Assassin Bride of The Don Cover Image

Assassin Bride of The Don

Author/Uploaded by Lexi Lovejoy

ASSASSIN BRIDE OF THE DON LEXI LOVEJOY Edited by JASON PETTUS CONTENTS ASSASSIN BRIDE OF THE DON 1. Mia Genovese 2. Vincent Colombo 3. Mia Genovese 4. Vincent Colombo 5. Mia Genovese 6. Vincent Colombo 7. Mia Genovese 8. Vincent Colombo 9. Mia Genovese 10. Vincent Colombo 11. Mia Genovese 12. Vincent Colombo 13. Mia Genovese 14. Vincent Colombo 15. Mia Genovese 16. Vincent Colombo 17. Mia Genoves...

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ASSASSIN BRIDE OF THE DON LEXI LOVEJOY Edited by JASON PETTUS CONTENTS ASSASSIN BRIDE OF THE DON 1. Mia Genovese 2. Vincent Colombo 3. Mia Genovese 4. Vincent Colombo 5. Mia Genovese 6. Vincent Colombo 7. Mia Genovese 8. Vincent Colombo 9. Mia Genovese 10. Vincent Colombo 11. Mia Genovese 12. Vincent Colombo 13. Mia Genovese 14. Vincent Colombo 15. Mia Genovese 16. Vincent Colombo 17. Mia Genovese 18. Vincent Colombo 19. Mia Genovese 20. Vincent Colombo 21. Mia Genovese 22. Vincent Colombo 23. Mia Genovese 24. Vincent Colombo 25. Mia Genovese 26. Vincent Colombo Epilogue KNOCKED UP BY THE DON SNEAK PEEK Lexi Lovejoy ASSASSIN BRIDE OF THE DON My mission was to kill him on our wedding night, but no one prepared me for falling in love or to be taken hostage. His family betrayed our people, making us enemies, I detest everything he stands for and all he feels for me is rage. We’re both fueled by revenge, but our attraction is undeniable. No matter how much we fight it, we’re drawn together like fire and ice. I'm unraveling from his kiss, his touch, his embrace, He’s slowly stealing my heart and drawing me in with no hope of escape. Tasting this forbidden fruit will cost me my family and my freedom But when he's above me and inside of me, all I want is him. Being forced by his side made me question everything. This monster I planned to murder is now the man I want to protect. I need to know if this is his twisted scheme to destroy me, Or if I've found love in the arms of the enemy. 1 MIA GENOVESE “It’s crazy in here,” Isabel shouted, raising the red solo cup she had grabbed within two minutes of walking through the door. I looked around the expansive room. Curtained-off alcoves separated private areas, but I knew I’d see the people behind the curtains eventually. They always came out to play. The other three clubs were wastelands of drunken middle-agers, and we hadn’t stayed more than a half-hour at any of them. The only good thing we’d found was a cheap bag of tightly packed weed that Isabel had finished right before we’d arrived here. I took a hit for courage, but it didn’t seem to do much. Alcohol would have to do. I turned to the bartender. “Give me something strong and fruity,” I demanded, passing a twenty to him. I glanced back at Isabel. “This is my first chance at freedom.” “There are plenty of hot guys here. This is the most popular club on New York’s entire west side, babes. Pick someone and fuck him. Easy as that.” I sighed as I scouted the potential candidates. A tall man in neon paint danced seductively nearby, but the rat’s nest atop his head had my eyes veering away from him. “It’s been too long since I’ve been on the scene,” I admitted, shaking my head and crinkling my nose. How had I once enjoyed coming to places like this and finding a distraction among the sweating bodies? I hadn’t even been legal drinking age the last time I’d come four years ago, but as the daughter of Pete Genovese, the west side’s mafia boss and head of the National Commission, I could do whatever the hell I wanted. It had been four years since my freedom had been stripped away, and I was finally back. “Your dad took care of the situation for you,” Isabel slurred with a shrug, leaning into the bar for balance. “You don’t have to worry about that Colombo ever again.” Colombo. A spark of rage filled me at that name. “They got what they deserved,” I told Isabel through gritted teeth. Dad had told me more than enough stories about their brutality. They killed without reason. They came into our territory and frightened our people. And in the past month, the alliance among the five biggest crime bosses, otherwise known as the Commission, had finally had enough of their shit. The Columbos regularly recruited non-Italian people into their regime, and one of the half-bloods opened fire on a dozen of our soldiers, killing a handful of them. The Commission finally decided in a late-night session to dispatch the Colombo boss. His daughter was collateral damage, but it didn’t matter to me. I had no doubt she was as cruel as the rest. And now, I didn’t have to marry his son. I was free to come back here and enjoy my twenties. A wide smile took over my face as I gathered my drink and took a sip. The alcohol burned the back of my throat, but that was just what I needed. “Let’s do this,” I told Isabel, marching into the crowd of bodies and losing myself to the ecstasy of it all. I felt the music in my core, and I began swaying my hips to it, arms raised above my head. Isabel did the same, but her rhythm was a bit off as she continued feeling the effects of the pot from earlier. “Bitch, I’m so happy I have my bestie here with me again!” she shouted, her smile wide and contagious across her face. I’m happy that the burden of that damned marriage is off my shoulders, I mused. It wasn’t even the marriage that had worn on me for years. It was the daily training with a martial arts and weapon specialist. It was the mental load of knowing that I’d soon be taking my husband’s life. I wasn’t my father, and that reminder sat bitterly on my tongue, but I swept it away with a long, deep breath and threw my hips side to side. That’s what the marriage was, after all. A way to get me inside and get the job done. But now, I didn’t have to worry about that. A set of hands rested snuggly on my hips and I swayed into them, biting my lip

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