In Shrouded Shadows: A Paranormal Women's Midlife Fiction Mystery (Midlife Mysteries Book 3) Cover Image

In Shrouded Shadows: A Paranormal Women's Midlife Fiction Mystery (Midlife Mysteries Book 3)

Author/Uploaded by H.P. Mallory

IN SHROUDED SHADOWS Midlife Mysteries #3 by H.P. MALLORY IN SHROUDED SHADOWS Copyright © 2023 by H.P. Mallory All rights reserved. Ebook Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six C...

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IN SHROUDED SHADOWS Midlife Mysteries #3 by H.P. MALLORY IN SHROUDED SHADOWS Copyright © 2023 by H.P. Mallory All rights reserved. Ebook Edition, License Notes This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter NineChapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty Character ImagesEmail SignupExcerpt The Midnight Garden Also by HP MalloryOther PWF SeriesAbout the Author CHAPTER ONE: PHILIPPA I’d just stepped out of my house, prepared to embark on a mission of the utmost importance, when my path was abruptly intercepted by none other than William Spencer! The audacity of the man and his terrible sense of timing! “Ah, Mrs. Fairfax,” he started and his devilish grin caused my impatience to rear its particularly ugly head. “What, what, what?” I demanded as I threw my hands on my hips and scowled at him. “In case you can’t see, Mr. Spencer—” “Just Spencer,” he corrected me, seemingly completely unperturbed at my hostility. I didn’t mean to be so snarly, certainly, but my mind was quite overwhelmed by the task at hand. “I’m very busy going somewhere and I don’t have any time to lollygag about with you.” “Well, after such a friendly greeting, I must ask: where are you headed?” “To Hackney.” I never slowed down or stopped walking and Spencer kept up with me as I faced the street and hailed a cab. At least, I attempted to—but I quickly noticed it must have been a busy time of day because each carriage that passed me was already occupied. Eventually, I simply continued walking down the lane with the extremely irritating man at my side. “And what could possibly be of interest to you in Hackney?” I turned from my dismal attempts at hailing a cab and looked at him. “None of your business.” William Spencer was certainly easy on the eyes but I was not one to be taken in by a silver tongue or a handsome face, even if he possessed a tall and well-built frame that attested to his strength and vitality. His impeccable posture exuded confidence and authority and the constant upturned corner of his mouth hinted at his sense of humor in the way he regarded all the world. In fact, I doubted there was anything Spencer took seriously. His chestnut hair, neatly styled and impeccably groomed, accentuated his strong jawline and chiseled features. His eyes were a quite lovely shade of green and seemed to hold an air of mystery—as though he were aware of something you, yourself, were not. I supposed the mystery surrounding him wasn’t so surprising, since he was also the notorious ‘gentleman thief’ as the broadsides reported. “My business is to ensure that you arrive in Hackney in the same manner in which you departed, unmolested,” he continued, clearly not a man who understood when his company wasn’t wanted; or if he did understand, perhaps he simply didn’t care. The latter was probably more along the lines of the truth. “And for a lady to be traveling such a great distance on her own...” “I don’t have the time to listen to your silly arguments about why you seem to think I’m incapable of traveling by myself,” I said as I frowned at him and attempted to hail another hansom, which also failed just as spectacularly. He cleared his throat. “The point is, my dear, that you’re alone and a woman needs someone to protect her.” “You’re delusional.” He chuckled. “And I daresay you’d appreciate my company.” I gave him a pointed glare. “Why are you here anyway?” “I’d been feeling quite good about myself and suddenly, I wished someone would take me down a peg or two, so I decided to visit you.” I gave him a slanted and wary look. He chuckled. “My goodness, Philippa, had I known you’d be such a harpy this morning, I might well have remained home.” “Well, I wish you had remained home,” I answered snidely. “Now, why are you here?” I paused. “Tell me the real reason.” “I came because I regret that I must inform you the mission you’ve assigned me is quite impossible,” he declared, a smug grin playing at the corners of his lips. “And what mission would that be?” “The Poison Pen Letters you assigned me to retrieve are currently inside the clutches of none other than Inspector Stirling, himself. And, might I remind you, my dear gorgon friend, that my ultimate endeavor at all times is to avoid prison, not deliver myself to the authorities on a silver platter!” I narrowed my eyes, loath to allow him to break our agreement so easily. “Well, Spencer, if you wish to continue to make excuses for your failures, I suggest you talk while you walk. I haven’t the time to stand idly while you prattle on about your incompetence.” He chuckled again and this time, shook his head. “I often wonder why I do so enjoy your company when most of the time, you shred me to ribbons.” “Because your life is too easy,” I answered before I extended my hand to the next carriage which, like all the previous ones, simply drove right past me. What the devil! I grumbled beneath my breath as I faced Spencer again. “Like most members of the aristocracy, you are self-centered, vapid, given to flights of fancy, and something of a dolt.” His laugh was loud and he appeared quite amused. “And what does that make you then, my dear? You are as much a member of this same select few as I.” I looked at him and shook my head. “I’m an American.” Hearing another of his rumbling chuckles, I continued. “And as to the reason that you seek out

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