Empty Theatre: or The Lives of King Ludwig II of Bavaria and Empress Sisi of Austria (Queen of Hungary), Cousins, in Their Pursuit of Connection and Beauty... Cover Image

Empty Theatre: or The Lives of King Ludwig II of Bavaria and Empress Sisi of Austria (Queen of Hungary), Cousins, in Their Pursuit of Connection and Beauty...

Author/Uploaded by Jac Jemc

 Title Page
 Copyright Notice
 Prologue: An Omen
 In Tribute
 In Which Devotion Is Born
 A Matter of Taste
 An Interruption, with Insight into Matters of Legacy
 Rights and Privileges
 On the Origin of Discontent
 A Survey of the Kingdom’s Holdings
 The Collection of Beautiful Heads

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File size 1.9 MB

Content Preview

 Title Page
 Copyright Notice
 Prologue: An Omen
 In Tribute
 In Which Devotion Is Born
 A Matter of Taste
 An Interruption, with Insight into Matters of Legacy
 Rights and Privileges
 On the Origin of Discontent
 A Survey of the Kingdom’s Holdings
 The Collection of Beautiful Heads
 Why Franzl Always Wears His Uniform
 The Challenge of Empathy
 Yearning Love’s Blessed Glow
 A Swan’s Song
 The Most Beautiful Woman in Europe
 Left to His Own Devices
 Mother Knows Best
 Mistakes and Resentments
 He Said, He Said
 Hours and Days—Eternal Biding
 The Polish Disease
 An Introduction
 In Absentia
 Seeing and Being Seen
 “The Urning, too, is a person.”
 Too Little, Too Late
 Two Princes
 Common Courtesy Dictates
 An Exchange of Gifts
 Charge the Palace
 Cross Your Heart, Hope to Die
 If Only
 Peer Pressure
 In Mutual Pursuit
 A Personal Battle
 And in Exchange
 “One cannot prevent people from thinking 
 Begin Reading
 Table of Contents
 A Note About the Author
 Copyright Page
 The author and publisher have provided this e-book to you for your personal use only. You may not make this e-book publicly available in any way. Copyright infringement is against the law. If you believe the copy of this e-book you are reading infringes on the author’s copyright, please notify the publisher at: us.macmillanusa.com/piracy.
 For Judy
 The Sehnsucht motif, a lonely 
 Prologue: An Omen

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