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As We Fight

Author/Uploaded by K.G. Reuss

AS WE FIGHT A MAYFAIR UNIVERSITY NOVEL BOOK 2 K.G. REUSS BOOKS FROM BEYOND Copyright © As We Fight 2023 by KG Reuss All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Editing/Proofin...

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AS WE FIGHT A MAYFAIR UNIVERSITY NOVEL BOOK 2 K.G. REUSS BOOKS FROM BEYOND Copyright © As We Fight 2023 by KG Reuss All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Editing/Proofing: The Write Editor Cover Design: Moonstruck Cover Design & Photography, Formatting: Books from Beyond CONTENTS Foreword 1. Enzo 2. Rosalie 3. Fox 4. Cole 5. Ethan 6. Rosalie 7. Fox 8. Cole 9. Rosalie 10. Enzo 11. Ethan 12. Cole 13. Ethan 14. Rosalie 15. Rosalie 16. Anson 17. Fox 18. Enzo 19. Rosalie 20. Cole 21. Ethan 22. Rosalie 23. Fox 24. Ethan 25. Rosalie 26. Enzo 27. Cole 28. Fox 29. Rosalie 30. Cole 31. Enzo 32. Fox 33. Cole 34. Anson 35. Rosalie 36. Ethan 37. Rosalie 38. Enzo 39. Fox 40. Anson 41. Rosalie 42. Anson 43. Enzo 44. Rosalie 45. Fox 46. Cole 47. Ethan 48. Fox 49. Enzo Acknowledgments About the Author Also by K.G. Reuss FOREWORD Dearest Reader This book contains dark content, double penetration, alpha-holes, more spice than a prom night in the backseat of your ex-boyfriend’s Buick in ’97, and other things that may offend. For a complete list, visit If you feel a need to take a break during this angsty ride, please do so. We don’t use seatbelts here, but there are definitely restraints. Safe word: Cake. You’ll find out why soon enough. -K.G. ONE ENZO I swallowed thickly, my heart in my fucking throat as I hung up the phone. Anson had Rosalie. He was my mystery caller. I had no more information than that. Just that she wasn’t in the shooting. She wasn’t here. Cops and ambulances lined the streets and filled the parking lot, their lights flashing in the night. I’d moved the car down the street so I could get out quickly. This place was my fucking nightmare. I didn’t know how many of the masked men I’d killed. At least three. “Well?” Cole demanded, wiping the sweat from his brow and looking over at me from the passenger seat of my Escalade. “Where the fuck is she?” Fox demanded. “Let’s go get her.” E said nothing as he stared out the window, his body still shaking. The moment he’d heard Rosalie was gone, he’d become nearly uncontrollable. I was sure he was struggling through his PTSD at having heard the gunshots. I’d found him wild-eyed and bleeding in the crowd with a bullet graze to his arm. He’d been so frenzied, I hadn’t been able to subdue him in his recklessness to find Rosalie. It took Cole finding us to calm him down. Cole had cradled him in his arms as E wept. Fox had only just joined us minutes ago after not being able to locate her, tears running down his face, and blood on his hands from trying to help people along the way. “I don’t know where she is,” I said softly. My heart clenched. Fuck, baby. We’re coming. Somehow. . . Cole let out a grunt and pulled his phone out and looked at her tracker. Her jewelry pinged at home. Her phone pinged here. I was in shock. I knew he was a prick, but a prick with an agenda that involved taking what fucking belonged to us? Not like this. Never fucking like this. “What did that asshole say?” Cole demanded. His hands shook as much as his voice. I knew Cole. He was ready to murder someone. He wasn’t alone. “He said to meet him at midnight tomorrow at the docks. He said he has something important that belongs to us.” Fox punched the back of Cole’s seat, making Cole jump. We were all a little gun-shy, and Fox was a whole lot of pissed off. We all were. “You’re bleeding,” E murmured. “What?” Fox asked. “It’s not mine.” “It is. Look.” We all turned to look at Fox to see blood trickling down his fingers. He blinked at us in confusion before he struggled to remove his jacket, his breathing heavy. “Fuck,” Cole swore, taking in the wound on Fox’s arm. A bullet. Just like E’s wound. Fox’s was deeper though. He’d require stitches. E shook, his breath hitching before he started to hyperventilate. “Fuck.” I slammed my hands on the wheel and got out. We had to find Rosalie, but we needed help here. E was losing his shit, and Fox was losing blood. There was a fucking calling card I’d found on one of the gunmen I’d killed. Then another on the floor of the club. Then hundreds scattered around like fucking murder confetti. A skull and crown. The fucking kings. I hadn’t said shit about it to any of them yet. I would, though, once we got Rosalie back safe and sound. “There are ambulances everywhere,” Cole said. “Let’s go to one.” “I’m not going to a fucking ambulance when Rosie is missing. Besides, there are people who need it more than I do.” Fox gripped his bleeding bicep with his other hand. “We need to get her. I-I can’t—” his voice cracked and a soft sob left his lips. I was barely holding it together. Everything tonight had been a mess. I had to keep my shit together. I had to. If I broke, that would be it. “E, man. Come on,” I said, opening the door. I was still coming down from my alcohol buzz like the others, minus E. I shouldn’t have even been behind the wheel, but I knew there was no way E could drive in his state. E choked out a sob as he rocked in his seat. “Fuck.” He breathed out. “Fuck, fuck, f-fuck. I-I can’t—” “You can.” I cradled his face and made him look at me. “You fucking can, E. You’ve survived worse. You’re

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