Unfair Game Cover Image

Unfair Game

Author/Uploaded by Susan Renee

By SUSAN RENEE Off Your Game Original Copyright © Susan Renee 2023 All Rights Reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of this book without the permission of the publisher or author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft. For use of any part of this book please contact the publisher at [email protected] for written conse...

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By SUSAN RENEE Off Your Game Original Copyright © Susan Renee 2023 All Rights Reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of this book without the permission of the publisher or author constitutes unlawful piracy and theft. For use of any part of this book please contact the publisher at [email protected] for written consent. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead is coincidental. Except for the original material written by the author, all songs, and/or song titles mentioned, throughout the novel Off Your Game, are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders. Disclaimer: This book is intended for adult readers only and is not appropriate for minors. The story includes adult language and adult sexual content. This story also makes mention of domestic abuse, childhood cancer, and adult infertility issues. Cover art by Jack’d Up Book Covers Editing by Brandi Zelenka, Notes in the Margin Proofreading by Sarah PilcherReader Team: Kristan Anderson, Stephani Brown, Jenn Hager, Jennifer Wilson Formatting by Douglas M. Huston To cock rings and the men who wear them. Chapter 1 Milo “Did you just spank my monkey?” Dex cackles. “Damn right I did. Felt pretty good, too!” “You wait, Milo,” Colby mumbles next to me. “I’m gonna bone him so hard he won’t know what hit him.” “HA!” Dex hurls his whole body to the right instead of simply turning his controller. “You’re jealous Colby, because you don’t have a monkey for me to spank.” “That’s because his monkey belongs to me!” Carissa bellows from the kitchen. A minute later she places bowls of chips, veggies, and a few sorted dips on the coffee table in front of us and then gives Colby a peck on the cheek. “Don’t worry Baby, if you need to bone someone later, I’m all yours.” Colby tosses his controller on the couch. “Fuck it, I’ll take that bone right now. Take over Quinton.” “What the fuck?” Quinton scrambles to pick up Colby’s controller as he and Carissa canoodle their way down the hall, her giggles still heard from a couple rooms away. “Am I on the top or bottom?” “Depends, man.” Hawken smirks. “You want to watch her drive or not?” My phone dings on the coffee table with an incoming text message but my eyes are too glued to the screen to look away. It’s most likely my sister, anyway. “Last lap, suckers!” Dex laughs. “I’m about to smoke all of you!” I watch my Donkey Kong character roll through the hieroglyphic square and end up with my favorite power-up. Hitting the button on my controller, I smile to myself as I fly through the air. “Make way for Bullet Bill!” “DANG!” Colby laughs, having rejoined us in the living room with his wife. “He brought you to the end fast and hard.” Carissa playfully swats her husband’s ass. “Never underestimate those bullets, Babe.” Watching Dex hit the finish line only a half second in front of me, I sit back against the couch, my controller in my lap. “Well, at least I wasn’t last.” My phone dings again. “Who could possibly be texting you?” Hawken asks me. “All the dudes you hang with are in this room.” “Not Elias,” Colby states. “Or Zeke.” I nod reaching for my phone. “True. They’re probably up to their elbow in baby blow-outs.” Turning my phone over, I glance at the text on the screen. Daveed: Hey man. You busy? I need a favor. Pretty big one. “Oh. It’s not Elias.” I tap my thumbs across my phone returning his text. Me: Veeeeeed!! Long time no talk! Not busy. What’s up? Daveed Bryce is an old friend and teammate. He played for the Red Tails for about four years before he was traded to Seattle a couple seasons ago. It’s been several months since any of us have heard from him, though. Staying in touch with anyone during a busy hockey season can prove difficult. Daveed: Will call you in a minute. “It’s Bryce,” I tell everyone, my brow furrowed. “Says he needs a big favor.” “Son of a bitch.” Dex chuckles. “Tell him no, Wongs will not deliver to Seattle, nor will it stay fresh in the mail. That dude has to be going through withdrawal as much as he loved their food.” It’s no question that Wongs has unequivocally the best Chinese take-out in the city and when Daveed was on the team, we were eating that deliciousness multiple times a week. Quinton shrugs and grabs a tortilla chip, dipping it in the bowl of salsa in front of him. “I’m sure there’s equally good Chinese food in Seattle…somewhere.” “He didn’t say what the favor is?” Colby asks. I’m about to answer him but my phone rings in my hand. Holding it up and standing from the couch, I respond, “He will now, I guess.” I tap the button on my screen to accept the call. “Veed! How are you, you big son of a bitch? Nice of you to keep in touch.” “I know, I know. My apologies. The move was a lot mid-season, and Jada and I were house hunting and dealing with all that bullshit. It’s been a busy year.” “Nice game last night. Heard you guys obliterated Miami.” “We sure as hell did.” He laughs. “Ten to one. And that one was a pity goal because I slid the wrong way and swear, I somehow crushed a nut in the process. Hurt like a bitch.” “Ouch.” I wince out of sympathy. “Alright, you’re forgiven. Hey, the guys are all here. You should say hi!” “Oh, man, I’m sorry I’m interrupting—” “No, no, no. It’s all good. We’re literally hanging out at Colby’s and dicking around with Mario Kart and snacks. We have a few days off and none

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