Built For Sin Cover Image

Built For Sin

Author/Uploaded by Kerrie Maxon

Built for Sin Kerrie Maxon B uilt For Sin Copyright © 2023 by Kerrie Maxon All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or events is purely coincidental. Text copyright © 2023 by Kerrie Maxon. All rights r...

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Built for Sin Kerrie Maxon B uilt For Sin Copyright © 2023 by Kerrie Maxon All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or events is purely coincidental. Text copyright © 2023 by Kerrie Maxon. All rights reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a any information retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, graphic, electronic, paper hard copy, photocopying, recorded, or any other form of reproduction, without the express written consent of the author. The author acknowledges the trademark status and owners of products referred to in this fiction which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners. All songs, song titles and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders. Edited by Word Emporium – www.wordemporium.co.uk First edition 2023 D edication To Karma for giving me the push, literally, and lots of free time to get started on this journey. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My husband for his patience and putting up with an ‘absent’ wife while I am busy writing and for taking care of the housework and other chores so I don’t have to. His love and support mean the world to me. My daughters for listening to me prattle on for months, for your advice regarding aspects of the story, and for your faith in me. I am forever thankful that I have been blessed with you both as my gorgeous girls. To my family and dear friends who I have confided in along this journey, thank you for your support and for enriching my life. To my dearest friend Rae, my soul sister, for pointing me in the direction of TL Swan’s books and Facebook group, and for being an unwavering loving amazing friend. To my beta readers Shani, Nicola, Patricia, Kirstie, Brandy and Stephanie for your constructive criticism in the early stages of writing. To Sarah from Word Emporium for being my saviour, turning an awkward draft into a meaningful cohesive story. Thank you for your patience, wisdom and editing mastery. Without you, I wouldn’t have gotten this far. www.wordemporium.co.uk And to TL Swan, for your inspiration, generosity, guidance and mentorship via your Cygnets groups and video tutorials. And for keeping it real. Words can’t describe my gratitude to you for providing the tools and encouragement and your Cygnet Inkers and Swan Squad networks that have allowed me to embark on this journey. To my fellow Cygnet and Swan Squad colleagues for your never ending support, advice and patience. Without you all, this book wouldn’t exist. Thank you for your support, advice and patience and everything else. Contents 1. CHAPTER 1 - Gina 2. CHAPTER 2 - Gina 3. CHAPTER 3 - Gina 4. CHAPTER 4 - Gina 5. CHAPTER 5 - Xander 6. CHAPTER 6 – Gina 7. CHAPTER 7 - Gina 8. CHAPTER 8 - Gina 9. CHAPTER 9 - Gina 10. CHAPTER 10 - Gina 11. CHAPTER 11 - Gina 12. CHAPTER 12 - Gina 13. CHAPTER 13 - Xander 14. CHAPTER 14 - Gina 15. CHAPTER 15 - Gina 16. CHAPTER 16 - Gina 17. CHAPTER 17 - Gina 18. CHAPTER 18 - Gina 19. CHAPTER 19 - Gina 20. CHAPTER 20 - Gina 21. CHAPTER 21 - Xander 22. CHAPTER 22 - Gina 23. CHAPTER 23 - Gina 24. CHAPTER 24 - Gina 25. CHAPTER 25 - Xander 26. CHAPTER 26 - Gina 27. CHAPTER 27 - Gina 28. CHAPTER 28 - Gina 29. CHAPTER 29 - Gina 30. CHAPTER 30 - Epilogue Keep Reading PREVIEW - Built for Pleasure PREVIEW - Built for Pleasure About the Author CHAPTER 1 - Gina The tall, attractive man watches me race toward the hospital’s elevator doors, as I focus on maneuvering my large suitcase. He holds the doors open for me as I trudge inside, puffing, dragging my luggage behind me. “What floor?” His well-modulated voice is on the deep side, with just a hint of impatience as he stands with two coffees in his hand and a laptop bag slung over his shoulder. “Oh, sorry. Five, please.” Staring directly into his beautifully warm green eyes, I muster a bright smile, and thank him as the doors close. I hate that I seem dithery, but I had very little sleep on my flight, and my brain is not firing as well as normal. “Same as me. Who are you visiting?” he asked, pressing the button. “My grandfather. You?” “My brother.” “Nothing too serious, I hope.” I juggle my laptop bag, which is heavy on my shoulder, while checking my watch again. Ouch, my long hair catches under the strap. Sighing, I shift my head to release it. He shakes his head but remains silent. Mid-thirties, in a smart light gray business suit that hugs his fit-looking body and speaks of expert tailoring. His tie is missing, and the top button of his shirt is open. He exudes an air of confidence. Sensing me watching him, he throws me a polite smile and nods before turning back to stare at the elevator doors. Damn. I feel myself blush, embarrassed at getting caught checking him out. Thankfully, the elevator sounds as we reach our destination, and I sigh with relief that I don’t have to continue the small talk. He holds back, waiting for me to tote my cumbersome luggage out of the way. “Thank you.” I edge my mouth up in a half smile as I pass him. Ooh, he smells good. I wonder if he is single. I push the random thought aside and glance up and down the corridor, while he walks decisively to the right. Dismissing him from my

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