Serving the Couturier Cover Image

Serving the Couturier

Author/Uploaded by M. S. Parker

SERVING THE COUTURIER SERVING HIM SERIES M. S. PARKER BELMONTE PUBLISHING, LLC This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. Copyright © 2023 Belmonte...

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SERVING THE COUTURIER SERVING HIM SERIES M. S. PARKER BELMONTE PUBLISHING, LLC This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental. Copyright © 2023 Belmonte Publishing LLC Published by Belmonte Publishing LLC CONTENTS Free Book 1. Leah 2. Leah 3. Damien 4. Leah 5. Damien 6. Leah 7. Damien 8. Leah 9. Damien 10. Leah 11. Damien 12. Leah 13. Damien 14. Leah 15. Damien 16. Leah 17. Damien 18. Leah 19. Damien 20. Leah 21. Damien 22. Leah 23. Damien 24. Leah 25. Damien 26. Leah 27. Damien 28. Leah 29. Damien 30. Leah 31. Damien 32. Leah 33. Damien 34. Leah 35. Damien 36. Leah 37. Damien 38. Leah 39. Damien 40. Leah 41. Damien 42. Leah 43. Leah 44. Damien 45. Leah 46. Damien 47. Leah 48. Damien 49. Leah Epilogue Serving the Maestro Preview Office romances by M. S. Parker FREE BOOK Get a new book for FREE! Click Here to subscriber to my newsletter and start reading the exclusive 200 pages stand-alone steamy romance, His Inspiration. ONE LEAH The sound of applause echoed in my ears, the warm sunshine kissing my face and making the surrounding trees burst with color as they danced in the gentle breeze. My twin sister, Sophie, gave a joyful whoop, her eyes sparkling like the starriest night. Without warning, she threw her arms around me in a hug so tight it was like she was trying to squeeze life into me, not out of me. I hugged her back, feeling the graduation gown against my skin, a mix of emotions in my stomach. I was still riding on the adrenaline from addressing the entire graduating class. As the valedictorian, I was required to speak, and it had been my first time giving a speech in front of such a large crowd. My knees still trembled beneath my gown, and I wondered if they would ever stop. Sophie hooked her arm through mine. “Let’s go,” she said, her voice carrying the pure essence of joy. “Dad, Mom, and Jason are waiting. Are you coming to the party with me tonight?” “I’m not sure,” I responded, a half-hearted smile playing on my lips. Sophie rolled her eyes dramatically, her breath huffing out in the way only she could manage. “You must come, Leah. It’s the last chance we’ll get to hang out before I jet off. And for the record, you totally rocked the stage.” “Really?” I asked, a wave of doubt sweeping over me. “Absolutely!” Sophie replied with conviction. Her gaze darted over the crowd, touching on each familiar face like a butterfly passing from one flower to another in a vibrant meadow. “Oh look, there’s Jaynie! I need to go say bye. She’s about to leave for her grandmother’s funeral. What a drag, getting that call this morning. She’s been crying off and on all day. I’ll give her your love.” Sophie quickly made her way through the crowd, her graduation gown draped over her arm and her Ferragamo shoes guiding her. It didn’t surprise me. Sophie was the outgoing one of us, buzzing with energy and full of life–the polar opposite of my reserved nature. With a soft sigh, I unzipped my gown and took it off, neatly folding it as I scanned the crowd for my family, my hands sticky with nervous anticipation. A familiar figure bobbed through the sea of people, a wide smile breaking across his face–Jason Wheeler. His presence acted like a magnet, pulling everyone’s attention towards him. The self-assured stride and crisp suit made him look like a character right out of a romance novel. “Hey, babe,” he greeted, his voice silky, causing a small shiver to ripple down my spine. He reached out to tuck a wayward curl behind my ear, his touch as light as a summer breeze. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic was a nightmare.” His casual intimacy made me blink in surprise. A few moments passed before I realized he had mistaken me for Sophie. The resemblance between us, likely amplified by my special graduation hairstyle, tricked him. As he leaned in a smidge closer, his eyes flickered with mischief. “I can’t wait for our Aspen escape. Just us two... no interruptions... well, you get the picture.” His voice trailed off, a playful grin spreading across his face. I felt my cheeks go red, and I instinctively took a step back. “Jason!” I squeaked out, louder than intended. “I’m Leah, not Sophie!” His face froze into a look of shock and confusion. If it weren’t for the embarrassing nature of the situation, it would have been laugh-out-loud funny. He stuttered an apology, his cheeks flushing a deep crimson as he processed his blunder. “Leah!” My mom’s voice rang out over the crowd, causing us both to snap our heads in her direction. I gave Jason a friendly tap on the shoulder. “Sophie will be back in a sec. It’s nice to see you.” “Same,” he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. As he trailed behind me towards my parents, looking slightly dazed, he likely hoped that Sophie would soon find us. Richard and Lorraine Martin, my parents, came hurrying up and engulfed me in a hug that smelled of White Diamonds perfume. “You sounded wonderful, dear. I knew you would. Didn’t she sound wonderful, Rich?” Mom asked. “She sure did,” Dad replied, giving me a quick peck on the cheek as Mom let me go. His warm, familiar smile lit up his broad face. Their pride radiated from within, and I blushed, stammering out a thank you. “Where’s Sophie?” Mom asked, searching the crowd. “Oh, she went to tell her friend Jayne bye. Jayne’s grandmother...” “Oh, heavens, yes, I heard.” Mom pursed her lips and patted my shoulder. “Sophie texted me this

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