From Fear (Princes of the Blood Book 4) Cover Image

From Fear (Princes of the Blood Book 4)

Author/Uploaded by Megan Derr

Fifteen years ago, several wolf pups were kidnapped by poachers to be illegally sold abroad. They were rescued by a Prince of the Blood, and the Wolves of the Moon vowed the debt would someday be repaid. Now of age, wolf Ilkay Thrace is determined to fulfill that vow. Before he can, though, the Wolves' home high in the peaks of Dragon Claw Mountain is ravaged by an earthquake that reveals an anc...

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Fifteen years ago, several wolf pups were kidnapped by poachers to be illegally sold abroad. They were rescued by a Prince of the Blood, and the Wolves of the Moon vowed the debt would someday be repaid. Now of age, wolf Ilkay Thrace is determined to fulfill that vow. Before he can, though, the Wolves' home high in the peaks of Dragon Claw Mountain is ravaged by an earthquake that reveals an ancient, forgotten temple—and awakens something dark and terrible in its depths. Now, instead of repaying their debt, the Wolves must once again ask the King's Legion for help.Despite the time that has passed since the Legion was nearly wiped out, their greatest strength, the Princes of the Blood, remain few. It is one of their newest, Prince Dalibor, who is sent to evaluate and assist the Wolves. But Dalibor is born of a demon of wrath, his greatest power the ability to drive all living beings out of their minds with rage and fear. He is brash, loud, and reckless, even by the standards of the Legion, and the very last person that should be going into dark, treacherous caves containing ancient evil. From FearPrinces of the Blood 4By Megan DerrPublished by Megan DerrAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.Edited by Samantha M. DerrCover designed by Aisha AkejuThis book is a work of fiction and all names, characters, places, and incidents are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.First Edition February 2023Copyright © 2023 by Megan DerrPrinted in the United States of America DisasterThe moon was high, and Ilkay was hungry.He ran through the evergreen woods with relish, chasing the promising scent of a stag. His companions fanned out on either side of him, so they could take it in a pincer when they caught up to it. Snow and dirt flew up beneath his paws, hot breaths clouding the air. The woods were silent, save for the running of the wolves, everything in it hoping not to draw their attention and wind up as dinner.They caught up to the stag in a small glen, forming a circle and closing in. The stag moved restlessly, shrieked in fear, but had the sense not to try to run—alas, because the chase was the best part.Ilkay surged in and took it by the throat, one hard bite enough to snap the neck. Blood, hot and sweet, filled his mouth. He growled and released the stag, let it fall, then tore it open right down the middle of the gut. Blood and organs spilled out, steaming in the cold. Though he would have preferred to linger, savor, there were others in need of food and much yet to do that night. Ilkay took his fill quickly and moved out of the way, so the rest of his hunting pack could feast.As the smell of blood and fresh meat faded, and wolves licked their muzzles clean, Ilkay gave a soft yip to signal it was time to return home. The other wolves acknowledged the order with yips and head shakes, and Ilkay turned, plunging back into the evergreens to lead them home.Other hunting packs merged with them along the way, the sound of their panting filling the night air, misting breaths like puffs of smoke.As they broke the tree line and crested a low hill, the village came into view: sprawling, neither small nor large, the home of the Wolves of the Moon for as long as they'd lived in Tria Noor. They were tucked high and deep in the peaks of Dragon Claw Mountain, where few dared to tread for fear of the Wolves and the many other monsters that roamed.This was their domain, where not even the King's Legion dared to venture—except once. Just once. When a fresh-made Prince of the Blood had returned Ilkay and four other pups after they'd been captured by poachers. By filthy humans who had learned the hard way not to take what did not belong to them.Ilkay ran down the hill and across the valley, through the enormous stone gates of the wall that protected the village. People milled around, Wolves and Wolfkin, humans who had found a home amongst them. Lit braziers were scattered about for the humans, and the village bustled with activity, as the Wolves preferred a nocturnal life.Wolves greeted him with yips and short, sharp howls, his pack steadily falling off as they went to greet friends and family. He lingered at the second to last stop, bidding a longer farewell to Göksu, one of his closest friends, and one of the kidnapped pups. He shifted as he did so, going from an enormous white and gray wolf to a man who looked exactly like his father: a tall, lithe but muscled figure with silver-threaded black hair, dusky skin, and a hunter's teeth even in this weaker form. The only major difference between them was that his father's eyes were holy blue, and Ilkay's were blood red. They were rare in the Wolves, his blood red eyes, but no one yet knew why he had been gifted them when everyone else in his line had the blue eyes bestowed by the Moon Herself.He pulled on the clothes waiting for him: fitted pants, sturdy winter boots lined with rabbit fur, a long-sleeved homespun shirt he quickly laced at the throat before lacing his sleeves at the wrists as well. Though the cold did not bother Wolves as quickly or severely as it did humans, still he shrugged into a fur wrap and belted it down before ending with fingerless leather gloves.His father, Egemen, joined him as he left the house again, arms crossed idly across his chest, smells of food and sex and mead wafting off him. "Ilkay, welcome home. You're back sooner than expected.""The hunt was good.""I'm glad. Walk with me," Egemen

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