The Awakening Cover Image

The Awakening

Author/Uploaded by SE Naumann

For my fellow mental health warriors. You deserve the right to celebrate the fact that you’re alive and won yesterday’s battle. Pronunciation GuideCharacters LocationsAsena - Ah-say-nuh Vekroth - Veh-kur-othKyllan - Ky-lan Soleia - Soul-aye-uhRyker - Rye-ker Rastia - Rah-stee-uhMorena - Mor-eh-nuh Alynthi - Ah-lynn-theeCastian - Cass-tee-an Loritholein - Lore-tho-lee-inElora - Eh-lore-uh Nethilo...

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For my fellow mental health warriors. You deserve the right to celebrate the fact that you’re alive and won yesterday’s battle. Pronunciation GuideCharacters LocationsAsena - Ah-say-nuh Vekroth - Veh-kur-othKyllan - Ky-lan Soleia - Soul-aye-uhRyker - Rye-ker Rastia - Rah-stee-uhMorena - Mor-eh-nuh Alynthi - Ah-lynn-theeCastian - Cass-tee-an Loritholein - Lore-tho-lee-inElora - Eh-lore-uh Nethilor - Neh-thee-loreAllerick - Al-ehr-ick Elberien - El-berry-inCorvina - Core-vee-nuh Drennadell - Dren-nuh-delEirian- Air-ee-an Aramor - Air-uh-moreKallus - Cal-las Herbexia - Heir-bex-ee-uhKiira - Key-rah Verena - Vur-ay-nuhElias - El-eye-us Briaxoth - Bree-ax-othReyna - Ray-nuh Finndarya - Fin-dar-ee-uhRohan - Roe-an Uttaven - Oot-ay-vinVaella - Vie-ella Nuxvar - Nuh-ex-varDraya - Dre-uh Mystaria - Mist-ar-ee-uhSephira - Suh-fear-uh Zariya - Zar-ee-uhVakna - Vah-kuch-naVilande - Ville-ahn-day Contents Pronunciation GuidePrologueChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29 Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40Chapter 41Chapter 42 Chapter 43Chapter 44 Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47 Chapter 48Chapter 49 Chapter 50 Chapter 51Chapter 52 AcknowledgementsAbout The Author Prologue300 years ago“I can’t believe you lot wanted to skip graduation for this, you know it’s just a made up story our parents were told by our grandparents when they were younger,” Halle said with an exasperated sigh.“If you think that, then why did you come?” Ravi retorted, making a face at Halle, hopping from stone to stone deeper into the belly of the cave.Halle shook her head in annoyance, rolling her eyes. Of course I came with you, you’d never let me hear the end of it if I didn’t, she thought to herself. The nine of them rarely went adventuring without one of their comrades, so naturally when Zayden’s father told them of the magikal Kyanite crystal that could be found seated deep in the belly of the cave just north of Alynthi, they had to find it. Zayden’s father seemed surprised none of them had heard of the crystal before, and noted it was a popular story told by the elders during his own childhood. The magik of the Crystal had never been seen by anyone in the Kingdom of Kinbrolds, nor in any of its nine realms, but that didn’t keep its inhabitants from speculating on it.“Come on you lot,” Ravi called, leading the way. “We should stick together, wouldn’t want anyone getting left behind here, it’d be easy to get lost.”Aiden smirked and said, “Yes your majesty,” his voice dripping with playful sarcasm.He bowed deeply as he passed his friend, never missing an opportunity to jab at Ravi’s birthright. Ravi was destined to take the throne as High King, protector of the realms of the Kingdom of Kinbrolds and leader of its High Court, a fate he did not want. It was never a secret that he had no desire to lead. He felt it was not his place to rule over the other realms when he had never set foot on their lands, swam in their waters, or climbed their mountains. Perhaps that is why he suggested we find the crystal today, Aiden thought to himself as he followed after the others deeper into the cave.“How much farther, we have to be there soon, right? We’ve been in this bloody cave since nightfall yesterday,” Edmar complained.He stopped to lean against the cave’s slick wall, embracing the coolness radiating from it, panting, trying to catch his breath. Wiping the sweat that threatened to drip from his brow, he whipped his head to the left when he heard a harsh voice speak.“Oh, stop being a baby! You knew what you were getting yourself into before we started this trek,” Brynne said, not even a bead of sweat on her forehead.It was no surprise to her friends that the treacherous terrain inside the cave had not phased her. She’d spent the past few months training for a spot in Kinbrolds’ Army, The Golden Legion, planning to enlist after graduation.“If you’d quit whining and move your ass, we’d get there faster,” Brielle barked at him, shoving his shoulder as she passed.Brielle had planned to follow her sister, Brynne, to the great army until a stray arrow plunged into her shoulder during one of their training exercises with the other hopefuls in their class, thus making her ineligible to enlist. The High Commander himself had told her to give up, plainly stating he would never accept a new cadet to his ranks with that severe of an injury. The group laughed in tandem as Edmar stumbled to catch his footing. The sound of a large splash followed by a girl’s squeal brought their laughter to an abrupt halt.Aiden shook his head, chuckling to himself. “Ah yes, that’ll mean Nowell found the lovebirds. Any bets on how long it took Adelaide to drown the poor sod?”Halle swatted at him. “Behave yourself, Aiden. You’re lucky she doesn’t know it’s you that puts him up to these antics, or you’d be on the receiving end of her vengeance.”“Either way, we should go save the poor sap,” Brielle stated and Brynne nodded in agreement.The group set off to find their missing comrades, venturing further and further into the cave until they came upon a large round room with three passages, each offering a different route to get to the room that held the Crystal. They called out their names, hopeful that their voices would carry through the hollow passageways of the cave. “Zayden! Adelaide! Nowell!” They called over and over.“We’re just down here guys, seems we got a little ahead of ourselves,” Zayden called back.“That’s all well and good mate but care to tell us which passage you went down?” Ravi called out.Zayden looked at Adelaide, clearly lost as he’d only followed her trail of blonde curls, as she dragged him through the cave. She’d always been eager to get alone time with him whenever she could. Since he’d turned eighteen, it was a rarity that his parents let him out of battle

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