Aggressor: A Page Turning Technothriller From FX Holden Cover Image

Aggressor: A Page Turning Technothriller From FX Holden

Author/Uploaded by FX Holden

Aggressor Volume I FX Holden © 2023 FX Holden. Independently Published 146,600 words Typeset in 12pt Garamond All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quota...

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Aggressor Volume I FX Holden © 2023 FX Holden. Independently Published 146,600 words Typeset in 12pt Garamond All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Contact me: [email protected] The first novel in the Aggressor series Cover art by Diana Buidoso: [email protected] With huge thanks to my fantastic beta reading team for their encouragement and constructive critique. Gabrielle ‘Hell Bitch’ Adams, Bror Appelsin, Juan ‘Pilotphotog’ Artigas, Mukund B, Nick Baker, Marcus Brown, Robert ‘Ahab’ Bugge, Marshall Crawford, Ted ‘Bushmaster 06’ Dannemiller, Michael Elvin, Julie ‘Gunner’ Fenimore, Harry Garland, Jonathan Harada, Dave Hedrick, Tom Hill, Martin Hirst, Tim Jackson, Dean Kaye, Devin Kerins, Rob Kidd, Mary Beth Knopik, David John, Thierry Lach, Joe Lanfrankie, Wayne MacKirdy, Catherine Shone Mayfield, David Mccracken, David McCowen, Graham McDonald, Brad ‘Bone’ McGuire, Mitch McWilliams, Matt Latter, Supreet Singh Manchanda, Alain Martin, John Morris, Paul J Neel, Steve Panza, Barry Roberts, Rick Rairdon, Yoav Saar, David Saylor, Janice Seagraves, Andy Sims, C Gordon Smith, Claus Stahnke, Lee Steventon, Julian D Torda, Neil Tomlinson, Diana Vredeveld, Stewart Webster, Karla Sue Wilson. And to editor, Nicole Schroeder, [email protected] putting the cheese around the holes. Also by FX Holden: The Future War Series(though each is a stand-alone story the recommended reading order is below)KOBANIGOLANBERING STRAITOKINAWAORBITALPAGASADMZ Ag•gres•sor (əˈgrɛs ər)noun: A person, group, or nation that attacks first or initiates hostilities. ©Wiktionary US President Warns Chinese Invasion ‘Imminent’ Associated International Press, 30 April 2038 — US President Carmen Carliotti warned Thursday morning a Chinese attack on Taiwan was “imminent,” framing the current economic blockade as a pretext for war. It was the latest sign of mistrust from the West at Chinese claims the country is seeking a diplomatic solution to the current standoff. Carliotti, while maintaining there was a “diplomatic path” that avoids conflict, nevertheless used stark language to predict imminent violence. “It’s very high,” Carliotti said when asked by AIP’s Paul Raleigh how high the threat level is for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. “It’s very high because they say they are conducting a naval and air economic blockade, but they have troops and landing ships by the thousands marshaling along the coast,” she continued, speaking on the White House South Lawn before departing for Ohio, where she plans to sell the Taiwan Support Act passed last year. “They have moved more troops in, number one. Number two, we have reason to believe they will manufacture an incident at sea or in the air as an excuse to go in. Every indication we have is they are prepared to go into Taiwan, attack Taiwan,” Carliotti said. Carliotti has predicted a Chinese invasion of Taiwan before but has previously softened her warnings by saying China’s leader hadn’t made up his mind. She was more definitive on Thursday, a day after Pentagon officials said 70,000 more Chinese troops have arrived at Chinese ports along the Taiwan Strait, along with strategic bombers, contradicting earlier Chinese claims of a pullback. Pressed on whether she believes an attack will happen—and what the US response will be—Carliotti said: “Yes. My sense is it will happen in the next several days. As to our response, China knows it will be swift, and resolute.” Contents Area of Operations Cast of players in order of appearance Foreword 1. ‘Any landing you can walk away from…’ 2. ‘That was yesterday’ 3. ‘Or die trying…’ 4. ‘A sky full of stars.’ 5. ‘Not a snowball’s chance’ 6. ‘An atoll the world had forgotten about’ 7. ‘A speck on the skyline’ 8. ‘Defender of Okinotori Station’ 9. ‘Launch permission granted’ 10. ‘A meat locker?’ 11. ‘That way be dragons’ 12. ‘A shark that had just smelled blood’ 13. ‘This day is never going to end’ 14. ‘Down among the fish’ 15. ‘It gets real’ 16. ‘So close, so many times’ 17. ‘Sky train’ 18. ‘The least painful option’ 19. ‘Invisible adversaries’ 20. ‘Did China just declare war?’ 21. ‘Her long ponytail trailing behind her…’ 22. ‘Why isn’t that reassuring?’ 23. ‘Meat kill’ 24. ‘Breathe, alright?’ 25. ‘How do I look?’ Next Author note Glossary Area of Operations Area of Operations at the outbreak of hostilities Map of the Western Pacific showing the location of the carrier PLAN FUJIAN relative to Guam and Okinotori Island © Mapchart Cast of Foreword I

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