Wrath Cover Image


Author/Uploaded by K.L. Ramsey

Wrath Deadly Sins Syndicate - Book 5 K.L. Ramsey Contents Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Victor Trish Eli Mina About K.L. Ramsey & BE Kelly K. L. Ramsey’s Social Media BE Kelly’s Social Media Works by K. L. Ramsey Works by BE Kelly (K.L.’s alter ego…) Wrath (Deadly Sins Syndicate Book 5) Copyright © 2023 by K.L. Ramsey Cover Design: Taylor Dawn at Sweet 15 Design...

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Wrath Deadly Sins Syndicate - Book 5 K.L. Ramsey Contents Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Eden Bowie Victor Trish Eli Mina About K.L. Ramsey & BE Kelly K. L. Ramsey’s Social Media BE Kelly’s Social Media Works by K. L. Ramsey Works by BE Kelly (K.L.’s alter ego…) Wrath (Deadly Sins Syndicate Book 5) Copyright © 2023 by K.L. Ramsey Cover Design: Taylor Dawn at Sweet 15 Designs Formatting: Mr. KL Imprint: Independently published First Print Edition: April 2023 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental. Bowie Bowie Wrath had lived in his older sister, Darcy’s shadow his whole life. She was just two years older than he was, and when she married Rock Greed, she was supposed to take over their family’s syndicate. The Wrath family should belong to her, but Bowie had struck a deal with the devil himself—their father and took her place. Their father, Deacon Wrath, made their syndicate what it was today—strong, feared by the other families, and one of the only alliances the Gluttony family still had in place, but Bowie planned on changing all of that. It wasn’t going to be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever was. His mother had taught him that before she passed away when he was just a kid. His sister had fought her father for control of the Wrath family and had lost. Deacon was old school and a sticker for the rules, so when Darcy wasn’t married, he refused to hand over the head of household title to her. But then, she went and hatched a plan to ally with one of the other seven families in the Deadly Sins Syndicate, and that’s when she convinced Rock Greed to marry her. She just never planned on falling in love with him or getting pregnant with his baby. She had chosen to raise her daughter and relinquish her title as head of household, leaving Bowie as the only other person still left in line. He reluctantly agreed to take the burden from Darcy so that she could have a life. Bowie had to agree never to talk to his sister again and she had to do the same, giving up all claims to the Wrath family. She became a ghost and that sucked because he could use his sister right now. He didn’t have anyone, and he certainly didn’t want a family. He wouldn’t want to bring a kid into the Wrath syndicate knowing that he or she would have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders when they assumed their place as head of household. Bowie knew that sooner or later; his old man would finally step down and leave everything to him. He was almost ready to take the reins, he just had one more thing to do before that happened—take a much-needed vacation. He was headed to an island—someplace tropical and out of the way. He had the syndicate’s yacht chartered and ready to go. Bowie told the captain that he didn’t care where he took him, as long as he could sit on a beach and drink, he’d be fine. Leaving his last fun vacation up to fate before he took over the syndicate seemed like the right thing to do. His entire life felt like that lately. He didn’t feel in control of anything around him, so why should his vacation be any different? All he had left to do was to let his father know that he’d be gone for the next two weeks, and that was going to be a shitshow. His father liked to have complete control of Bowie’s every move, and he was sure that his impromptu trip wasn’t going to go over well with Deacon, but he didn’t give a fuck. He was being asked to give up his entire life for the family—even his contact with his only sister. The least the Wrath syndicate could do for him was let him have one last hurrah. * * * Bowie had an hour before they were supposed to shove off and he had to admit, he was pretty damn excited. His bags were packed and in the trunk of his car, all he had to do was tell his father that he was leaving. Of course, he had left that until the very last minute, so that they wouldn’t have days to argue about it. Bowie would simply walk into his father’s office, let him know about the trip, and head out. It was that easy, or at least, he hoped it would be. He stopped at his dad’s receptionist’s desk and flashed his best smile. Helen had been with his father since before Bowie was born. She was probably the longest relationship that his father ever had with another person and that thought always made him laugh. “He’s in,” she said. “But I have to warn you, Bowie, he’s in quite a mood today. Are you planning on making it worse?” The fair thing to do would be to warn Helen in return, but he honestly couldn’t do that to the poor woman. “I just have to give him one quick update and then, I’ll be out of your hair,” he assured. That much was at least the truth. “You didn’t really answer my question, did you?” she asked. “Nope, but I think that’s for the best, Helen,” he said. “I promise to be quick, but I can’t promise not to piss him off. Hell, me just breathing seems to

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