Loved by the Faerie Warrior (Faerie Lovers Series Book 2) Cover Image

Loved by the Faerie Warrior (Faerie Lovers Series Book 2)

Author/Uploaded by L. B. Mammoth

Loved by the Faerie WarriorFaerie Lovers SeriesL. B. MammothMammoth Publishing Copyright © 2023 L. B. MammothAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any m...

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Loved by the Faerie WarriorFaerie Lovers SeriesL. B. MammothMammoth Publishing Copyright © 2023 L. B. MammothAll rights reservedThe characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.ASIN: B0C6DR9H9B Contents Title PageCopyrightChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineEpilogueAbout The Author Chapter OneThe village was quieter today, everyone tucked away inside their homes with the threatening storm above. All day yesterday had been rain-soaked, but as Moira glanced up to the sky above, she actually worried. Lightning was a problem with the surrounding forests and thatched roofs of the homes. But as she set her sights forward again, she realized that wouldn’t be the biggest problem of the day.Ian gave a wave as she approached, having to go past his butcher shop to get home. “Moira!”Broad shouldered and strong armed, Ian wasn’t hard to notice. He was usually the loudest in the room, and that was one thing Moira used to enjoy about him. When they were younger, he was funny and could keep up with her sharp tongue, but now he was a brute who did little more than yell until he got his way.She nodded to him, walking faster in the hopes that he’d take a hint. “I’ve got to get these home!” she called back, pointing to the basket on her hip with fresh produce.To her displeasure, Ian shucked his leather apron to the side and jogged after her, catching up quickly. “It’s fine. I’ll come with you.”Because you were just so wanted. She kept her lips pressed tight together, willing herself to appear amiable to those passing by. It wouldn’t do to have them thinking her difficult to speak to; Moira was the one who did most of the runs into town, who did more negotiating to keep their money going further every month.Moira glanced over at Ian. She knew he had something to say, but she wouldn’t be the one to start this conversation. If Ian wanted to talk, he’d have to open his mouth first. There was no way she was going to give in, to lose this silent war of wills.He grinned, and she hated him for it. Ian was always so ready to be the way they were years ago when they were younger and far more impulsive. Moira was past that; she needed something else from a lover, something more than Ian could give.Before Father had died, Ian and Moira had had their time. And she wasn’t ashamed of that. Youthful indiscretions and learning how to please another person. But he’d always left her wanting, and he’d grown far too attached. Now that Father was gone, romance was the last thing on her mind. She was fine being the caregiver, the one to help Alora along her way.“It’s been nearly a year now,” Ian started carefully, almost as though he’d been planning this conversation for some time now.His words made her grip tighten on the basket as she walked. She knew where he was going with this, the same way it had gone every other time she tried to get away from him and his incessant need to talk about how they needed someone around to protect them. Moira was perfectly fine keeping them both safe.“That house is in the perfect position to defend the village. You know that,” he insisted, matching her pace as she sped up. “Moira, you’re not listening.”“I’m listening, Ian,” she snapped. “I’ve told you once before our home is ours. You have no claim to it because you want to preen.” She stomped down the little step that led to her front door, leaving him stunned behind her.But he recovered fast enough, entering her home without permission. “You know I’m right.” Ian slammed the door, making Moira jump. It was already a problemShe kept her breathing even, not allowing any ounce of fear to slip through as she faced him. “Ian, you’re wrong. You’re mad I turned you down, and you’re taking it out on me.”His brows furrowed at that. “It shouldn’t be left to you both.”Moira practically snarled. “Your opinion wasn’t asked, Ian.”Alora cleared her throat, announcing herself as she came into the kitchen. Whether she knew it or not, Moira was grateful for her entry. Ian being angry and wild like this was making her uncomfortable. Her fists were balled as she looked at Ian, the man who was supposed to be the head of the village protectors now threateningly fighting with her in her own home.Moira put her foot down at Ian saying they didn’t deserve the home their father had given them, the home they’d both been born and raised in. Not in front of Alora, not when she still had promise in her.Ian shifted his gaze to Alora, shoulders sinking just a bit. “Haven’t seen you around much either.”Alora nodded, snatching up a piece of still-steaming bacon from the countertop. “I was just at Books and Baubles last week. We don’t need much around here.”Moira flinched at that, knowing all too well why they didn’t need as much food. Both of them were more petite than their father had been, though Moira was strong and lean while Alora was soft and curvy, and so that had nearly halved their food needs in one fell swoop. Moira hated remembering how much had changed in the last year.He seemed to understand the tension in the air. “Of course. I was just telling Moira that this space is too large for you both.” He was really trying to show off, Moira thought, irritated beyond all belief. “Someone else should come in to take over as protector.”Moira stuck her chin up. “I believe I can outshoot you,” she told him.The summer Father taught

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