His Mafia Prince Cover Image

His Mafia Prince

Author/Uploaded by Leo Rivers

His Mafia Prince (Toscano Doms #1) Leo Rivers Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Leo Rivers All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents 1. Sebastian 2. Sebastian 3. Sebastian 4. Sebastian 5. Angelo 6. Angelo 7. Sebastian 8. Sebastian 9. Sebastian 10. Angelo 11. An...

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His Mafia Prince (Toscano Doms #1) Leo Rivers Copyright Copyright © 2023 by Leo Rivers All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. Contents 1. Sebastian 2. Sebastian 3. Sebastian 4. Sebastian 5. Angelo 6. Angelo 7. Sebastian 8. Sebastian 9. Sebastian 10. Angelo 11. Angelo 12. Sebastian 13. Angelo 14. Sebastian 15. Sebastian 16. Sebastian 17. Angelo 18. Epilogue Chapter one SebastianSebastian Wellington glanced at the clock again, watching the seconds tick away like the last grains of sand in an hourglass. There was only ten minutes left of the criminology lecture he had spent weeks preparing for, yet his students were already glazed over, phones peeking out from under desks and keys tapping away. Sebastian stood at the front of the lecture hall, animatedly discussing the intricacies of the criminal mind. He gestured enthusiastically, his eyes lit up with passion for the topic."Now, when we examine the psychological factors that contribute to criminal behavior," Sebastian said, his voice full of energy, "we see…?"He paused, waiting for an answer.None came. His students were looking down, some yawning, others checking their watches. Ouch. Sebastian's excitement faltered. He continued, trying to engage them with questions. "What do you think motivates criminals to commit violent acts? Anyone?"There was only silence. He pressed on, trying to infuse more enthusiasm into his voice. "The criminal mind is a fascinating subject, with complex nuances that we're just beginning to understand. It's a field ripe for exploration, with countless avenues for research and insight..."But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears. Some students were already packing up their bags, ready to leave as soon as the lecture was over.With a sigh, Sebastian snapped his laser pointer off and tossed it onto the desk, the little red dot fading on a slide of crime scene photos. "That's it for today. Please remember your papers on the Zodiac Killer are due next week. Dismissed."As students shuffled out, a few shooting him grateful smiles, Sebastian slumped into his chair and ran a hand through his hair. Why did he even bother? He knew that it wasn't your typical, run-of-the-mill subject, but that's what fascinated him the most. It was human to stare into the shadows, to be drawn to what you knew was wrong.But apparently kids these days had better things to think about. Memes, he supposed.As the students filed out of the lecture hall, Sebastian collected his notes and remained behind for a moment, feeling deflated. He had poured his heart into the lecture, but it seemed like his students were just eager to go home.One student, Jessica, approached him tentatively. "Professor, I have a quick question," she said, her tone polite but distant.Sebastian brightened at the opportunity for interaction. "Of course, Jessica. What's your question?" he asked, eager to engage with a student."Will any of that be on the exam?"Oh. His heart sank. "No, that was just for a greater overview of the—"Jessica brightened, immediately cheered. "Cool! Thanks.""Sebastian, darling, don't be so hard on yourself." Rosalie said when he got back to the staffroom after class. Ms. Rosalie Devereaux, the terror of many a political science student, gave him a supportive smile. "You're brilliant, and you know it.""Thanks for the ego boost, Rosie," Sebastian responded. He sighed. "But the truth is, I feel like I'm drowning here. The money's not great, the kids don't care, and I just... I don't know if this is what I really want.""Have you thought about looking for another job? Or maybe writing a book?" Rosalie asked earnestly, perching herself on the edge of his desk. "People love to read about gory crimes—more than they love to read about international statecraft, that's for sure.""Who would want to read a book by me?" Sebastian rubbed his tired eyes. "And right now, I can barely grade my classwork.""I guess it wouldn't solve all of your problems."That sounded innocent enough, but he knew what it meant. Sebastian stopped rubbing his eyes to glare at her. Rosalie only gave him a cheeky smile."My non-existent love life is none of your business," Sebastian admitted, feeling a flush creep up his neck."But it might cheer you up! You're a good man, Sebastian. You're a catch—even if your field of study is super gross."Sebastian decided to let that slide. Rosalie had approximately eleven billion relatives, friends, and Facebook followers, and as far as Sebastian could tell, her favorite hobby was pairing them up like dolls. "It's been years since I've had anything close to a relationship. I think I've forgotten how to date, Rosie.""Sebastian," Rosalie sighed, taking his hand. "You can't find love if you don't put yourself out there. Maybe you should try online dating… or go to a gay bar?""Maybe," he shrugged half-heartedly, knowing full well he wouldn't follow through on either suggestion. "I appreciate your concern, Rosie, but right now, I need to focus on getting through each day.""Alright, but promise me you'll think about it," Rosalie insisted, squeezing his hand before standing up. "Now, let's eat before you crash. You look like you could use the energy.""Fine, fine," Sebastian agreed with a small smile, his mood lifting slightly in the presence of his friend. "I brought in something from that Thai place around the corner. I've been looking forward to it all day.""There's nothing that a good Pad Thai can't fix!"That turned out to be incorrect.As Sebastian opened the fridge, his heart sank. His lunch was nowhere to be found. Again. He turned to glare at Arthur's empty seat. When Sebastian had first joined the college, full of hope and excitement, he had proudly displayed a small rainbow flag on his desk. Everyone he'd spoken to throughout the hiring process had mentioned how inclusive the college was.Well, they hadn't included Arthur Kingman in that. When Sebastian had returned to his office after his first class, he'd found his rainbow flag discarded in the

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