Eluding Eyla Cover Image

Eluding Eyla

Author/Uploaded by Miss Renae; Lady Scarlett

Chapter 1 I push open the doors to the Cauldron, my favorite local bar with one thought on my mind. If this is my last night as a free woman, I’m going to need a stiff drink. Stale beer and sweat assault my nose, the sour smell familiar and welcoming. I’ve been coming here since I was sixteen and for the past few years, Rick–the owner–has been the father figure Willow and I never had. He’s gi...

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Chapter 1 I push open the doors to the Cauldron, my favorite local bar with one thought on my mind. If this is my last night as a free woman, I’m going to need a stiff drink. Stale beer and sweat assault my nose, the sour smell familiar and welcoming. I’ve been coming here since I was sixteen and for the past few years, Rick–the owner–has been the father figure Willow and I never had. He’s given us what we’ve needed most: a place where we feel safe.When the Friday night regulars greet me as I enter, I toss them a friendly wave.“How are you doing, Eyla? Where is your other half?” Rick asks, while pouring a beer.“She’s at home, avoiding the inevitable. Tomorrow is the wedding from hell,” I grumble, plopping down on the squeaky bar stool. I always knew I would have to marry someone worthy of the Gemini name. Even though he’s worthy, I hate the idea of being tied down to anyone. I’m a free spirit and the marriage feels like I’m losing a part of myself that scares me more than I care to admit. I just never realized how much I’d have to sacrifice, being a Gemini twin. But it’s our destiny. We harbor the powers of those that came before us, which basically means we have no say in the matter. Yeah, I call bullshit. Rick stops to give me his full attention, raising an eyebrow. He whistles long and low before replying. “Well then, you need something stronger than a beer.” Since our birth, he has known Willow and I would be married when we turned twenty-one. In fact, my mother arranged the whole shindig in our late father’s honor. Said we needed to be at our full strength by the time we came of age. I groan, rubbing a hand down my face. I’m not supposed to be thinking about what will happen next. Rick fills the shaker with ice and pours in a hefty amount of my favorite whiskey. With a snap of his fingers, the shaker levitates and jiggles around. He grabs a glass, directing the shaker to pour the chilled amber liquid before sliding it across the bar top to me. I take a long swig before setting the near-empty glass back down. The alcohol warms my belly, helping to ease some of the built-up tension.“Okay, kid. Give it to me straight. Are you going through with it?” Rick bluntly asks.“What other choice do we have?”The front door bells chime, sending a gust of crisp evening air through the bar. A prickle of unease travels down my spine, but all thoughts go out the window when I see a man I’ve never seen before walking toward us. The type of man your mama warns you to stay away from. Just my type.Bingo. Distraction.He’s wearing a leather jacket and scuffed-up biker boots. Dark brown shaggy hair hangs in front of crystal blue eyes. Eyes I could get lost in, if just for a night. Mr. Bad Boy props himself against the bar top on my right. “Scotch. Neat,” he says to Rick before his eyes lazily swing my way. His sandalwood cologne is almost too strong and lies heavy in the air, but I ignore that too.“Like what you see? I do,” I purr, downing the rest of my drink. My eyes intentionally trail down his body, leaning forward to give him something to look at. It works, of course. Sucker. They fall for it every time. “Sweetheart, you don’t want to be messin’ around with Kai here,” Rick cautions, setting down a glass for my new companion. Rick’s warning goes in one ear and out the other. I’m already lost in Kai’s enchanting blue eyes. His chuckle is low and deep–fucking sexy–showing off a set of dazzling teeth. I know I should heed Rick’s warning–he has never steered me wrong before–but I honestly don’t give a damn right now. I’m determined to live my last night of freedom dangerously.Hopping off the bar stool, I head to the makeshift dance floor, swaying my hips to the beat of some early two-thousand hip-hop track.To the window, to the wall…I point along with the lyrics and suddenly feel the heat of someone leaning over me, the sandalwood scent consuming me. My belly tightens with anticipation as his large hand skims over my hips. I press myself into him, my curves molding to his hardness. Sweat drips down my back and chest but it isn’t until I notice how dry my throat is that I realize I’ve completely lost track of time. Breaking away from him, I head over to the bar for refreshments.Rick passes me a can of Coke while shooting a disapproving look my way. I feel guilty that I’m not listening to him, but I need this—a chance at escapism, just for one night. I make a promise to myself not to exchange numbers with the guy after, and I won’t give him my name.Popping open the can, I take a sip and settle back onto my stool. I’m ready to go. I hope Kai is too. He’s been ready since we started dancing, so it shouldn’t take much convincing.“You know, I never actually got your name, love,” Kai says. He leans an elbow on the bar and focuses all his attention on me–the sort of attention most girls would swoon over. He chuckles and gives me a mischievous grin, and just like that, the butterflies in my stomach kick into overdrive. A split second later, I begin to wonder what the hell I’m doing. But I tease him anyway.“That’s because I didn’t give you my name, Kai,” I say, dragging out his name.Kai places a hand on my forearm and closes the gap. “I can oblige. If you can handle me.” “Where?” My voice is breathy as I get lost in the idea of handling him. I smile at the mental image.He takes my hand and leads me

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