Navy Seal Next Door Cover Image

Navy Seal Next Door

Author/Uploaded by B.D. Adaline

Navy Seal Next Door A Brothers Best friend, Second Chance Romance B.D. Adaline Copyright Copyright 2023 by B.D. Adaline- All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written pe...

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Navy Seal Next Door A Brothers Best friend, Second Chance Romance B.D. Adaline Copyright Copyright 2023 by B.D. Adaline- All rights reserved. In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher. Contents 1. Emotions 2. Present Day- Eleven Years Later 3. Thirteen Years Ago 4. Present Day 5. Grief 6. Funeral 7. Sober Driver 8. Virgin 9. The News 10. Eleven Years Ago 11. Wrecked 12. His Side 13. Stubborn 14. Explain 15. Second Chance 16. Eight Months Later 17. Epilogue 18. Chapter 18 Chapter 1 EmotionsLANCEI never knew just how much anger I could keep in, but I was, however, very good at keeping my emotions on lock. It's how I've been surviving the daily torture from my father. I always thought it was my fault that things with my father had degraded this much, but he was just insatiable. Like right now, he had called me a few minutes ago to join him in the living room while he insulted me. This wasn't the father and son bond an eleven-year-old should have with his father but there was nothing I could do about it. I was helpless. "If only she had taken you with her, but she was so self-centered," my father said, hitting the chair as he spoke. He looked at me with so much disdain and disgust in his eyes. From the way he spoke you would think my mother abandoned us for another man, but the truth is she died. My father told me she fell ill when I was five. I still see her in my head from time to time, and I also hear her voice and her laughter. I always imagine her being with me once my father starts. Today, I was doing the same thing as he spoke to me. He wished my mother took me with her; he wanted me dead. He wanted me gone from his life. And he had shown that to me for six years nonstop. Emotional torture had a way of making the youngest and most innocent people turn cold and hostile in an instant. "And now every single time I look at you, you remind me of her. You remind me so much of her and I just want you gone," my father said. The wrinkles on his face and dark circles under his eyes are more obvious now, and his moustache is grey. I didn't know my father's age, but I also knew he wasn't supposed to look this old yet. His eyes looked tired and empty. The wrinkled green t-shirt he wore didn't do much to the eye as he kept talking."Are you hungry, dad?" I was putting on my fakest smile as I said this. I had gotten used to the habit of blocking his words out as he spoke. It was the best therapy I could think of, aside from being with my best friend Ethan. I stared at the red wall clock on our white walls as I thought about him. We had agreed to play basketball behind my house later today. Ethan didn't know this side of my father or my life and I wanted to keep it that way."I don't want food," my father said as the tears started to fall. I was used to this; he would sit me down for an hour or more and tell me all the things he hated about my mother and me. Then he would cry himself to sleep. He sniffed as he stood up from our grey sofa, shaking his head as he looked at me with so much disdain. "I would have been better off without you and her," he murmured as he slowly walked to his room muttering different words. My father worked at a convenience store; hence, it was very convenient for him to get drunk. He always had cash to get alcohol. Standing up and picking my red vans from the floor, I wore them and walked out of the house crossing the lawn to Ethan's house. My father and I moved to this neighborhood after my mother died. Ethan and I instantly grew a bond and we had been best friends and next-door neighbors since I was five. I imagine it was one of my father’s notable acts to forget my mother but seeing as he was now, that probably didn't work out for him. I wiped my sweaty hands on my khakis and adjusted the collar of my black shirt as I knocked on their door. When it was opened, it wasn't Ethan at the door but his little sister Hannah. She stared at me with her bright eyes before her lips curved in a pout. I didn't like being alone with Hannah because she was quiet, but she was much more observant than her brother. Hannah was two years younger than us but sometimes she appeared like she was older. "What's wrong with you Lance?" fixing the dress on her barbie doll as she asked me. "Nothing is wrong with me Hannah," I told her as I walked into the house then I heard footsteps from upstairs. It was Ethan in nothing but his Spider-Man shorts and his hair was damp as he raced down the stairs. "Quit bugging my best friend, Hannah." Ethan shut the door and grabbed me by the hands to take me to his room. As he led me up the stairs I looked back at Hannah and she still had the same expression on her face. It was as though she knew something was indeed troubling me. It was really weird that a nine-year-old girl could have this much effect on me. "I told you to come

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