An Amish Marriage Cover Image

An Amish Marriage

Author/Uploaded by Emma Miller; Mindy Steele

 “You don’t think he’ll change his mind?”
 “He will not. He thinks me soiled.” The word caught in Eve’s throat. “He’ll have me shunned if I don’t marry. But I’ve never even been out with a boy.”
 Levi returned to his pacing. “You’ve got a problem here.”
 “Ya, I do.” Eve gave a little laugh that reflected no humor. “And it’s already been a week. My father is threa...

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 “You don’t think he’ll change his mind?”
 “He will not. He thinks me soiled.” The word caught in Eve’s throat. “He’ll have me shunned if I don’t marry. But I’ve never even been out with a boy.”
 Levi returned to his pacing. “You’ve got a problem here.”
 “Ya, I do.” Eve gave a little laugh that reflected no humor. “And it’s already been a week. My father is threatening to tell our bishop tomorrow and have me shunned immediately. He’ll put me out then. I know he will.”
 “I can only think of one alternate solution here, Eve, and you may not like it, but—”
 “Anything,” she whispered, “because I’m afraid if I’m forced, I might choose to marry Jemuel rather than lose myself. Lose my life. And that’s what would happen if I went into the Englischer world. I know it.” She looked up to him. “What can I do?”
 Levi held her gaze and shrugged. “You can marry me.”
 Emma Miller lives quietly in her old farmhouse in rural Delaware. Fortunate enough to have been born into a family of strong faith, she grew up on a dairy farm, surrounded by loving parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Emma was educated in local schools and once taught in an Amish schoolhouse. When she’s not caring for her large family, reading and writing are her favorite pastimes.
 Raised in Kentucky timber country, Mindy Steele has been writing since she could hold a crayon against the wall. Inspired by her rural surroundings, she writes Amish romance peppered with the right amount of charms for all the senses to make you laugh, cry, hold your breath and root for the happy-ever-after ending. Mother of four, Mindy enjoys coffee indulgences, weekend road trips and researching her next book. 
 Emma Miller 
 Mindy Steele
 An Amish Marriage 
 2 Uplifting Stories
 Courting His Amish Wife and His Amish Wife’s Hidden Past
 Table of Contents
 Courting His Amish Wife by Emma Miller
 His Amish Wife’s Hidden Past by Mindy Steele
 Excerpt from Her Amish Adversary by Vannetta Chapman
 Courting His Amish Wife
 Emma Miller
 And we know that all things work togetherfor good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
 —Romans 8:28
 Chapter One
 Chapter Two
 Chapter Three
 Chapter Four
 Chapter Five
 Chapter Six
 Chapter Seven
 Chapter Eight
 Chapter Nine
 Chapter Ten
 Chapter Eleven
 Chapter Twelve
 Through the trees, Eve spotted her father’s windmill and ran faster, ignoring the branches and underbrush that tore at her hair and scratched her arms and face. She took in great gulps of air, sobbing with relief as she sprinted the final distance. She had prayed to God over and over throughout the night. She had begged Him to see her home safely. Now the sun was breaking over the horizon, and she had made it the more than ten miles home in the dark.
 Bursting from the edge of the woods, she hitched up her dirty and torn dress, the hem wet from the dew, and climbed over the fence. In her father’s pasture, she hurried past the horses and sheep, her gaze fixed on the white farmhouse ahead. If she could just make it to the house, her father would be there. She would be safe at last, and he would know what to do.
 Trying to calm her pounding heart, Eve inhaled deeply. At last, her breath was coming more evenly. She wiped at her eyes with the torn sleeve of her favorite dress. She was safe. She was home. Her father would protect her.
 At the gate into the barnyard, she let herself through and slowed to a walk as she neared the back porch. Her father’s beagle trotted toward her, barking in greeting. Through the windows, she could see into the kitchen where a light glowed from an oil lamp that hung over the table. Her father and sisters and brothers would be there waiting for her. As she climbed the steps to the porch, her wet sneakers squeaked. Hours ago, she had crossed a low spot in the woods and soaked her canvas shoes.
 She had almost reached the door when it swung open.
 “Dat,” she cried, throwing herself at him, bursting into tears. “Oh, Dat.”
 “Dochter.” Her father grasped her by the shoulders, but instead of embracing her, he pushed her back. “Where have you been?” he demanded in Pennsylvania Deitsch. He looked her up and down, not in relief that she was safely home, but in anger. “Where is your prayer kapp?”
 Eve raised her hand to her hair to find it uncovered. “Oh,” she cried. “I must have... I must have lost it in the woods somewhere.” She brushed back her brown hair that had come loose from the neat bun at the nape of her neck to fall in hanks around her face. She pulled a twig from her hair. “Dat. Something terrible happened. I—”
 “Where have you been all night?” he boomed, becoming angrier with her by the second. “Who have you been with?” he shouted. “To sneak out of my house after I forbade you to go? I should beat you!”
 When she looked up at him, Eve realized she had made a terrible mistake. It had taken her hours to find her way home. She had walked and run all night, choosing the long way home because she had been afraid to follow any main roads for fear Jemuel would find her. She had climbed fences, been scratched by briars and been chased by a feral dog. At one point, she had been lost and worried she had walked too far, or in the wrong direction. But she hadn’t given up because she knew that if she could make it home safely, everything would be all right.
 But looking at

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