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Dark World

Author/Uploaded by Nathan Hystad

Contents TITLE PAGE Copyright © 2023 Join Nathan's Newsletter PART ONE: OLD FRIENDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART TWO: THE COUNTDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PART THREE: MOVING PIECES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PART FOUR: THE SURPRISE 1 2 3 4 5 Below Us (The Abyss Book One) Guide Contents Start of Content Copyright © 2023 Nathan Hystad All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or tra...

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Contents TITLE PAGE Copyright © 2023 Join Nathan's Newsletter PART ONE: OLD FRIENDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PART TWO: THE COUNTDOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PART THREE: MOVING PIECES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PART FOUR: THE SURPRISE 1 2 3 4 5 Below Us (The Abyss Book One) Guide Contents Start of Content Copyright © 2023 Nathan Hystad All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Cover art: J Caleb Design Edited by: Christen Hystad Edited by: Scarlett R Algee Proofed and Formatted by: BZ Hercules Keep up to date with his new releases by signing up for his Newsletter at www.nathanhystad.com And get Lights Over Cloud Lake for FREE! Nathan’s books are also available on Audible! PART ONE OLD FRIENDS 1 6:39 P.M. June 26th, 1986 “With a wave, Charity watched Ambrose roll away in his carriage, and out of her life. But never her heart.” Tilly closed the hardcover, and the people stuffed into the crowded bookstore applauded. Bones grinned ear to ear, his palms slapping with blatant enthusiasm. “Wasn’t that great? Isn’t she wonderful?” Cindy rolled her eyes. “Settle down, Bones. It’s just a book.” Tilly stayed at the makeshift podium, her gaze drifting over the crowd before landing on our group. She brightened and spoke into the microphone. “Any questions?” A dozen hands flew into the air, and she gestured at an old woman in the front row. “Hello… my name’s Mary.” “Hi, Mary.” “Why didn’t Charity mention her torrid love affair with Bennet? Bella Ables always returned to that first hot summer in her books because no one ever lived up to him, in my opinion. Not even this Ambrose fellow. Was there a reason, or did the editors not fill you in on the backstory?” Mary asked, her tone curt. Tilly’s eyes widened, but she kept her composure. Working as a nurse at the hospital had given her ample opportunity to deal with challenging patients and family members. “Actually, I left him out for the next in the series.” Mary’s posture changed, and she seemed to relax. “Bennet’s making an appearance? Older and more experienced?” Tilly laughed, but didn’t give anything away. “That’s all I can say for now. Anyone else?” We lingered at the side of the reading while Tilly went through the motions, and after twenty more minutes, her agent told the room that Tilly had an important meeting, and thanked everyone for coming. The store began to empty out, with Tilly having signed their copies prior to the reading. The door opened as the last of the crowd dispersed, and in walked Kim, her expression grim. I met her near the non-fiction section. “What is it?” Bones and Cindy remained with Tilly, chatting loudly. “I located the ship,” Kim said. “You did? Tonight?” She nodded and unfolded a map. “It’s here.” Kim tapped the paper, indicating a spot in Red Rock Canyon. “You’re sure?” I don’t know why I bothered asking. Kim had already successfully found three more Guides, then ships, and subsequently, we’d sent more of the aliens on their way from Earth. “Positive.” “And the Spheres?” I peered through the window. We’d spent the last week gathering seven of them in the state, and each was more than ready to leave our world. “In the van, waiting.” It pained me to break up the big night for Tilly. “Guys, we have news.” Tilly gestured at a stack of books. “Elliot, I signed one for your mom.” She passed it to me, and I opened the flap. To Lorraine. Keep shining bright. – Tilly Anderson “Thanks,” I said. “Don’t tell me you’re still mad at her,” Tilly muttered. Since learning my Uncle Taylor was alive, and that my parents lied to me about it, our relationship had been strained. It was amicable for the most part, but I couldn’t shake the layer of resentment I felt whenever I spoke with them. Living in Vegas with Kim and Bones had helped the situation, since it offered space. “It’s not that…” “Then what?” Tilly asked. “Buzz insisted we find Taylor’s secret laboratory, and we’ve come up empty. They won’t allow visitation at the prison, and time’s running precariously low. You remember what the President said,” I told them. “We have a year… or should I say, had a year. Now we’re down to three months.” “We’ll figure it out,” Kim advised. “You guys ready for dinner?” Bones suggested. “I know a great Italian place nearby.” His mohawk had returned in all its glory, this time with a streak of blue. Bones looked like my friend again, and it did wonders for his self-esteem. “We can’t,” Kim said. “We have a delivery to make.” She peered at Tilly’s agent, who was speaking with the store manager near the register. She didn’t know anything about the Spheres or Travelers, and that was for the best. “Tonight?” Bones sighed. “I thought we were hanging with Tilly.” Tilly linked her arm through his. “We will. Let’s free the Esol and come back in time for a late dinner.” Bones shoved his hands into his pockets. “Fine, but I’m ordering appetizers.” “Tracy, I’m going with my friends. Catch you at the hotel later?” Tilly said. “Sure.” Tracy smiled at the manager. “Cliff offered to show me around town.” We left them to it, and I grimaced when I noticed the Spheres in the van glowing like fireflies. “Can they not do that?” I protested. This

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