Dying to Know Cover Image

Dying to Know

Author/Uploaded by Rae Cairns

DedicationFor my mum, Lynda Parry,who raised me and my sister on her own,and who, no matter how tough things got,always encouraged me to follow my dreams ContentsDedicationPrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter...

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DedicationFor my mum, Lynda Parry,who raised me and my sister on her own,and who, no matter how tough things got,always encouraged me to follow my dreams ContentsDedicationPrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34AcknowledgementsExcerptPrologueChapter 1About the AuthorPraiseAlso by Rae CairnsCopyright PrologueThenGeneva Leighton pressed send and punched a fist into the air. ‘Done!’‘Shhhh!’ Amber strode into the kitchen, pressing her finger against closed lips. ‘I just got the kids off to sleep.’Sorry, Gen mouthed. Verifying the facts of her mentor’s newspaper article had been like riding a motorbike across an ice-skating rink, blindfolded. But she’d finally navigated to the other side.Her gaze passed over her sister, who had fed, bathed, and put four-year-old Lily and six-month-old Charlie to bed. Amber’s white linen pants remained completely uncreased, not a stain in sight. Why can’t you be more like Amber? Their mother’s honeyed tone parachuted into Gen’s head. She ejected it, fast. She had no desire to live like her twenty-five-year-old sister, not now, nor in three years’ time when she hit that age. She opened the search engine on her laptop.Amber approached the dining table. ‘So, I take it you’ve finished?’ ‘Yep. Now I have to prepare an upcoming witness summary for our reporter on that extortion case.’‘That paper’s sure getting their money’s worth out of you.’ Amber collected the dirty plates, empty mugs and glasses surrounding Gen’s laptop and kissed the top of her head as she passed by.Gen looked up. Her sister balanced the mountain of crockery on the drainboard, then pulled her mobile phone from her back pocket and frowned.‘You all right, Ambs?’‘Hugh said he’d be home by now.’Of course he had. Their marriage had always seemed solid, but ever since his promotion to the board of his father’s real estate company a year ago, Amber’s husband was evolving into a carbon copy of his politician father. Selfish, pompous and obsessed with image. Did Amber even see it?‘Where is he?’‘A work function.’Gen swallowed a scoff. The entire five days she’d been here, Hugh had been out at ‘work functions’ until after midnight. Not that she minded. Amber was more present without Hugh around, and without her sister, Gen would have had to survive on cornflakes alone to make deadline. The extensive fact-check of the paper’s exposé on horseracing was her first real chance to make an impression on her mentor since she’d started her cadetship eight months ago, and Amber had stepped right up to support her. Made her a priority, even though she had two young kids underfoot. She’d always taken care of her. Had been more of a mother to Gen than their biological one had ever been.Gen studied Amber closely, the pale complexion and the lines of concern etched between her sister’s brows. Her gaze skimmed over the Caesarstone benchtop and imported splashback tiles from Italy. The house was lovely, as was living near Balmoral Beach in Mosman, one of Sydney’s most well-heeled suburbs, but was the price worth it? All Amber seemed to do lately was fret and fight with Hugh about his new job and the stress and absences it caused. Gen returned her focus to her sister’s drawn face.‘Ambs, is everything okay?’‘What?’ Amber pasted on a bright smile that didn’t reach her eyes. ‘Yes. Of course. Everything’s fine.’ She stacked the dishwasher feverishly then sprayed the stovetop with disinfectant, scrubbing hard and fast. It had always been her way. Gen preferred a good all-out brawl, tackling things head-on, but she’d learnt to leave Amber be when she got into one of her cleaning frenzies. She’d try to coax the problem out of her sister later.Rubbing the crick in her neck, Gen turned back to her computer and typed in the first name on the witness list. A minute later, the scratching and squeaking sounds of domesticity paused. Gen glanced up. Amber was checking her phone again.‘You know you can talk to —’Charlie’s scream blared through the baby monitor and, like a programmed robot, Amber ran upstairs. Gen zoned out the screams and listed the crucial background details she needed for the summary.Thirty minutes later, Amber dashed back into the room.‘Any chance you could run to the shops for me? We’re out of nappies, and I really need to be here when Hugh gets home.’Gen screwed up her face in apology. ‘This summary is due by midnight, and I’ve only just started.’‘You really can’t spare twenty minutes to help me out?’ ‘I could go once I’ve sent it off?’Amber sighed. ‘Can you at least keep an eye on the kids until I get back?’‘Of course.’ Gen noted down the next witness’s date of birth and marital status then glanced up at Amber. ‘Why can’t Hugh grab a pack of nappies on the way home?’‘He’s not answering his phone.’‘What a surprise.’‘Please don’t start. Both kids are asleep, and Charlie’s monitor is on the bench. I’ll be as quick as I can.’‘Okay.’ Gen opened a new tab in the browser.‘Gen, did you hear me?’‘Yes.’ She opened Facebook and searched to see if the witness had an account.‘Are you even going to notice if the kids wake up?’Gen waved a hand towards the front door. ‘Will you go already?’Amber gathered her handbag and keys. ‘If Charlie wakes, there’s formula in the fridge.’‘We’ll be fine, Ambs. It’s not like you’re going to Antarctica. Go!’Frowning, Amber checked her phone again and sighed. A moment later the front door clicked shut.Gen stretched her arms above her head. Playing aunty to Lily and Charlie was amazing, but she was nowhere near ready to be lumbered with the never-ending demands of kids. Maybe one day. Perhaps. In the far, far, far away future. But first she’d nail this cadetship, get offered a permanent position on the paper, then travel the world as a fully fledged investigative reporter.She clicked on the witness’s profile and scrolled through

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