Victoria's Secret Cover Image

Victoria's Secret

Author/Uploaded by Jade Knightley

VICTORIA’S SECRET A SECOND CHANCE, SECRET BABY ROMANCE JADE KNIGHTLEY Copyright 2023 by Jade Knightley - All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from th...

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VICTORIA’S SECRET A SECOND CHANCE, SECRET BABY ROMANCE JADE KNIGHTLEY Copyright 2023 by Jade Knightley - All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher. Created with Vellum CONTENTS 1. Victoria 2. Colton 3. Victoria 4. Colton 5. Victoria 6. Colton 7. Victoria 8. Colton 9. Victoria 10. Colton 11. Victoria 12. Colton 13. Victoria 14. Colton 15. Victoria 16. Colton 17. Victoria 18. Colton 19. Victoria 20. Colt Do you like FREEBIE Romance books? 1 VICTORIA “Shane, get a move on or you’re going to be late for school,” I tell my son as I knock on the bathroom door in passing. “I know, Mom,” he calls out from the other side. “God,” he breathes out. I chuckle as I move into the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee because God knows it’s the only way I’m going to make it through this morning. After getting the machine going, I move over to the table, picking up Shane’s books and tossing them into his backpack. I open his gym bag, putting his clean gym clothes inside before zipping it up with a few snacks and a couple bottles of his favorite sports drink inside. I’m thankful that football season is over, but that doesn’t clear his schedule any as the coach makes them work out year-round to stay in shape. Shane finally exits the bathroom and walks into the kitchen. He grabs a bottle of juice from the fridge. I watch as he uncaps it, takes a long drink, and then sets the empty bottle on the table. He’s only fifteen and already he’s towering over me. He looks so much like his father—from his chocolate-colored eyes framed in thick lashes to his dark messy curls on the top of his head—it knocks the air from my lungs sometimes. “I need lunch money,” he tells me, grabbing a banana out of the fruit bowl and ripping it open. “What happened to your paycheck?” I ask, digging a few bucks out of my purse. “Spent it on a new video game, duh.” He snorts like I should’ve known without having to ask. I hold out the money. “You know I don’t mind providing for you, but you’re getting older and you need to learn to be more responsible with your money.” He takes the cash from my hands and slips it into the front pocket on his jeans. “I know, I know,” he says, tossing the banana peel into the trash before pulling on his coat and grabbing his bags. “I have gym tonight so I’ll be home late.” He wraps his big arm around me, pulling me in for a hug. “You need a ride?” He’s already heading out the door. “Na, Chase is picking me up. See ya.” The door shuts behind him and I let out a long breath as I lean against the counter. I know I got lucky with him. He really is a good kid. Not only does he get good grades, he plays sports, and works around the property doing whatever needs done. I couldn’t have asked for a better son, considering I’ve been raising him on my own. My coffee finishes brewing and I pour some into my cup before stepping through the door that separates my living space from the office of Rustic Cabin Rentals. I bought the place as a nice investment property, but after all these years, now it’s just home and I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I spent most of my life caring for my sick father. After he passed, he left everything to me. I wanted to be smart with the money. I didn’t want just any home. I wanted a place I could see myself growing older in. And when I found out the cabin rental business here in town was up for sale, it was too good to pass up. After graduating with a degree in business, I needed a way to make a living and I knew I’d need a place to live. Finding this place was a stroke of luck that killed two birds with one stone. With my father gone and a baby to care for, I needed to be smart, practical. It may have been hard back then, but I’m glad I put in the work as this is the only real home that Shane has ever known. In the lobby, I log in to the computer for the day before walking around the counter to start a pot of coffee for our guests. Once it begins brewing, I open the blinds and let in some natural light. The lobby has a common area with seating, tables, a fireplace, and books. Guests usually don’t hang out in this area but I find it useful to have for when we host events, like Christmas dinner, Thanksgiving, or if a local vender is looking to set up shop for a craft fair. I use the remote to turn on the fireplace—I find it helps the place feel more cozy when our guests come in—and then I turn on the TV above it. Unless there are guests in here hanging out, I typically keep it on the local news channel, wanting to hear about current events and of course the weather with us being up here on the side of a mountain. Small bits of snow are already falling out of the sky which is great for the cozy atmosphere. However, they’re calling for a big winter storm that’s been moving into our area for a few days now. I find that the weatherman often overexaggerates, usually scaring people into rushing to the store to buy up all the

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