The Gatekeeper Cover Image

The Gatekeeper

Author/Uploaded by Renee Rose

The Gatekeeper A Dark Bratva Romance Chicago Bratva Renee Rose Copyright © January 2023 The Gatekeeper by Renee Rose and Renee Rose Romance All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the authors. Please do not partici...

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The Gatekeeper A Dark Bratva Romance Chicago Bratva Renee Rose Copyright © January 2023 The Gatekeeper by Renee Rose and Renee Rose Romance All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the authors. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors' rights. Purchase only authorized editions. Published in the United States of America Wilrose Dream Ventures LLC Cover by: Pop Kitty Designs This book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This book contains descriptions of many BDSM and sexual practices, but this is a work of fiction and, as such, should not be used in any way as a guide. The author and publisher will not be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained within. In other words, don’t try this at home, folks! Created with Vellum Want FREE Renee Rose books? Go to to sign up for Renee Rose’s newsletter and receive a free copy of Alpha’s Temptation, Theirs to Protect, Owned by the Marine and more. In addition to the free stories, you will also get bonus epilogues, special pricing, exclusive previews and news of new releases. Contents Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Epilogue Want Another FREE Renee Rose book? Other Titles by Renee Rose About Renee Rose Prologue Kira, 13 years old A splintering pounding sounds on our front door. I’m in my nightshirt, brushing my teeth for bed. My father has been missing for two days. It’s not unusual. He has his addictions: alcohol. Gambling. Low-level grifting. But unlike our mother, he’s a decent parent. When he’s home, he laughs and jokes with us. He may break every promise he makes, but at least he gives us attention. Our mom is shut up in her room, as always at this time of night. She’s a living ghost. She’s emotionally checked out from living with our dad, I guess. She works to pay the rent and put groceries in the refrigerator but, otherwise, barely functions. I run out to the living room. “Kira, come here!” My sister, Anya, who is seventeen and more of a mother to me than our own, grabs a butcher knife from the kitchen. The door bursts open, and our dingy apartment floods with tattooed men. Bratva. The Russian mafiya. I’ve heard my dad speak of them, but I’ve never seen them before. Still, there’s no doubt in my mind that’s who these men are. I fly to my sister’s side, behind the protection of her butcher knife. Our mother doesn’t even come out of her room. “Grigor. Where is he?” one of them demands. They’re looking for our father. I know he does business with the bratva. I’m not sure what kind. Maybe that’s where he gambles. “Wh–why? What has he done?” I ask. “He owes us, and we’ve come to collect.” “Well, he’s not here,” Anya says. One of them advances. His upper lip curls. I don’t like the way he’s looking at my bare legs. At my sister’s breasts. “Where?” “We don’t know!” Anya spits. “He’s been gone for two days.” “Take the older one,” a man says quietly. He must be the leader because the men surge forward to obey. One of them puts a gun to my forehead, but he speaks to my sister. “Come nicely or your little sister’s brains will cover the floor.” Anya, shocked into submission, lets another man take the knife from her hand and grasp her firmly by the upper arm. “You can’t take her!” I’m not begging, I’m shouting. As if I have any power to persuade them. “Shut her up,” the leader says, and the man with the gun slams the side of it against my head. Everything goes black. When I wake, Anya is gone. * * * Maykl, 13 years old I stand, pistol shaking in my sweaty hand. My breath rasps in and out in harsh measures. I used this pistol four days ago to kill my own father. It was kill or be killed, but I’m still sick over it. I’m still in shock. I’ve barely slept in the nights since. I’m grateful the bratva took care of everything. Got rid of the body. Gave me a place to stay. Put money in my pocket. It was Peter, one of the lower leaders, who gave me the gun in the first place. “For protection,” he said when they were at my father’s auto shop, and he saw the bruises on my face. Now, though–what he’s asking of me is too much. “This is how you prove your loyalty, Maykl. Do you want to join the brotherhood?” I stare down at the beaten man at my feet. Sweat beads along his greasy blond hairline. His light blue eyes bulge with terror. Breath rasps in and out at a rapid rate. “Nyet…nyet,” he pleads. I do want to join the brotherhood. Rather desperately. I assumed I was already in. I won't survive without them. I’ll go to prison for killing my father. “Take my daughter again! Use her,” the man pleads. “We already tired of her,” Peter says. “The younger one, then.” “It’s easy,” Peter murmurs behind me. “Just pull the trigger. This guy would sell his own daughters. He is scum.” I stop thinking. I have no other choice. I squeeze the trigger… And

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