My fake Lover Cover Image

My fake Lover

Author/Uploaded by Olivia Swan

My fake LoverA Bad CEO StoryOlivia Swan Copyright © 2023 Olivia Swan1. Auflage, 2022© 2022 Olivia Swan – alle Rechte vorbehalten.Swan Books – Olivia Swanc/o TextwerkstattSabrina CremerKörfken 8044227 [email protected]: Textwerkstatt, Sabrina Cremer,www.textwerkstatt.orgCoverdesign: Einzigartig Buchdesign, Sandra Maier, Buchbeschreibung:Do you know...

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My fake LoverA Bad CEO StoryOlivia Swan Copyright © 2023 Olivia Swan1. Auflage, 2022© 2022 Olivia Swan – alle Rechte vorbehalten.Swan Books – Olivia Swanc/o TextwerkstattSabrina CremerKörfken 8044227 [email protected]: Textwerkstatt, Sabrina Cremer,www.textwerkstatt.orgCoverdesign: Einzigartig Buchdesign, Sandra Maier, Buchbeschreibung:Do you know this one?What do a unicorn and a damn hot CEO who only wants you have in common? That’s right! They’re both products of our vivid imagination. Just like mythical creatures, perfectly fitting jeans, and chocolate that never makes you fat. Oh, and forbiddenly hot guys who steal your breath with their soft lips and hungry gazes. Although that’s precisely what Ice King Max Holmes has been doing to me since the night at my food truck. Even though I’m only helping him pretend to his brother that I’m the fabulous girlfriend he wants for him.Playing the best girlfriend in the world: Check!Saving his brother’s wedding from a dinner debacle: Check!And not falling hopelessly in love in the process: Um... Check?The first part of Olivia Swans‹ series debut: My Hot Temptations!All parts of the series can be read independently, but the author recommends:My Fake LoverMy Arrogant MillionaireMy Forbidden Boss 1IvyI bit down on my lower lip with focus. With the utmost precision, I drizzled the melted butter over the red flesh of the lobster and sprinkled my special spices onto the dish. Freshly caught lobster in a baguette roll, tossed in butter and spread with mayonnaise. It was perfect.»Here, Gerry, enjoy!« I stood on my tiptoes and handed the narrow tray down from my food truck onto the street. By now, a small queue had formed in front of my truck. It was lunchtime in Manhattan, and thus rush hour on 5th Avenue. Though, you couldn’t really pinpoint it, as New York never stood still. And I loved it. This pulsating energy, the life, and even the bustling atmosphere that prevailed especially in this part of the city.»Thank you, Ivy, I’ve been looking forward to your food all day.« I winked at the investment banker who visited me every lunchtime, like many of his colleagues and people who worked in the surrounding towers. I not only loved preparing outstanding food that surprised people, but I also wanted to give each of my visitors a welcoming feeling. This was precisely my thing. »I sure hope so. And give my regards to your wife.«»I’ll pass them on! See you tomorrow, Ivy!«»Bye, Gerry!« I wiped my hands on my red polka-dotted apron and turned to the next customer to take their order. As I turned to my stove to prepare the food, I glanced at the clock above the door with one eye. Twelve-thirteen. Only two more minutes. It happened every day at the same time.I really tried not to get nervous, but it was getting harder and harder for me. »Here, please! Bon appétit!« I said, serving the next customer who paid and wished me a great day as well. I looked up and saw the broad silhouette emerging behind the revolving glass door of the building opposite, like a shark beneath the water’s surface. Twelve-fourteen.Again, I wiped my damp fingers and attended to the next customer, even though I knew precisely that it was him who wouldn’t let anyone take his place at twelve-fifteen by my cart. Maxwell Holmes. His name alone exuded an aura of power, as if he had chosen it on purpose. To save the poor guy in front of the cart from a reprimand, I hurried. A shadow fell over my hands as I fished for change from the antique cash register.Slowly, I looked up and met the gaze of stormy gray eyes beneath dense, dark brows, which I only knew furrowed. Max Holmes was known for many things in New York, but definitely not for his smile. Although I was sure that with his full lips, it could only be beautiful. I hoped for him that there was at least one person in his life who knew it.»All good, Max?« I asked casually, and his gaze grew even more skeptical. His tailored suit strained over his broad shoulders, and his posture was aloof. He was so well-known everywhere that none of the other guests waiting patiently in line complained about him cutting in. As far as I knew, he left his office on the twentieth floor of his company building, Holmes International, only for business reasons. Except once a day. At exactly twelve-fifteen.»One of Ivy’s Lobster Dinners. No mayonnaise.« His voice was deep and a bit rough, and with anyone else, the name of the main dish on my menu sounded a bit silly, but not with him. Every day we played this game, even though I knew exactly what he would have, for he ate the same thing every day.»The mayonnaise is the best part, are you sure you don’t want to reconsider?« The icy gaze from his stormy gray eyes was enough for an answer. No. »Alright, coming right up!« I set to work preparing the dish. »So, what’s new in the ivory tower?« I asked, just as I did every noon, and he answered just as he did every noon. With a dark, dismissive grunt that sent shivers down my spine. »How long have you been visiting me now, Maxie?« I teased him and received another disapproving look. Somehow, I liked provoking him. I couldn’t imagine many dared to do this with him, but what could he do to me? Perhaps put me over his knee. I suppressed the tingling sensation that was building up inappropriately within me. »For a year, right? Hey, we’ll have an anniversary soon!« I continued to chatter, filling the silence between us. I had always hated silence. In the house of my childhood, it had been silent at all times. Even music had been forbidden by my father.Using a sun-yellow pair of tongs, I picked the shredded lobster from the container to spread it on the roll and wrapped it in wax paper. With my broadest smile, I handed Max

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