How to Lose at Love Cover Image

How to Lose at Love

Author/Uploaded by SARA NEY

copyright Copyright © 2023 by Sara Ney Editing by Caitlyn Nelson Proofreading/Editing Emily A. Lawrence Proofreading by Julia Griffis, Rachel Rumble & Shauna Casey Cover Design by Okay Creations Formatting by Casey Formatting All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material...

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copyright Copyright © 2023 by Sara Ney Editing by Caitlyn Nelson Proofreading/Editing Emily A. Lawrence Proofreading by Julia Griffis, Rachel Rumble & Shauna Casey Cover Design by Okay Creations Formatting by Casey Formatting All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems without "express " written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be resold or shared with other people. If you would like to share with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the "author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. contents 1. Dallas 2. Ryann 3. Dallas 4. Ryann 5. Dallas 6. Ryann 7. Dallas 8. Ryann 9. Dallas 10. Ryann 11. Dallas 12. Ryann 13. Dallas 14. Ryann 15. Dallas 16. Ryann 17. Dallas 18. Ryann 19. Dallas 20. Dallas 21. Ryann 22. Dallas 23. Ryann 24. Dallas 25. Ryann 26. Dallas 27. Ryann 28. Dallas 29. Ryann 30. Dallas 31. Ryann 32. Dallas 33. Ryann 34. Dallas 35. Ryann 36. Dallas 37. Ryann 38. Dallas 39. Ryann 40. Dallas 41. Ryann 42. Dallas 43. Ryann 44. Dallas 45. Ryann 46. Dallas 47. Ryann 48. Dallas 49. Ryann 50. Dallas Epilogue Bonus Epilogue About Sara Ney Also by Sara Ney dedication For every girl with a broken heart, there is a boy with a glue gun. He’s out there. Be patient. Also dedicated to S + A + M Three kick ass beauties who are going to break hearts. one dallas “The best way to start a relationship is not to start one at all.” – Dallas Colter “I don’t mean to sound like a cynic, but why are you datin’ her to begin with?” With my foot up on the locker room bench—the one directly in front of my cubby—I glance over at my teammate Diego, who’s standing beside me, his hands poised to grab the padding around his shoulders. He’s keen to spill his guts about some girl he’s dating, something about breaking up with her and blah blah fucking blah I don’t have time for his bellyaching. His face is scrunched up like he didn’t understand the question. “Why am I dating her to begin with?” He shrugs. “I dunno. I thought we’d have a ton of sex and it would be more fun.” “Fun? Banging the same chick all the time?” Honestly, I’m not banging anyone at all, so it’s not as if I have any room to talk. But still. That’s beside the point. I finish tying my sneakers, then rise to my full height. Smack Diego on his uniform chest plate with a smirk. “I said I thought we’d have tons of sex—I didn’t say we were having tons of sex.” “And how’s that workin’ out for you? Your dick fall off yet?” “It’s not working out.” He pulls at the waistband of his shorts and takes a look down the front. “And no, it hasn’t.” “Why ain’t it workin’ out?” Diego follows me to the drinking fountain where I intend to fill up my water bottle. He’s like a stray puppy who’s lost his way—or a pestering fly that won’t quit dive-bombing me. Too bad I can’t swat the bastard away. “There’s no chemistry.” That sounds like a him problem, not a Dallas problem. Still, I humor the guy, raising a brow, feigning interest. “Shouldn’t you have realized there was no chemistry after your first date?” I’m no expert, but that part seems obvious. “How the hell should I know? I’ve never had a girlfriend before!” His voice has risen an octave, panic across his brow. “You’ve never had a girlfriend before?” “No.” Now why on earth does this fact surprise me? It shouldn’t. Lots of my teammates haven’t had relationships. Being a serious athlete doesn’t leave much downtime, let alone time for dating. Fucking, yes. Dating, no. “Yeah, me neither.” I scowl at him because he hasn’t left my side and insists on breathing down my neck. “How long have the two of y’all been together?” “Two months.” Two months? Is he being serious? That’s not a relationship. That’s…that’s…dating. Or ‘seeing each other’, as some people say. I squint over at him. “And you’re sure she’s your girlfriend? That doesn’t seem like an awful long time. I got eggs in my fridge older than that.” “You have eggs older than that? That’s actually disgusting.” Diego laughs, watching as I fill my water bottle. I roll my eyes. “It was a metaphor.” “Dude, are you going to help me or not?” Without hesitating, I give him a firm “Not” before walking back to my cubby. I need to pack my shit up and get gone so I’m not late for my athletic trainer, Shelby, who hates it when I’m late. And I’m almost always late. As I’m stuffing things in my bag, Diego gets even closer, encroaching on my personal space with his nonsense. “You’re seriously not going to help me?” “Help you with what?” Here I am listening to his bullshit, the whining—what more does the dude want from me? I’m not a relationship counselor. Glancing up, I catch sight of myself in the small mirror inside my cubby,

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