Kiss Me Deadly Cover Image

Kiss Me Deadly

Author/Uploaded by Tamela Miles

 This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
 First edition. January 9, 2023.
 Copyright © 2023 Tamela Miles.
 ISBN: 979-8215180341
 Written by Tamela Miles.
 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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 This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
 First edition. January 9, 2023.
 Copyright © 2023 Tamela Miles.
 ISBN: 979-8215180341
 Written by Tamela Miles.
 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
 Kiss Me Deadly
 You Never See the Claws Until You Feel Them
 By Tamela Miles
 Copyright: Tamela Miles
 ©Tamela D. Miles 2023
 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.
 This book is licensed for your personal use only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase additional copies for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.
 Table of Contents
 The Swinging Tree
 Hands Clean
 Be Home by Sunrise
 Witch Bitch
 Ten Years Later…
 Paper Dolls
 Meet The Author…
 Thank you to my Dad, Margie Miles Jr., for sparking and nourishing my imagination when I was younger and for encouraging me to be a practical dreamer, with set goals and a plan, just like you. I love you, Daddy.
 Thank you to my Mom for your wisdom and the carefree spirit that you passed down to all your girls. We love you, Mom.
 Thank you, my siblings, for every bit of your constructive input. Without it, my stories wouldn’t have that kick in the butt at the end.
 Thank you to actor Zach Galligan, who is still gracious, kind, a whole lot of fun, and remains one hell of a good sport.
 Excerpt from the short story, “One” – Rock Paper Scissors Anthology
 “It’s all in the telling,” Ethan said softly, positioning the phone between his chin and shoulder blade. He smiled to himself, imagining his best friend, Anya seated at the black desk in her bedroom, idly chewing a pen cap to death.
 “Are you chewing a pen?” Ethan asked suddenly.
 Anya paused, startled by his accuracy. She laughed into the phone before answering. “Yes. How did you know? Do you have hidden cameras in my bedroom? Perv.”
 “No,” Ethan answered, amused. “Nothing like that.” He pictured her long dark hair spilling across her shoulders and her dark eyes filled with laughter and some deep sadness that was a breathing, vital part of her. Anya James had been a substantial part of his life since high school. She had been the only girl who had ever dared to strike up a conversation with him, a socially challenged misfit who wasn’t particularly smart or handsome. The stories had drawn them together and they had remained that way for many years.
 Anya interrupted his train of thought. “You’re right, Ethan. It’s all about how you craft the story. We need to revisit character development. I don’t think that the opening scene is going to work as well as we had hoped. I’ll work on it tonight and call you tomorrow after class.”
 “Cool,” Ethan said. “Talk to you tomorrow.”
 Ethan Fallows hung up and rolled over onto his back on his narrow futon. He was tall and lanky and his feet dangled over the edge. He didn’t really mind it because he was comfortable. He wasn’t comfortable with his friendship with Anya, however. He felt tortured every time they spoke on the phone or hung out because he was desperately in love with her. He faked a smile whenever she brought up one of her many boyfriends and swallowed the lump in his throat, listening intently to her joys and sorrows.
 Ethan swept his long, dark hair away from his face and crossed his arms on his chest. There was a way to tip the scales in his favor, he reminded himself. Just do it a few more times and let’s see what happens, he thought. He sat up suddenly and pushed himself up from the futon. He moved over to his old wood desk and opened the bottom drawer. His heart began to beat a little faster as he lifted the small black box.
 Anya rolled over in her big bed, her thoughts keeping her awake. She was unsettled and couldn’t stop this feeling of impending trouble. She hadn’t been sleeping well for the last few nights and that only seemed to make the feeling that much more intense. Hell is full of insomniacs, she thought wryly, putting a pillow over her head to block out the moonlight.
 Her thoughts turned to her pillar of strength, Ethan. They had been best friends for five years this Christmas and if this was to be their last holiday season as friends for whatever reason, she would still be grateful for all of the good he had brought to her life. He was one of the good guys. She was glad that the whole sex thing was behind them now, of course. They had slept together one time during their junior year in high school and both had agreed that some things were better left to the imagination. It hadn’t been a horrible experience and Ethan had been an inventive lover. What he lacked in sexual experience he made up for in passion but Anya loved him and cherished his friendship too much to use him. With all that long, black hair and pale skin, he would make some girl really happy one day.
 Anya lived in Caddo, a little town in Northern California and had been there from the time she was a toddler. Her family had moved from Pasadena when her mom, Stephanie, was pregnant with her younger brother, Chris.

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