Daddy’s Mate Cover Image

Daddy’s Mate

Author/Uploaded by Wolf, Mia

Daddy’s Mate Secret Baby Second Chance Shifter Romance Silverdale Wolves Book 7 Mia Wolf Copyright © 2023 by The Wolf Sisters Books. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the publisher, excep...

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Daddy’s Mate Secret Baby Second Chance Shifter Romance Silverdale Wolves Book 7 Mia Wolf Copyright © 2023 by The Wolf Sisters Books. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of the book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form, including recording, without prior written permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Contents Prologue - Billy Chapter 1 - Seth Chapter 2 - Billy Chapter 3 - Seth Chapter 4 - Billy Chapter 5 - Seth Chapter 6 - Billy Chapter 7 - Seth Chapter 8 - Billy Chapter 9 - Seth Chapter 10 - Billy Chapter 11 - Seth Chapter 12 - Billy Chapter 13 - Seth Chapter 14 - Billy Chapter 15 - Seth Chapter 16 - Billy Chapter 17 - Seth Chapter 18 - Billy Chapter 19 - Seth Chapter 20 - Billy Epilogue - Seth About the Author Books by The Wolf Sisters Prologue - Billy She never wanted to be part of an army and yet that was exactly where Billy found herself, fighting on the wrong side for a pack she loathed but could not escape. During the battle for Silverdale between the werewolves and the demon wolves, she found what she believed was her only chance at escape. During the final moments of the battle, when the hellstone had finally found its way into the hands of Malia Michaels—one of the resident witches of Silverdale—Billy had managed to slip away from the chaos, shifting into human form before the hellstone could target her wolf too. Though she had heard the screams of the demon wolves behind her, she hadn't looked back. Instead, she had managed to find herself in one of her old haunts, the apartment she had lived in on the outskirts of Silverdale for years before she had ever laid eyes on the demon wolves. Leaving the noise of battle behind her, her own wounds already healing thanks to her demon's abilities, she found the key she had left under the apartment door mat several years earlier and slipped inside. The neighbors had never bothered her before and it seemed that they hadn't even tried to since her disappearance four years earlier. Go figure, Billy thought grimly as she slipped through the door to the apartment she had once called home, reminded all over again that she had meant nothing to the community she had once thought was her own. Clicking the door shut and locking it behind her, she hurried to the nearest window that looked out onto the street below and the main square beyond where the worst of the battle had taken place. Pulling back the old, dusty curtains just a little, she saw that her ears did not deceive her. All had gone quiet. An end had been put to the demon wolves. Whether any of them were left alive, she did not know. She also did not care. All that mattered to her now was that she had to lay low. At least until she could figure out a way to escape without drawing attention to the fact that there was at least one demon wolf free inside Silverdale. I have to escape, she told herself firmly. She'd had enough of being fodder for Travers’ army. And the way that army had just been felled, she couldn't imagine there would be much stopping her from returning to the compound to collect what belonged to her. The last she had seen of Travers, he had finally joined what remained of his army inside Silverdale for one last attempt to break through. She had no doubt that whatever had become of the demon wolves, he would share their fate. I hope they make him suffer, Billy thought angrily, remembering all the times he'd beaten and tortured her, how he had pinned her down in the fires of hell just to make her into the demon wolf she was today, how he had made her life a living hell from the moment she had run into his little recruiters on a stupid early morning run outside the community boundary. If only Silverdale had been more of a home to her, maybe none of this would have happened. Deciding it was best not to linger on the past, Billy dropped down onto the nearby couch with a huff and tried to think of just how the hell she was going to get out of Silverdale. Already she could imagine Dash and the rest of his pack lurking up and down the streets, looking for anyone who might have slipped through the net. A shiver passed through her at the thought of what they might do if they found her here. Would they even recognize me? she wondered though as soon as she thought it, she guessed not. It had been four years and she hadn't exactly ingratiated herself in pack life, following in her dear departed father's footsteps and staying on the outskirts to avoid being picked on as the lowest of the low within the hierarchy. Maybe if she had gotten herself more involved, they might have come to rescue her, maybe they could have saved her from all the suffering she had endured. Maybe he might have bothered to come looking for her. No, don't think about him, Billy ordered herself. She couldn't afford to get lost in thoughts of anything save for escaping Silverdale. Her life lay outside these walls, not with the wolf who had been the very reason she had felt the need to run outside the community bounds in the first place. The sound of raised voices coming from outside the apartment building made Billy rise to her

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