The Bluestocking's Highlander Cover Image

The Bluestocking's Highlander

Author/Uploaded by Audrey Harrison

The Bluestocking’s Highlander By Audrey Harrison Published by Audrey Harrison © Copyright 2023 Audrey Harrison Audrey Harrison asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. This eBook/...

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The Bluestocking’s Highlander By Audrey Harrison Published by Audrey Harrison © Copyright 2023 Audrey Harrison Audrey Harrison asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. This eBook/paperback is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook/paperback may not be re-sold, reproduced in any format or given away to other people without the consent of the author. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. Find more about the author and contact details at the end of this book and the chance to obtain a free copy of The Unwilling Earl. Proofread and edited by Jenny Warren and can be contacted at [email protected] or Cover by Covers and Cupcakes Contents The Bluestocking’s Highlander Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 About the Author Novels by Audrey Harrison Prologue Captain Avril had never watched someone as closely as he did Alice as she slept. Every movement she made, every time she winced as she turned her head, he moved to the edge of his seat, wanting to go to her but not wishing to cause her pain. Thoughts were rushing through his mind, tearing at his insides in a way he had not experienced for years, and he was struggling with it. Constantly cursing himself under his breath, he wanted to leave the room, leave the house and go somewhere he could hide and never see anyone else again, but until he knew she would be well, he could do nothing but sit and wait. *** Eventually, she yawned and stretched a little, wincing when the lump on her head touched the pillow. Blinking herself awake, she looked in surprise at Captain Avril. “Have you been tending me?” she asked groggily. “If you mean, have I been sat here being as helpless as a bairn, yes I have,” he replied. Alice smiled slightly. “You could never be helpless.” “I have certainly felt it this afternoon. What did you think ye were doing, putting yourself against a man three times the size of you?” “It worked when I stood up to you,” she replied. “That is because I am a gentle soul.” Alice snorted, which made him smile for the first time since she had been carried in. “Could I have some water, please?” “Oh, yes,” he said, standing and pouring a glass. Holding it out to her, he cursed when she tried to sit up unaided and grimaced in pain. “Wait,” he commanded. Lifting her gently, he supported her in the crook of his arm and handed her the glass. Taking the water a sip at a time, Alice revelled in being so close to him. When she had sated her thirst, she tucked her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes with a sigh. Hearing his sharp intake of breath, she looked up at him. “My head does not hurt when I am like this.” She was quite impressed that she could speak, as when she had turned her head to meet his gaze, she had been taken aback by the intensity of his stare. Those blue eyes she had admired from afar were even more impressive up close. He seemed to be struggling with something, for he did not speak, but he bit his lip. Alice was drawn to the action, and slowly with the hand that was not holding the glass, she reached up and touched his lips. Her action caused a quiet gasp, but she did not move her fingers away. “I have longed to do this,” she said quietly. “It is wrong,” he said gruffly, but he was watching her with such intensity, she knew he wanted her touch as she wanted to be touched by him. “Is it? Then I cannot do this?” she asked, running her fingers over his cheek, feeling the stubble that had developed through the day. Groaning, he moved his hand and mirrored her actions on her cheek. “I thought you were dead,” he whispered. “But I am not. I am here and with you,” she replied. “I should not be doing this,” he moaned as he touched his fingers to her lips, which she parted slightly. “I am glad you are.” “Blast it,” he cursed before crushing her to him and taking her mouth to plunder. There was no gentle first kiss for Alice; she had chosen a man who knew what he wanted and gave as much as he took. He teased her, made her breathless, and showed her what it was like to be kissed by a man driven by passion and longing. Eventually, he pulled away from her, and kissing her forehead, he lay her down on the bed, putting some distance between them. “Why have you stopped?” Alice asked, afraid of what was to come. “I cannae do this,” he said, hands running through his hair and tugging the ends. “Kiss me?” “Oh, I can do that,” he said derisively. “It is the falling in love, being with one person, waiting until they let you down, that is what I cannae do.” “That is a huge leap from a kiss,” Alice said, trying to inject some humour into the situation. “But it wasn’t, was it?” he demanded of her. “I could have kissed you that first night when you demanded I behaved, as if you were some sort of angry pixie. I have mooned around you like some Johnny Raw since then, and it is not getting any easier.” “I see.” “Is that all you have to say? Have I made you speechless for the first time in your life?”

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