Moonlit Dreams Cover Image

Moonlit Dreams

Author/Uploaded by B. Caudill

Copyright © 2023 B. CaudillAll rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact: [email protected] story, all name...

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Copyright © 2023 B. CaudillAll rights reservedNo part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact: [email protected] story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.Book Cover by MiblArtFirst Electronic Publication: 2023 DedicationTo anyone out there who struggles with self-doubt.Keep pushing.Even if it's only for a few minutes every day, the slightest push can make a big difference. It's better to know what wasn't than to wonder what could have been. There are moments which mark your life. Moments when you realize nothing will ever be the same and time is divided into two parts, before this, and after this.N. Kazan Contents CopyrightDedicationEpigraph123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839EpilogueAcknowledgmentsAbout the Author 1ChloeThree Years AgoA chill runs down my spine as frigid air drifts over my skin. The smell of smoke and something metallic hangs heavy in the air. Opening my eyes, some sort of sticky substance coats my skin, causing my hair to stick to my cheeks and eyes. I move to wipe it away, but my hand doesn't budge.Squinting, I can barely make out my hand surrounded by a crumpled steering wheel. Tumbling into a state of panic, I wrestle to get my hand free. Jerking my hand back, my vision blurs when I free it with a loud pop.A shrill cry cuts through the air, but I don't recognize it to be my own scream until my throat grows raw. I sit for a long time, cradling my hand, hoping to wake up from this terrible nightmare. Fuzziness clouds my vision as the memories flash into my mind.* * * * *"We are so proud of you baby!" I glance into the mirror to see my mother's beaming smile peek over the top of my shoulder.My father reaches over from the passenger seat and squeezes my hand. "It was a dream come true to watch you walk across the stage."After many years of trying to conceive, my mother was finally able to get pregnant in her late 30's. The pregnancy was high risk due to my mother's age, so I would be their one and only child. Growing up, I found myself trying to fill the roles of both daughter and son. Antique shopping with Mom and camping or fishing with Dad. It wasn’t until middle school when I was enrolled in an art class that I discovered my true passion for painting.As per agreement with my father, I completed my Bachelor's in Business Management before pursuing my real dream. A few short months from now, I will be driving to Oregon to attend PNCA in Portland. There, I can complete the remaining courses I need before starting my residency in the Studio Arts program with the hopes of one day opening my own gallery."I couldn't have done it without the both of you backing me every step of the way." Four long years I have waited for this day. Having my parents there, seeing their proud faces in the stands, made all the stress and exhaustion worth it. While I feel slightly guilty for leaving them behind, they both know it is time for me to start my own life. Now, I can finally be free of my stifling hometown. From the outside it looks like the perfect small town with its historic buildings and an overly friendly disposition. In reality, it’s nothing more than a gilded cage."I think we should take a trip to Yosemite next week." Dad says with a dreamy look in his eye. "The park is beautiful this time of year.""Oh, George," Mom sighs, "It's so cold this time of year! Can't we just stay home and camp out in front of the fireplace instead?" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Dad turn to give Mom his infamous pout. I barely contain my giggles when I catch Mom's eye roll in the rear-view mirror. "Fine, fine we can go," she concedes, "IF we rent an RV this time.""But that takes most of the fun..." Dad hesitates, his eyes fixed on Mom's face. They continue to stare at each other while what I assume is a lengthy internal argument is taking place."Fine," he huffs, "It’s a deal. What do you think, Chloe?""Sounds great." I smile, thinking of how easily he gave in. I am pulled from my thoughts by my mother's scream.Jerking, I look to my father to find him staring beyond me, a myriad of emotions crosses his face. Confusion, panic, and lastly, fear. Twisting to my left, I am blinded by a bright light before the world spins and goes dark.* * * * *The pinch of frozen tears on my cheeks pull me from my reverie."Mom? Dad?" I strain to hear any sort of response, but the car stays quiet.Swiping the back of my hands across my eyes, I pull them away to find them covered in dark red blood. Stars flood my vision when I drop my hands into my lap, only to have them slam into the roof of my car. Squeezing my eyes shut, I hold my breath in an attempt to will this new pain away.When the pain subsides, I open my eyes to find that I'm hanging upside down, still strapped in by my seat belt. Glancing to my right, my heart stutters when I find my dad's seat empty."Dad?" I call out again, but it only comes out as a whisper, not getting any response.Bracing my other arm against the roof, I use my good hand to fumble with the buckle until it finally releases. I can't move fast enough to catch my fall and my body slams into the unforgiving metal. Dazed, I roll onto my back. Glancing around, I

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