The Elven Lord's Concubine: Volume One Cover Image

The Elven Lord's Concubine: Volume One

Author/Uploaded by Leona Sure

The Elven Lord’s Concubine VOLUME ONE ESRYIAN TALES BOOK ONE LEONA SURE Copyright © 2023 by Leona Sure All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For ShaNelle. I love you mor...

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The Elven Lord’s Concubine VOLUME ONE ESRYIAN TALES BOOK ONE LEONA SURE Copyright © 2023 by Leona Sure All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. For ShaNelle. I love you more than your husband loves ketchup. And to just a few of my Top Faves: AC Doig, Paulina Jimenez, Caitlin P., Jamie G., Lithane, Jordan C., Deborah G., Sandra, Cindy M., Valarie B., Jill P., C. Johnson, Cowanda T. J., Jennifer G., Teddy’s Mom, Masumeh W., Sue B., Vesla R. P., Bex, Monika F. Z., & Saucy Anna ;) And to everyone who helped to make ELC such a success on Kindle Vella. ELC wouldn’t have been possible without readers like you. You ladies make me feel like I’m living in a fairy tale every day. -Leona Contents Author’s Note Prologue 1. The Princess 2. The High Lord 3. The Ritual 4. The Awakening 5. The Change 6. The Illusions 7. The Egg 8. The Magic 9. The Former Concubine 10. The Dragon Slayer 11. The Rhyming 12. The Conquerors 13. The Myth 14. The Secret 15. The Offer 16. The Claim Epilogue The Elven Lord’s Concubine: Volume Two Read in Kindle Vella About the Author Glossary Thanks for Reading! Author’s Note The Elven Lord’s Concubine is an ongoing serialized romance on Kindle Vella. While I’ve endeavored to make each novel volume an enjoyable read, it doesn’t follow the traditional narrative arcs that non-serial readers are accustomed to. You can think of it like a manga or a soap opera, but without all of the tedious filler and soft focus lenses. There is a lot of drama and possibly some hot, villainous twins, though. Sometimes a plot thread will be presented in one volume, and then seemingly be dropped, only to surprise you two volumes later when it’s neatly woven back into the tapestry of the serial. As fans will attest, the story is full of, “Ohh!” moments for readers. Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that lies are a theme in the story. Characters frequently lie and twist the truth. Stories believed by one character or held up as fact by an entire nation may prove to be misinterpretations, or outright falsehoods. Characters are unlikely to fundamentally change in a single volume, but rather in an incremental manner, and in reaction to major life events and costly lessons. Kind of like real people. Except they’re elves. Mostly. There’s no major cliffhanger at the end of Volume One, only an invitation to go deeper into the story, if it’s your sort of thing. You can look forward to new volumes every few weeks in Kindle Unlimited. Lastly, don’t let the pretty elves fool you. This is not a sweet romance. -Leona Prologue Isael balanced on the balcony railing, his eyes turned to the heavens. The afternoon was cloudy, the sky gray in the places where the fading sunlight had retreated. The air tasted as it always did, as of late. Stale. Not for the first time, Isael wondered how high he could fly. He thought he could at least rise above the clouds, high enough to see the sun, the waxing moon, and the blanket of starlight. By then, his lungs would begin to burn, but surely he could go higher. High enough that frost would collect on his robes and his muscles would freeze into rigidity. At what point would his magic fail him? The notion of reaching for his power and being unable to grasp it was almost unfathomable. Yet also enticing. What would it feel like to give a command that wasn’t heeded? What would it be like to be utterly powerless? He would fall. It was the way of things. Not even a dragon could deny the pull of the land forever. He would fall down, hurtle, even. The real question was what would happen when he hit the ground? Would the descent warm his body to the extent that he would remain intact, merely breaking bones that would inevitably mend in the space of an hour? Or would he shatter? Would he die? Death. The end of himself. What a strange notion. To be…simply finished with existence. To not have to lumber into his bed each night. To not have to run the gauntlet of his dreams. To not have to wake to the weight of a thousand years of memories bearing down on him like a winepress. “Uncle?” Isael lifted a foot from the railing and turned. Esodir stood in the doorway, his shoulders squared and his hands clasped behind his back. Lately, when Isael looked at him, he saw Esodir’s father, and his father before him. It didn’t bode well. Soon enough, his nephew’s light eyes and dark brows would begin to narrow and tighten whenever they regarded him. His elegant lips would turn downward when Isael spoke. His pale hair would sway, the fine tips catching the sunlight as he swung his head in disapproval, finally fed up with his uncle’s “antics.” Soon enough, but not yet. “What is it?” Isael asked. Esodir nodded over his shoulder. “They need your vote.” Isael looked past him, into the chamber where the councilors sat at the long yew table. Most had been looking his way, but put their heads down, feigning interest in their papers or striking up a conversation with their neighbor as Isael peered at them. With a sigh, Isael stepped down from the ledge, his boots landing soundlessly on the balcony. Esodir moved aside, allowing him to pass into the council chamber. The air smelled of parchment and sweat. “Do you need my vote?” He asked, prompting the councillors to fall silent. “Have I not made it abundantly clear where I stand on this issue?” A few exchanged looks, as if he’d asked

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