Capturing The Billionaire Cover Image

Capturing The Billionaire

Author/Uploaded by R.J. Stevens

Capturing The BillionaireR.J. Stevens Copyright © 2023 R.J. StevensAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying...

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Capturing The BillionaireR.J. Stevens Copyright © 2023 R.J. StevensAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.Cover design by: R.J. StevensLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2018675309Printed in the United States of America There’s nothing better than finding the person that would risk everything to keep you in their life. Contents Title PageCopyrightDedication-1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9--10--11--12--13--14--15--16--17--18--19--20--21--22--23--24--25--26--27--28--29--30--31--32--33--34--35--36--37--38--39-TranslationsAbout The AuthorBook 2- CAPTURING THE JAMAICAN DON -1-Jade SamuelsSighing, I reached over and slapped a hand on my alarm clock. Pulling the covers off, I slid out of bed and stood up. I glanced over at the bed, letting out a groan when I realized that I would have to make it. Moving quickly, I fixed up my entire room and then picked out my outfit to wear to work today.I moved to the States two years ago. I stayed with family at first, but later decided that I needed to be more independent. My family understood and helped me with moving. I appreciate that they didn’t try to stop me. I still speak to them regularly, as I don’t want to seem ungrateful to them since they were the reason I was here.Humming to myself, I went to my adjoining bathroom and opened the shower door. Pulling off my clothes, I stepped inside and turned on the water, simultaneously adjusting the water temperature.I halted when I realized the apartment was quieter than usual. I wondered what Christy was doing. Christy was my best friend. We met online when we were both 14 years old. At that time, some people thought we wouldn’t last as friends because she was from a higher society of life when my family and I were regular people in society living a middle-class life.We met through Instagram. I liked one of her photos and she commented on one of mine. Christy, being as bold as she was, insisted that we become friends, and we have been best friends ever since. When I told her I was moving to the States, she was ecstatic and made sure that I wouldn’t change my mind. My parents had it set it in stone, so it was a promise I could keep.Moving from Jamaica to the United States was a big step, but with Christy’s support and the support of my family, it was easy. Even though I love it here, I still miss my family back home.Snapping out of my daze, I quickly finished my shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my body. I walked back into my room, drying myself and putting on my clothes. Sitting down in front of my vanity table, I slowly brushed my hair into a ponytail. I did not bother with applying any makeup since I was only going to work.I searched inside my closet for my black converse, putting them on. With one last glance in the mirror, I grabbed my purse, which had all my necessary items, like my phone and some cash. After I was sure that I had everything, I opened my door and strolled down the hall.I know I just woke up, but I was already so hungry. Food is life- let me not even get started on chocolate. I believe that chocolate is a gift sent to women by God. There is absolutely nothing like it in this world, and I am addicted to it. I thank God for my fast metabolism because I eat an unhealthy amount of chocolate and have no plans to stop.With these food-filled thoughts rushing in vmy brain, I made my way to the kitchen, where I found an oddly silent Christina. Christina being quiet is like asking for rain in the Sahara Desert. It rarely happens and you never know when to expect it. She is always so lively and full of life, so seeing her like this had me worried.“What’s wrong Christy?” I asked, using the nickname I had for her.“I broke up with Jerome,” she paused, tears escaping her eyes. “Right after I caught him with another woman.”“Oh Christy,” I gasped, shocked at this revelation.I quickly pulled out a stool from around the counter and took a seat close to her, pulling her in for a tight hug. Christy was rarely ever this down and from what I knew, things were not that serious with Jerome, but if she needed me to comfort her, I would gladly do so.“You’ll get through this Christy,” I muttered to her.“It’s just as well. We weren’t really a thing, you know, but we agreed to be exclusive,” she sniffled.I searched my brain for a way to cheer her up and take her mind off it.What would she want to do?Bingo!It was as if a light bulb just went over my head. A new club was opening tonight, and Christy was begging me all week to go, but I refused, mostly because clubs aren’t my scene and I felt like I always end up drunk. After spending all night dancing in heels, I was not interested in doing it again but if it would take her mind off of what happened with Jerome, I would make an exception.“Would it make you feel any better if I go to that new club with you?” I asked hesitantly, hoping she would say no, but as usual, I didn’t get my way.I reeled back in shock as she screamed her reply. “Yes!”“You seem a lot better now,” I pouted. I felt as if this was all just a ruse to get me to agree.She smiled cheekily at me and ran out of the room. I just got played.Screw my life.****************After the whole charade with Christy, I made my breakfast, which was toast and bacon with my favorite chocolate

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