC ebook record available at
 Manufactured in the United States of America 
 1 – TR – 12/15/22 
 A faded red pickup truck rolled over Interstate 20. DJ, more properly known as Darlene Jane Porter, was driving. She could hear her father snoring in the passenger’s seat. They’d been on the road for days, meeting with ranchers about cattle. He had hoped to expand their herd, but he wanted to get just the right genetics. The best of the best this time, he had told her. 
 DJ flicked on the windshield wipers. Ugh, she thought. Dead lovebugs coated the windshield with slime. The wiper blades cleared off the bug guts. This was the joy of driving across the southern United States. 
 But tonight, DJ was going home. Home seemed like something she should look forward to, but she was not certain if joy was the emotion she was feeling at this moment. She was simply tired. They’d run into bad weather. Tropical storm-strength winds and tons of rain exhausted her. Her arms and back ached from driving the big pickup truck. Yawning, she reached toward the cup holder for more coffee. Just a few more miles. We’re almost home. 
 The interstate’s exit number arrived at last. DJ clutched and downshifted. Her speed dropped to thirty-five miles per hour. She cranked the steering wheel into a gentle right-handed curve onto the slope of the exit ramp. Then she merged with traffic on the highway. She was heading north and following the green road signs toward Foggy Creek, Texas. Homeward bound. 
 DJ loved her father, Dale, very much. They shared a strong bond and were similar in many ways. He had taught her to drive the truck when she was fifteen and had a learner’s permit. She had her license now, and she loved helping her dad visit other ranches, drive to livestock auctions, and haul cattle. 
 DJ’s mother, Maude, liked the quiet, scenic beauty of Foggy Creek and their family ranch. She always said she didn’t like to haul cattle all over Texas. She was a homebody, through and through. 
 Three and a half years ago, when DJ was in ninth grade, her dad had a heart attack. After that, they decided to homeschool her. This way, someone could be with her dad round the clock as he recovered, and someone could tend to the ranch. She and her mom took turns. When one was feeding the cattle or mending fences, the other stayed with her dad. It worked out pretty well. DJ thrived in homeschool, so they just kept it up. 
 Although DJ missed out on a more common high school experience, she didn’t regret it. She loved the ranch, she loved hauling cattle, and she loved imagining a world filled with adventures and interesting things. She did miss her friends from town. But everyone in her family worked hard to maintain the ranch, including her. It was always a struggle to make money and pay the bills. But she felt pride in contributing to her family’s business. 
 DJ didn’t shy away from big dreams. She wanted an Ivy League college education where she could learn about how to run a business and make lots of money. Then, she could turn the ranch into a big-time operation and her family could live in style without worrying about scraping by. 
 As soon as the engine stopped, Dad jumped out of the truck. DJ was right behind him. They were finally home! The faded white farmhouse sat at an angle on the short foundation of stone and cinder blocks. The porch, with peeling white paint and pillars, hid in deep shadows cast by the yard lights near the gates. The tar paper shingles needed replacement in several spots. Yet this modest home had been in the family for four generations. Now it was home for DJ, her mom and dad, and her mom’s brother, Clive. 
 DJ’s Uncle Clive had moved in with the family last year when he got out

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