Silver Fox Baby Daddy Cover Image

Silver Fox Baby Daddy

Author/Uploaded by Sylvia Rae

Silver Fox Baby Daddy An Age Gap Billionaire Second Chance Romance Sylvia Rae Copyright S ilver Fox Baby Daddy Copyright © 2023 by Sylvia Rae. All rights reserved. Published by Brookside Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form by any means – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews – without written permiss...

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Silver Fox Baby Daddy An Age Gap Billionaire Second Chance Romance Sylvia Rae Copyright S ilver Fox Baby Daddy Copyright © 2023 by Sylvia Rae. All rights reserved. Published by Brookside Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form by any means – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews – without written permission. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are on construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please return it to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author and publisher. For more information, contact Sylvia Rae [email protected] Contents 1. Prologue 2. Chapter 1 3. Chapter 2 4. Chapter 3 5. Chapter 4 6. Chapter 5 7. Chapter 6 8. Chapter 7 9. Chapter 8 10. Chapter 9 11. Chapter 10 12. Chapter 11 13. Chapter 12 14. Chapter 13 15. Chapter 14 16. Chapter 15 17. Chapter 16 18. Chapter 17 19. Chapter 18 20. Chapter 19 21. Chapter 20 22. Chapter 21 23. Chapter 22 24. Chapter 23 25. Chapter 24 26. Chapter 25 27. Chapter 26 28. Chapter 27 29. Chapter 28 Epilogue Stay In Touch About Author Prologue "I swear to fucking God, that woman I called grandma is laughing at me from the pits of hell," I utter into the phone outside my professor's office. People stare at me for that comment as I linger outside the office, but they don't know my grandmother. She was pure evil. Jane, my best friend since primary school, had the unfortunate luck of meeting her once, so she knows it was an understatement. My grandmother wasn't sick or mentally ill; she just hated everyone and everything, especially me. "Who cares if she is?" Jane says to me, trying to make me feel better. "You are going to prove that old bat wrong, get your business degree, and show it off at her grave! I know professor Stewart is a hard-ass, but that doesn't mean you're going to give up, does it?" "You're right, I can't give up!" I insist. "I have a meeting with some guy named Daniel Archer. Professor Stewart says he will help pick my grades up again." "Aha, so you have a chance!" she responds. "Now go to your meeting and show the world what Vanessa Sisko can do. Let's hang out tomorrow and study. You can tell me how it goes." "Okay, meet you at our usual place, yeah?" After confirming and hanging up my phone, I turn to open the door but can't because a man who looks to be my father's age is standing in the doorway, staring right at me with an amused expression on his face. He's a gorgeous, well-built man with an air of mystery about him that's almost dangerous… His brown eyes regard me with interest, and a smirk plays on his lips. I can tell that this man is truly a danger to my common sense as it immediately goes out the window. I'm very curious, but my instincts warn me to tread carefully. My heart beats faster as he enthralls me. Whoa… this is the most handsome man I have ever seen. I'm not sure what my type was before, but he is exactly my type now. I'm going to have dreams about this face from now on. "I take it you're not close with your family," he says, in a deep voice that resonates in my chest. "Actually, I am," I admit. "My grandmother and I just never get along. Our relationship went down the drain after I told her I want to go into business. She didn't think it was my place as a woman." This man is a stranger! He doesn't need to hear your life story! After realizing I had said too much, I freeze and begin apologizing. "That's alright…" he trails off. "Vanessa Sisko," I introduce myself, offering to shake his hand. "You are just the woman I've been waiting to meet." He takes my offered hand and raises it. I think he means to bring it to his lips for a kiss. Every fiber of my being wants him to, but he lets go, and I feel disappointment in the depths of my stomach. "Your professor is a friend. He taught me everything I know," he says. "I owe him a favor, and when he said that his best student needed advice and light guidance, I offered it. He didn't mention that it was such a stunning young woman, though… if he did, I would meet you much sooner." His direct flirting floors me. "I appreciate it," I say. "Perhaps we should talk in private," he suggests. "I have a nice place close to here. I can drive." Oh, my God! He's interested in me! I nod again, as I can't deny this man a single thing in my life. Hopefully, he doesn't get me in trouble. As I let him lead me to his car, my heart pounds. I suddenly remember that I don't even know his name. From what he's told me, I'm confident this is Daniel Archer. But that is entirely my assumption, and I could be wrong. It doesn't matter because I would probably follow him to hell and back. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I am realizing that this isn't the smartest idea. "What's your name?" I ask

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