Friends With Boundaries Cover Image

Friends With Boundaries

Author/Uploaded by Brooke Kane

Copyright © 2023 Brooke KaneAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without expr...

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Copyright © 2023 Brooke KaneAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.ISBN-13: 9781234567890ISBN-10: 1477123456Cover design by: Christine Cover DesignLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2018675309Printed in the United States of America To the bestest Bestie in the whole world, who made this book possible. I blove you with all of my heart. &To my husband who knows all the dance moves to "Bye Bye Bye," and sings Christmas songs all year long. Your support means everything to me. I love you. Contents CopyrightDedicationFriends With BoundariesChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17EpilogueAcknowledgementsAbout The Author Friends With BoundariesByBrooke Kane Chapter 1Present Day“You’re going to have to parallel park,” I say to Arthur. I look over at him, behind the wheel of his 20 year old car, circling the block for the third time.“On a hill?” He looks over at me. He’s irritated, I can see it on his face. I’m irritated too, and more than just a touch hangry.“Yes, on a hill.” We left the flat land one hour into our three hour drive here.“I’m just going to find a parking garage.” I groan internally. I thought I’d prepared him for the parking situation in Monterey, but I guess I didn’t.“I don’t have any cash,” I tell him.“Just use a card.”“They don’t take cards, and it’s a few blocks away, and the fog is rolling in.” I don’t want to spend twenty minutes walking from a parking garage when there is a perfectly good parking space in front of the restaurant. I’d prefer to get to my parents house before the fog gets worse.“It’s just fog. We have fog at home.”“Not like this fog.” Now this I definitely prepared him for, the pea soup fog of the central coast as my mom calls it. He’s coming up on the restaurant again and I can see that spot, still open, begging to be parked in. “Just pull up next to the car in front of it and get out. I’ll park the car.”“I don’t think that’s a good idea. We’re going to hold up traffic.” There’s basically no traffic.“Just stop, and trade me places.” I’m snipping. I’m starving. I wanted to drive out here on Friday after work. Arthur said we could come on Sunday. I thought that meant Sunday morning. I’ve been waiting at my apartment since eight this morning for him to pick me up so we could come here, introduce him to my family, and spend the week at the Lantern Festival like I used to do growing up. Like I used to do until four years ago. Arthur didn’t want us to eat before we left, we couldn’t bring road trip snacks, and we couldn’t stop on the way because we’d definitely get “traveler’s diarrhea.” I jokingly asked if he was bringing a shovel so he could bury me on the way since I’d definitely die of starvation. He didn’t laugh. So I haven’t eaten since seven this morning. Did I mention it’s after nine thirty at night?“I don’t know.”“Just stop and get out, there’s no one around.” Arthur pulls up next to the car in front of the empty spot and stops.“We’re going to hold up traffic. People will honk.”“There is literally no one on this street right now, just trade me spots.” He’s not moving and he’s still contemplating trading me, so I just get out and walk around the car. When I reach the driver’s side I open the door. He still hasn’t moved.“Are you sure you can do this? I don’t want you messing up my car.” Ah yes, his precious baby. It’s 20 years old with oxidized paint and a scrape on the rear fender that he’s “definitely getting fixed.” The doors creak with a rusty sound when you open them, and I swear I heard it sigh coming up the first hill. Heaven forbid I bump a curb with a tire.“I learned how to drive here. I spent all my summers here growing up, I’ve literally parallel parked here hundreds of times.” A car is starting to come up behind him. They’re going to honk, and I’m going to get an “I told you so.” He reaches for his seat belt. Yes, please, please let me just park the car so I can get my lamb shank. Slowly, and I mean oh so slowly he exits the car. The other car is approaching us now. They’re going to honk. I can feel it. I hop into the driver’s seat, and close the door as soon as Arthur is clear. He takes forever to get to the curb.I hit reverse and start to back into the spot. My muscle memory takes over from the hundreds of times I’ve done this. The stupid car honks. Ugh. This was not how I envisioned the trip for Arthur to meet my family. We were supposed to have road trip snacks, and stop for ice cream half way here. We were supposed to be singing along to oldies on the radio. I was supposed to be ugly crying to Ozzy Osbourne singing "Mama I’m Coming Home," which should have been the anthem for this trip, because I’m coming home but I'm not the same.It’s been four years since I’ve been here. Four years since I left and didn’t come back, but I really wanted to bring Arthur to meet my family and experience the festival with me. Bringing a boyfriend to the Lantern Festival is on my bucket list and I was so, so excited to bring him. Now I’m just irritated and starving, and all I want in this world is that

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