Dancing with the Devil Cover Image

Dancing with the Devil

Author/Uploaded by Emma Brady

Emma Brady About 52,500 words
 [email protected]
 Phone Number
 This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
 First edition. April 25, 2023.
 Copyright © 2023 Emma Brady.
 ISBN: 979-8215247006

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Emma Brady About 52,500 words
 [email protected]
 Phone Number
 This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
 First edition. April 25, 2023.
 Copyright © 2023 Emma Brady.
 ISBN: 979-8215247006
 Written by Emma Brady.
 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
 Table of Contents
 Title Page
 Copyright Page
 Dancing with the Devil | Devilish Donovans | by Emma Brady
 Chapter 1
 Chapter 2
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5
 Chapter 6
 Chapter 7
 Chapter 8
 Chapter 9
 Chapter 10
 Chapter 11
 Chapter 12
 Chapter 13
 Chapter 14
 Chapter 15
 Chapter 16
 Chapter 17
 Chapter 18
 Chapter 19
 Chapter 20
 Chapter 21
 Chapter 22
 Chapter 23
 Chapter 24
 Chapter 25
 Chapter 26
 Sign up for Emma Brady's Mailing List
 Also By Emma Brady
 To the guy in highschool who inspired this story. Be careful what you wish for.
 Dancing with the Devil
 Devilish Donovans
 by Emma Brady
 Chapter 1
 1890, New York City 
 The dazzling lights from the new Donovan hotel could be seen miles down the street. They were almost blinding as Rebecca O’Hare stepped from her carriage. She pulled her woolen shawl tighter around her bare shoulders as she felt the chill of the April air against her skin. She pretended that was the reason she was feeling goosebumps. 
 “Becca,” she heard the gruff Irish accent of Sean Donovan, matriarch of the family and father of the new hotel’s owner. “Come, quickly, or you will get lost in the crush.”
 It was the hotel’s grand opening, and it appeared as if the entire city of New York had turned out. Only the elite had been given invitations to the ball inside, but that didn’t stop people from crowding the sidewalks outside to watch. The masses of people were enough to cause trouble for the carriages attempting to travel the streets, and the police were trying their best to control the situation. 
 “Robert did always enjoy making a spectacle of things,” said Sean, his cinnamon-colored mustache twitching at the mention of his youngest son. 
 It had been five years since Becca last saw Robert, but that was an accurate description of the boy she remembered. He had always been the most dramatic of the Donovan boys and prone to causing mischief. The last night she saw him he had attempted to ruin her engagement party to his brother. 
 “He has certainly outdone himself tonight,” Becca answered the older gentlemen, who took her by the arm and was attempting to help guide her to the hotel entrance. “It must have cost him a fortune.”
 “He can afford it.” 
 “Did he make that much money out west?” 
 When Robert was sent away for embarrassing the family at the young age of nineteen, he went to go live with his uncle on a ranch in Kansas. Since then, Becca had only heard bits and pieces about his life from his mother, who was best friends with her mother. No one knew how he found the investors he had recruited to build this hotel, but rumor was they had very deep pockets and had been generous with their young partner. 
 “He did far better than expected,” his father said with a grunt. 
 Becca tried not to frown at that comment. The family and society had always expected so very little from the youngest Donovan boy. Even as children. Christopher was expected to take over the family business in the railroad. Brandon was the adventurer and was going to help them expand into shipping. Robert was the one that thought would never find a good work ethic and simply live off the family name. He had proven them wrong. 
 “I didn’t think he was going to come back,” Becca confessed to the man. “After what happened that night at the party, I thought he might be too embarrassed to return home.”
 “It was not my intention to banish him from the island, just to teach him a little humility. It appears I failed.” 
 Sean looked upwards and when Becca followed his gaze, she saw the brightly colored sign with flickering lightbulbs spelling out the name Donovan. 
 “He’s not good at subtlety.” 
 Sean continued to push their way through the crowded lobby and back toward the grand ballroom. Becca could feel her mouth drop open as she looked at the luxurious inside of the hotel. It felt modern, with all of the electric bulbs, but also classic in the taste of the rugs and furniture. This was an establishment intended to please the wealthy. 
 “My wife is waiting inside with Christopher,” Sean told her. “I thought it best if I came outside to meet you. We were so glad that you accepted our invitation. We have missed seeing you recently.” 
 Becca didn’t know how to answer. She had been in a mourning period the last six months, since Brandon’s ship was found, or what was left of it. He had been lost at sea for years, but she always held on to hope he would be found. Instead, all the found was the shipwreck on the coast of Mexico. He had been declared legally dead, even without a body, and she was devastated about losing her fiancé. 
 “We were shook up about the news as well. My poor wife barely wanted to leave the house. To lose such a vibrant young man...”
 She could hear him beginning to choke on his own words and gave his arm a reassuring squeeze. It had been a hard blow for both families. 
 “Becca, darling!” That was the exclamation of MaeveMaeve Donovan, Sean’s wife.
 MaeveMaeve was wearing a dark gray satin gown with red

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