Cair Cover Image


Author/Uploaded by Eryn Hawk

Copyright © 2023 by Eryn Hawk All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to...

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Copyright © 2023 by Eryn Hawk All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Cover Art by Miblart. To all the people who encouraged and supported me even after I said the white orc in The Hobbit was hot. Love you guys. CONTENTS Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Epilogue Afterword An excerpt from Teighan Author’s note About the Author NINETY-NINE YEARS AGO “You shall be granted one hundred years in the human realm. No more, no less.” My father’s voice cut through the opulent celebrations, and I dared not express the shock and relief that poured into me. I stayed emotionless, for fear the offer was revoked. I hadn’t expected to be given more than several days. I had predicted yet another refusal, but luck was clearly on my side. For once. “Thank you, Fath—” He raised a single, gloved finger, silencing me, and though his body appeared deathly still, his beady eyes were alive with threat. “On the condition that once those years have passed, you will return here and never enter the human realm again. Do you understand?” I nodded, accepting the bargain he had laid out to me. It was an insignificant price to pay for a century in the human world—a land I had longed to travel since I was a youngling, a place I was drawn to. But once my curiosity was sated, I was confident I would have no further need to return. “I understand.” “Go then,” he drawled, waving dismissively, no warmth or fondness in the smile he forced onto his pale face. “You have been given a generous gift. Do not waste it.” My mother’s lips remained tightly sealed. Her face was blank, barely sparing a cold glance as I turned on my heel. I ignored the mutterings of those gathered in attendance, my chin raised and eyes focused as I strode toward the Veil. That familiar sensation of rightness tugged in my stomach the closer I got: the portal whispering with magic, louder and louder in its call to me. I knew then that I would never regret my decision. I had to know what waited on the other side, what I had been denied all those years. I breathed deeply, squaring my shoulders on the exhale as I took that final step. I didn’t look back. LUCA PRESENT DAY I barely suppressed my eye roll as another high-pitched mewl echoed through the wall. It had to be faked. It might’ve been jealousy talking—this being the third night in a row I’d woken to the realization that my best friend had more game than me—but no dick was that good. None I’d ever had anyway. It was three in the morning, and while this was Alex’s house and he could do whatever with whomever he pleased, I couldn’t help thinking it was overkill. Had I done something to piss him off? Was it revenge for saying I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than go to a party on a Wednesday night? Nah, Alex wasn’t petty, but he was shameless and—as I’d learned over the last few days, totally against my will—apparently very loud in bed. To be clear, I would never begrudge my friend a good fuck, but Jesus suffering Christ. At three in the morning? It wasn’t the same guy as last night. No, that dude was less vocal and much more considerate—the distinction I had made after hearing the first gruff, and heavily accented, “take it all.” Yeah, this one was rougher and … older? Not that I cared or judged. Maybe I did a little, but what else was I supposed to do while I lay there? I wondered briefly if I could cross “have a threesome” off my bucket list since I was virtually a participant by that point. The grunts and groans got louder and more frequent, the creak of the mattress one long, continuous screech. I would’ve cheered them on if I’d thought it’d shut them up, but knowing Alex, he’d take it in his stride. I scrubbed a hand down my face and debated leaving the warmth of my bed to give them some privacy for the remainder. But I decided against it. They weren’t exactly extending me the same courtesy. By now, I should've learned not to leave my earphones downstairs. And yet. At least it sounded like they were reaching a climax—poor word choice—so I guessed I could grit my teeth and bear it or jam my head under the— “Fuck me harder, Daddy!” Nope. I shot out of bed, fumbling with my sweatpants in my rush to leave the room. I nearly tripped down the stairs as I struggled to get my foot through one pant leg but quickly righted myself and made my way to the kitchen. I could still hear the bed frame banging obnoxiously against the wall, but it was distant, and I could ignore it. There were no more voices. That’s what mattered. I grabbed a glass from the overhead cabinet and filled it under the cold tap. I wasn’t thirsty but needed a distraction while I waited. I could’ve switched on the TV or grabbed a bite to eat, but drinking water took the least effort, so it would suffice. After precisely six steady gulps, I was bored and mourning my soft sheets. Sighing, I bent over the edge of the breakfast bar, resting my forehead on the cool

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