The Vicious Fae's Love Cover Image

The Vicious Fae's Love

Author/Uploaded by Lola Glass

The Vicious Fae’s Love Wild Hunt 4 Lola Glass Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue Bonus Epilogue Afterthoughts All Series by Lola Glass Please Review Stay in Touch About the Author Copyright © 2023 Lola Gla...

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The Vicious Fae’s Love Wild Hunt 4 Lola Glass Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Epilogue Bonus Epilogue Afterthoughts All Series by Lola Glass Please Review Stay in Touch About the Author Copyright © 2023 Lola Glass All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination. Cover by Francesca Michelon To the books and people that help you heal One The forest was silent around me as I slipped between the trees. Off in the distance, I could hear the pounding music of the raging party I’d planned and put together. Dots and Mare would keep it going all night, giving me the time I needed to disappear without a male fae tailing me. One male fae in particular. The sabertooth one who had turned me down time, after time, after time. It was pretty ironic, really. I’d wished myself away from Earth to get away from an abusive boyfriend… and yet had managed to fall for a fae guy who was as close to abusive as the fae could get. Which, honestly, wasn’t very close. Teris hadn’t been cruel to me. He definitely hadn’t hit me. But the constant rejection and disinterest was just too damn much. I was done. So… I was leaving. Teris would’ve been following me, too, if Ana and Rosalie hadn’t agreed to start a fight just outside the party. All it took to distract my temporary-mate was one little punch. He was always looking for a fight. So really, the escape was a team effort. But if you told any ex-human chick that you wanted to get away from a man, they’d just ask how they could help. I guess I was that way, too… though I’d much rather play match-maker than match-breaker. Since I moved much faster in my basilisk form, that was the one I currently occupied. The shorts that the other girls always wore didn’t work well when I shifted, since I didn’t have any legs in my beast form. So before I left, I’d altered them into a miniskirt. It was, admittedly, more scandalous than the shorts. But I was a sucker for a good scandal. The other basilisks had showed me the best way to get around the forest in our beast forms; we were thick enough and strong enough to keep up with the others for the most part on the forest floor, but in the trees, we thrived. Long torsos helped with that, I supposed. So I was sliding through the trees, my movements both fast and silent. If I was going to get away from Teris, speed and silence were necessary. Despite his lack of desire for me, the bond connecting us still irked him. Which meant he still felt the need to protect me. And possess me. Honestly, I should’ve kissed another guy to break the bond before I left, but… I just couldn’t. Maybe that was out of some twisted sense of loyalty, but it was loyalty all the same. I spent twenty minutes in the trees, until I reached my first checkpoint: A river. Teris would track me easily by scent, unless I did something to cover it. And since I wasn’t willing to snuggle up with some random dude, the river was my best shot at hiding myself. When I reached it, I dove in and was careful to lower the length of my body down deep. I’d heard the men talking about tracking basilisks in water before; they said there were signs of us in the sand and stones for a few hours afterward. Our weight would leave a large dip. So I spent fifteen minutes headed in the wrong direction, deep in the sand at first and then rising up higher and higher so the tracks would grow lighter. After that, I turned around and swam hard against the current. I was careful; I couldn’t afford not to be. Not if I wanted to get away from him. And I didn’t just want to—I needed to. I needed that space. I needed to move on. The female fae had once mentioned a lake in the mountains where the women went to give birth. A place of healing, which was exactly what I needed. Time to heal, move on, and recover. Another fresh start. So, that was my focus. I swam harder. After a few hours, I decided it was finally safe enough to get out of the river. The dirt felt warm on my scales after so much time in the frosty water, and a shiver rolled through me. I ignored the cold, and the hunger rumbling in my belly. When my tongue flicked outward, I caught a strange smell—an unfamiliar one, but an incredibly appealing one. My eyes scanned the trees. Someone was here. The smell was too strong, too good, for me to be alone right then. I shifted back to human form, ignoring the way my skirt rode up high on my damned vagina. I’d need a little more fabric to make it more appropriate, but I currently had nothing of value to offer in trade for said fabric. “Who’s there?” I demanded. My voice echoed through the trees. A flicker of movement in the corner of my eye had me spinning around. The largest basilisk I’d ever seen—so probably the same size as Nev—slid out on a low-hanging branch. The color of his scales changed as he moved, blending in with the background he followed, and my

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