Hit Parade of Tears Cover Image

Hit Parade of Tears

Author/Uploaded by Izumi Suzuki

 Izumi Suzuki
 Translated by Sam Bett, David Boyd,Helen O’Horan, and Daniel Joseph
 First published by Verso 2023
 The stories here appeared originally in Japanese in Keiyaku: Suzuki Izumi Sf Zenshū(Covenant: The Complete Science Fiction of Izumi Suzuki), by Suzuki Izumi
 Collection co...

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 Izumi Suzuki
 Translated by Sam Bett, David Boyd,Helen O’Horan, and Daniel Joseph
 First published by Verso 2023
 The stories here appeared originally in Japanese in Keiyaku: Suzuki Izumi Sf Zenshū(Covenant: The Complete Science Fiction of Izumi Suzuki), by Suzuki Izumi
 Collection copyright © 2014 by Suzuki Azusa
 Originally published in Japan by BUNYU-SHA Inc.
 English translation rights arranged with BUNYU-SHA Inc. through the Sakai Agency
 Translation of “My Guy” and “Trial Witch” © Sam Bett 2023
 Translation of “Full of Malice” and “Hey, It’s a Love Psychedelic!” © David Boyd 2023
 Translation of “Hit Parade of Tears,” “I’ll Never Forget,” and“Memory of Water” © Helen O’Horan 2023
 Translation of “After Everything,” “The Covenant,” “Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise,” and“The Walker” © Daniel Joseph 2023
 All rights reserved
 The moral rights of the author and translators have been asserted
 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
 UK: 6 Meard Street, London W1F 0EG
 US: 388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11217
 Verso is the imprint of New Left Books
 ISBN-13: 978-1-83976-849-1
 ISBN-13: 978-1-83976-019-8 (US EBK)
 ISBN-13: 978-1-83976-018-1 (UK EBK)
 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
 Names: Suzuki, Izumi, 1949–1986, author. | Bett, Sam, 1986– translator. | Boyd, David (David G.), translator. | O’Horan, Helen, translator. | Joseph, Daniel (Translator), translator.
 Title: Hit parade of tears : stories / Izumi Suzuki ; translated by Sam Bett, David Boyd, Helen O’Horan, and Daniel Joseph.
 Other titles: Keiyaku. English
 Description: London ; New York : Verso, 2023. | Originally published in Japanese under title Keiyaku: Suzuki Izumi Sf Zenshū (Covenant: The Complete Science Fiction of Suzuki Izumi).
 Identifiers: LCCN 2022054487 (print) | LCCN 2022054488 (ebook) | ISBN 9781839768491 (paperback) | ISBN 9781839760198 (US ebk) | ISBN 9781839760181 (UK ebk)
 Subjects: LCSH: Suzuki, Izumi, 1949–1986—Translations into English. | LCGFT: Science fiction. | Fantasy fiction. | Short stories.
 Classification: LCC PL861.U9265 K4513 2023 (print) | LCC PL861.U9265 (ebook) | DDC 895.63/5—dc23/eng/20221221
 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022054487
 LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2022054488
 Typeset in Electra by Hewer Text UK Ltd, Edinburgh
 Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY
 My Guy
 Trial Witch
 Full of Malice
 Hey, It’s a Love Psychedelic!
 After Everything
 The Covenant
 The Walker
 Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise
 Memory of Water
 I’ll Never Forget
 Hit Parade of Tears
 The first time I saw him, he was in a phone booth near Shibuya Station, but I never would have found him if that creep hadn’t been chasing me.
 This was years ago. I was way prettier and cuter than I am now (obviously!) and had a bad-girl image that made sense for my age. I wanted every man on Earth to stop and look at me. It was an all-consuming task. I was no girl next door, I’ll give you that, but it’s a lot of work to walk around in five-inch heels, tripled-up eyelashes, and a miniskirt with a deep slit in the front. My friends called me “The Blondster,” because of my bleached hair. In one lap around the station, I could expect to get hit on by at least seven different men. The record for one lap was fourteen.
 “Hey, want to grab a cup of tea?”
 I say hit on, but these guys were wimps. (They assumed I was easy, as if any old pickup line would do.) All I wanted was to capture their attention. And maybe revel in a mixture of contempt and anger while I was at it. If I was going to say anything, it would’ve been: “Look, guys, I’m not that kind of girl, so why don’t you just stand there, have a think, and come up with a better line?”
 Instead, I’d turn up my nose, strut my stuff, and keep on moving.
 That day, though, things went differently than usual.
 This guy was pushy, a real creeper. He wouldn’t stop following me. “Hey, come on, babe, let’s grab a drink. Just give me thirty minutes,” he said, sounding all carefree, as if he could have kept it up all night. His eyes were dead, like they were made of glass.
 I tried speeding up, or running, or going into a café, but he followed me and showed no sign of discouragement. Running past the Toei Theater, I swerved toward a phone booth. I was going to call the cops. By that point I was really freaking out.
 But somebody was already inside. I hadn’t noticed him because he was sitting on the floor, like a vagrant slumped on the Bowery. When I opened the door, he looked at me like I was an intruder. Lunar eyes staring through the darkness.
 “Um, excuse me?” I said, in a voice that sounded hysterically shrill. “Sorry, but I’d like to make a call.”
 No answer.
 With the awe of a young child bumping up against the world for the first time, he blinked his mineral-white eyes at me, this random girl (remember, I was a girl at the time) who had thrown open the door.
 “Get out of here, will you? Or help me scare that creep away!”
 I was yelling now, I’d lost it. I stormed off, disregarding my absurdly high heels as I ran into the night. It’d have been different if I’d been in sweatpants, but dressed like that, I was out of breath in no time and had to stop to rest under a footbridge. My heels were honestly about to snap.
 When I turned around, the creep was gone.
 But in his place, the guy from the phone booth was standing inches from my face, the way people sneak up on you in a horror movie. I shrieked.
 The guy just stood there quietly, with this sort of puzzled look on his

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