Dark Secret Life Cover Image

Dark Secret Life

Author/Uploaded by Penelope McGrath

Dark Secret Life PENELOPE MCGRATH Copyright 2023 by Penelope McGrath - All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved....

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Dark Secret Life PENELOPE MCGRATH Copyright 2023 by Penelope McGrath - All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher. Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter One As Emma’s delicate eyelids fluttered under the morning sun’s gentle nudge, Kendrick knew he wanted to give her everything for the rest of her life. Her nut-brown curls fell over her pale cheeks as her head rested against the dove grey pillowcase, and her body shifted slightly closer to his, touching him with her warmth. Emma was a strong woman, independent and capable. But sometimes, in moments like these, she seemed softer somehow, more vulnerable, and Kendrick wanted to take care of her. He wanted to ensure she would never have to struggle in life. It was hard to give her everything, though, when they were admittedly struggling for money despite the long hours that they both worked. Kendrick kissed her forehead, reluctant to leave her and the comfort of their cozy bed. It was his eighth day of work in a row, and he felt guilty for not being there for her more. Kendrick felt like an inadequate boyfriend but couldn’t win, no matter what he did. If he didn’t work, he wouldn’t be able to contribute to their finances, but because he worked all those hours, he couldn’t be there for her as much as he wanted. Kendrick assumed it would be much easier now, at least a little bit. They had been dating for five months, and Emma had recently moved in so they could share the burden of expenses. But he was further in debt than she even knew. College was expensive without parents to help pay for it, and he had made some poor decisions in school that he regretted profoundly but couldn’t take back. Now, Kendrick was paying the price for all that, and he felt like he couldn’t get ahead — like he was on an uphill battle that always left him falling and tumbling to the bottom. He never felt good enough. As Kendrick crawled out of bed, he berated himself for not being able to do more. He pulled on warmer clothes to keep out the chill of their cold house; they were trying to keep their electric bill low. Then he ran a comb through his scraggly light-brown hair, a bit messy because he chose to save money by not getting a haircut, and started at the dark circles under his green eyes. Kendrick was chronically exhausted, but that couldn’t be helped. So, he went into their small, dreary kitchen and started to make himself a cup of the cheap coffee he had tried so hard to get used to. The grey walls and dark floor reminded him of a storm, making him clutch the mug a bit closer. Kendrick wished he could stay longer and make Emma breakfast. She certainly deserved it. But he couldn’t linger. So, he quickly made an unsatisfying breakfast before getting ready for work. As he started his car, he realized he had a new dilemma: the car was low on gas, and the check engine light had come on again. A sick feeling of dread descended upon him. They had spent nearly a thousand dollars the last time they had brought the car to the shop, which they couldn’t afford. They didn’t have any money in savings to cover a repair like that again; it would break them. Kendrick decided to ignore the light as he drove to work. He hadn’t told Emma about it yet, though he knew he would eventually have to. Kendrick didn’t want to put more stress on her. He wished to keep all the bad parts of life from her. So, Kendrick quietly decided he would deal with it somehow himself before she could notice. As he approached the computer repair shop, Kendrick pondered the possibility of getting a second job. He spent a substantial amount of time looking for a better job but lacked the necessary experience to get hired at a high hourly rate. And time was not a luxury he possessed. The stress compounded on him as he walked up to the door and realized it was locked. His coworker, who was supposed to open the shop, had failed to turn up on time again. And there was already an angry customer waiting near the front of the store. “You guys were supposed to open almost an hour ago,” the man said as he approached Kendrick. His eyes hooked onto Kendrick in an antagonizing, reptilian sort of way that was intimidating when paired with his dark hair and aggressive demeanor. Kendrick silently cursed his coworker. Of course James would get him into a mess like this. The kid couldn’t be relied on for anything. But Kendrick wasn’t about to throw him under the bus either. He knew it would be a weak stance to take. “I’m sorry,” Kendrick apologized without any other sort of explanation. “You’re right. The store should’ve been opened by now. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll let you inside.” That simple act of taking accountability seemed to calm the man slightly as he stepped back and dropped his aggressive stance. Kendrick opened the shop and quickly stepped inside, going straight to the chipped desk he had grown to loathe. The cramped quarters were crowded with computer parts, posters peeling from the wall, and gadgets Kendrick would always be unable to afford. He

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