Crimson Sea Cover Image

Crimson Sea

Author/Uploaded by Roselynn, Alexandria

Crimson Sea By Alexandria Lee Roselynn To My Beloved Lyric It would take a thousand more stories to encompass my love for you, but this is a start. I hope it is everything you desire and more Chapter One Garnet “Captain.” A deep voice called from the doorway, the sunrise peaking faint yellow light from behind the window. Ezel’s muscular frame practically took up the entire entrance as he leane...

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Crimson Sea By Alexandria Lee Roselynn To My Beloved Lyric It would take a thousand more stories to encompass my love for you, but this is a start. I hope it is everything you desire and more Chapter One Garnet “Captain.” A deep voice called from the doorway, the sunrise peaking faint yellow light from behind the window. Ezel’s muscular frame practically took up the entire entrance as he leaned against it. The wood creaked under the pressure. Garnet lifted her eyes from the ledger book she was scribing endless numbers into. He stood a little taller than Garnet at six feet, his scarred yet handsome face hid in the shadow of the curtains. “We will hit land in about four hours. But, if the north winds pick up, we will arrive much sooner than expected.” He said in his thick eastern accent. He kept a low volume to avoid disturbing the beautiful lady sleeping soundly next to her. To disturb Iziria at this hour was a crime. Absent-mindedly, he rolled up his loose ivory sleeves, exposing a plethora of tattoos and dark obsidian skin. Long black locs hung down his shoulders woven with all gold beads, except for one, a silver bead on his right side that swung just below his ear. Had she been of the persuasion to keep the company of men, she would have pursued him. He was objectively gorgeous. Her long arms hit the rear wall of the tiny alcove that encompassed their bed, maroon silk hanging from the front frame. Iziria hung them right after their wedding, loathing the stacks of papers and books that accumulated around her desk and shelves. The stained glass on the back wall depicted the old siren legends, swirled in blue and turquoise bands that reflected the dawn light. It was the closest thing to a separate bedroom she could offer her. The Captain’s quarters had to serve mainly as an office. She had already been up for hours reading over their latest trade details and finances, ensuring everything was ready for Ezel to take charge when they anchored. She gave a simple nod, setting her books and parchment aside to prepare for the initial movements of the morning. Ezel left, having to crouch to keep from hitting his head on the low doorframe. With Neiseam so close, it was impossible for her to remain still any longer. A few more hours until they started their unique week of leisure on the shore. Away from the ship, they would slip into complete privacy, a gift they couldn’t always afford. Once they dropped off the stolen goods they were free, for the week at least. Three days ago, they had intercepted a royal shipment of spices, fruit, and wine that was taken from the resident tribes located inland on Neiseam. As usual, the King’s men showed up, grabbing whatever they wanted, calling it taxation. The royal guard left communities in economic ruin before slithering back to their fortified dusty palaces. Bastards. The riches within their walls were plentiful enough to buy luxuries they stole, not that it mattered, it was futile for poor people to refuse the King, not when he beheaded folks and split apart families for the most minor infractions. As pirates, they accepted the risks others couldn’t and insured their people remained cared for. Taking over royal ships was simple for them, and returning the goods to the tribal folk of Neiseam carried its own reward. Tribes and villages could once again prosper while the King found himself sober with tasteless meat on his table. Village elders would provide them a month’s supply of essentials and free docking of the ship anytime they required it. The real money came from looting the royal guards. The troops they stole from always had abundant riches on board that kept them well fed and their pockets heavy with gold. Neiseam was a home for them in an odd sort of way. Garnet kept her crew in their waters and stayed at the ports in the winter months when ice settled over the region. Although freezing, those months were her favorite, the only time of year in which they truly got to enjoy the luxuries of Pirate’s Cove. Merchants from all over came to peddle wares at stalls that lined the market and people who escaped the King’s land set up shop along the coast. The colorful melting pot of indigenous and lost peoples swirled around every lane and crevice. It was as much home to her as the sea. Iziria rolled over on the bed and pulled Garnet close, laying her head on her chest. Garnet’s fingers ran lines through her thick blonde hair with one hand as she rubbed the soft skin of her exposed shoulder with the other. “Stay.” Iziria said, eyes still closed behind her blond lashes. Her delicate fingers pulled the quilt around her chin. “Tomorrow, I’ll lie in with you.” Garnet squeezed her tightly. “I promise.” She rose from the bed and kissed Iziria on the forehead before dressing in her usual breeches and loose shirt, shutting the cabin door quietly behind her. The Adhyan was bustling, sailors were up carrying out their morning duties with a slight buzz as they prepared to dock in a few scant hours. “Good morning Captain.” Nigem said from the sailor’s station below the center mast. Above him, on the top of the rigging, their newest sailor, Mina was battling a knot in the large ropes. She grunted, exasperated as the weight of the sail collapsed the loop she just tied. “She’ll learn.” He shrugged, turning back to his post. Unable to leave her struggling, Garnet climbed the rigging herself and settled beside her. She held up a finger, indicating for her to pause. Mina’s ears turned red. “Watch.” Garnet said, taking the rope in her own calloused hands, tying the intricate knot slower than she ordinarily would so Mina could see. She unraveled the rope and allowed the

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