Accidentally Married To The Boss Cover Image

Accidentally Married To The Boss

Author/Uploaded by Layla Valentine

ACCIDENTALLY MARRIED TO THE BOSS LAYLA VALENTINE CONTENTS Copyright 1. Cam 2. Lana 3. Cam 4. Lana 5. Cam 6. Lana 7. Lana 8. Cam 9. Lana 10. Cam 11. Lana 12. Cam 13. Lana 14. Cam 15. Lana 16. Cam 17. Lana 18. Cam 19. Lana 20. Cam 21. Lana 22. Lana 23. Cam 24. Lana 25. Cam 26. Lana 27. Cam 28. Lana Epilogue Also by Layla Valentine Copyright 2023 by Layla Valentine All rights reserved. Except for us...

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ACCIDENTALLY MARRIED TO THE BOSS LAYLA VALENTINE CONTENTS Copyright 1. Cam 2. Lana 3. Cam 4. Lana 5. Cam 6. Lana 7. Lana 8. Cam 9. Lana 10. Cam 11. Lana 12. Cam 13. Lana 14. Cam 15. Lana 16. Cam 17. Lana 18. Cam 19. Lana 20. Cam 21. Lana 22. Lana 23. Cam 24. Lana 25. Cam 26. Lana 27. Cam 28. Lana Epilogue Also by Layla Valentine Copyright 2023 by Layla Valentine All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author. All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely coincidental. CHAPTER 1 CAM Cam was relieved when he was finally able to get to the table where the coffee was, and poured himself a generous amount. He was surprised that there was any coffee left, given how many people were in the room. Everyone was milling around, getting different contacts and finding out whatever information they could to further their business. Cam knew all about it; he was doing the same thing. It just felt rather exhausting. He loved his job, and he would happily do it every day, but there were times when he just wanted to lock himself into a room by himself to get on his laptop and go through everything there. Face-to-face meetings and conferences were important for his line of work, particularly given that Cam was the very public-facing face of his company, CJP Talent. And yet, there were times when it got to be a little too much. Especially when they started so early in the morning. Cam had wanted to be there as soon as the last day of the conference started, and he was adamant about using every second that he could. Now this was his time to sit at the edge of the room and have a coffee. Just a moment of peace and quiet — or as much as he could when he was in an auditorium with close to a hundred people — and take in some caffeine to get himself going again. As he added some sugar and stirred the black liquid he was going to attempt to chug back while wondering if he would have a decent cup of coffee soon, Cam looked around the room. There had been a presentation, and then everyone had started milling around, talking to the other people involved. To Cam, this was the most productive part of the event. Connections were everything in his business. It made the conference worth their while. As he thought this, Cam found his attention turning towards his employee and fellow conference attendee, Lana Nicholson. The curvy woman had her back to him, and was talking to a slender, silver-haired woman who wore a dark green suit. They had been in discussion for quite a while, which made Cam wonder what they were talking about. It was more than likely about art; from what he had heard, Lana was passionate about the visual arts, and the woman she was in deep conversation with ran a successful gallery in New York. Cam appreciated art, but talks about it tended to go over his head. Lana didn’t seem to mind, though. For a moment, Cam found his eyes drifting over Lana’s body. She had some nice curves, but she clearly made an effort to stay fit. Her black trousers molded nicely around her backside, and Cam tried not to stare at her firm ass. Not really a good idea to; if Lana turned around now and saw what he was doing, she wouldn’t be afraid to rip his cock off and shove it down his throat. A little aggressive, yes, but that was Lana. She was fiery and tenacious, which made her really good at her job. Cam had to admit that was one of the positive things about her. With her determination and quick wit, Lana was an asset. She was beautiful as well, which was an advantage when looking after some of the more wayward male recording artists the agency represented. They seemed to hang on to her every word. They’re not the only ones. Cam was jerked out of his thoughts by his cell phone buzzing away in his pocket. Grimacing as he sipped at the coffee, he got his phone out and glanced at the number. Thank God, it was someone he would welcome a call from right now. “Hey, Simon.” Cam moved away from the refreshments table, tearing his eyes away from Lana’s backside. “What’s up? Are you missing me already?” Simon’s laugh was loud. “Oh, poor Cam. Are you not having anyone getting onto their knees and bowing down to you?” “Fuck you.” “No, thanks. You’re not my type. Anyway, I’ve got some good news for you. Remember we were trying to sign Jessie Nixon?” Cam stilled. “Don’t tell me. You got her?” “Sure did. Her agent reached out and said that she would be happy to do a deal. She came in and signed a contract with us this afternoon.” Cam resisted the urge to punch the air. Jessie Nixon was a popular country singer who had been climbing the charts at a rapid rate. Cam had been looking to represent her for six months now, knowing that she would be a prestigious signing. Things had been left a little up in the air between their last interaction and Cam heading off to Las Vegas, so to hear that it was now a done deal felt amazing. “I wonder what you said to make her sign like that, Simon. You really know how to get things done.” “I have to when

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