His Mafia Master Cover Image

His Mafia Master

Author/Uploaded by Leo Rivers

His Mafia Master Leo Rivers Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Leo Rivers. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents 1. Joey 2. Marco 3. Joey 4. Joey 5. Joey 6. Joey 7. Joey 8. Joey 9. Marco 10. Joey 11. Joey 12. Joey 13. Joey 14. Marco 15. Joey 16. Joey 17. Joe...

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His Mafia Master Leo Rivers Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Leo Rivers. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents 1. Joey 2. Marco 3. Joey 4. Joey 5. Joey 6. Joey 7. Joey 8. Joey 9. Marco 10. Joey 11. Joey 12. Joey 13. Joey 14. Marco 15. Joey 16. Joey 17. Joey 18. Marco 19. EPILOGUE Chapter one JoeyThe steam hissed from the espresso machine as Joey, with practiced hands, swirled the milk into a perfect rosetta on the latte. He slid the cup across the counter to Mrs. Henderson, flashing her a smile. "Here you go, Mrs. Henderson. Enjoy!""Thank you, hon," she replied, returning his smile. "You always make it so pretty."Joey chuckled and turned back to the line of waiting customers, wiping his hands on his apron. He prided himself on his work ethic and ability to connect with the regulars at the cozy coffee shop that was the Java Jive. As he scanned the line, he caught sight of a familiar face who came in every morning before work: Tom. Joey knew him well: he always ordered a black coffee, no sugar.And unfortunately, Joey also knew that Tom always asked for something other than his order…Joey's heart sank as Tom approached the counter. "Hey there, cutie," Tom said, leaning over the counter and giving Joey a sly smile. "You're looking good today."Joey forced a smile, already uncomfortable. "Thanks, Tom. What can I get for you?""Just a black coffee for me…"Oh, thank god. But before Joey could relax, Tom continued. "But I'm hoping for a little extra on the side," he said. Just in case Joey didn't get what he was putting down, he followed it with a suggestive wink.Joey's stomach churned. He took a deep breath. "One black coffee, coming up."Tom shrugged, unfazed. "Suit yourself," he said, swiping his credit card to pay for his coffee. "But just so you know, I can make it worth your while." He looked at the nearly-empty tip jar, and grinned. "You could use the extra cash, right?"God, this guy! He was shameless, he was sleazy, and…And he was right.Joey's face flushed with anger. "Here's your coffee," he said, keeping his voice even.Tom was too shameless to care. "You always make it just right." He slid his business card across the counter, tapping his phone number with one finger. "See you tomorrow—or maybe tonight, if you wise up and give me a call." As Joey watched Tom leave, he wanted to scream. The worst part was that Tom was right. He was barely making ends meet.A barista job didn't exactly pay well—and that was even without taking Joey's dad and his addiction into the equation…As if he was watching from a distance, Joey watched his hand stretch forward to pick up Tom's business card.With one little call, I might be able to keep the lights on, or fix my crapsack car, or help out Dad…Joey picked up the card, and dropped it into the trash.No. Busting his ass making coffees and mopping floors all day was hard work for little reward, but there was a line he wouldn't cross.Yet.The bell at the door jingled again. As Joey turned to greet the next customer, the Java Jive's door swung open, and a gust of wind ushered in a man who seemed to command the attention of everyone in the room.The man—tall, dark-haired, broad-shouldered—entered with a confident stride, his tailored suit hugging his toned body perfectly. The low murmur of conversation in the coffee shop dwindled as heads turned to look. The normal clientele of the Java Jive was soccer moms and harried workers trying to grab enough caffeine to stay awake as they headed to their soul-destroying jobs. This man didn't look like either.Joey couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach as he looked at the man. He had never been attracted to someone so dangerous-looking before, but there was something undeniably alluring about him. If all his regulars looked like this, Joey's workday might be a little nicer.The man's dark hair was slicked back, and his piercing blue eyes swept over the room, taking in every detail. Joey felt his cheeks flush as the man's gaze landed on him, and he quickly looked away, feeling self-conscious. He shook off the feeling and forced a smile. "Hi there! What can I get for you today?""I'm looking for Joey Moore."Hearing his name fall from the stranger's lips sent a jolt through Joey's chest, causing his heart to race. He tried to maintain a professional demeanor, but his hands trembled ever so slightly. The hell? Why would this man be asking for him? It was impossible. They'd never met before—Joey would remember, that was for sure.This wasn't the sort of man who came to the Java Jive.But… this was the sort of man that Joey was used to seeing somewhere else. When he hauled his dad out of gambling dens and shady casinos at night. When men came knocking at their door, with messages for his dad…Yeah, that was one situation where he did see men like these. Joey's eyes narrowed. "That's me," he responded, trying to keep his voice steady. "Can I help you with something?""I'm Marco. Marco King." The man—Marco—removed his sunglasses, revealing piercing gray eyes that seemed to see straight into Joey's soul. "We need to talk. Privately."Crap. That wasn't good. "Is my dad okay?""Depends on what you mean by fine." Marco jerked his head to the side, out of the store. "Let's talk."Somewhere private, Joey thought. Somewhere I can get shaken down—or worse.But what option did he have?"Alright," Joey agreed reluctantly, casting a nervous glance at his coworkers, who were watching the exchange with concern. If this man was trouble, he didn't want him around the regulars. "Just give me a moment."He stepped away from the counter and led Marco out the coffee shop,

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