Isekai Magus 4: A LitRPG Progression Saga Cover Image

Isekai Magus 4: A LitRPG Progression Saga

Author/Uploaded by Han Yang

Isekai Magus 4 A LITRPG PROGRESSION SAGA THE FANTASY WORLD OF NORDON BOOK FOUR HAN YANG Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Intermission Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 About the Au...

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Isekai Magus 4 A LITRPG PROGRESSION SAGA THE FANTASY WORLD OF NORDON BOOK FOUR HAN YANG Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Intermission Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 About the Author Also by Han Yang Check this out Chapter One NEW MOONGUARD CITY 1 Year Later "Mags, no!" I shouted just a moment too late. The glowing sphere of brilliant illumination leapt from the smiling toddler’s happy grip and up towards the room’s ceiling. It hovered for a moment as its brilliance swiftly reached a huge peak, half-blinding me with its intense light. I groaned and threw my arm before my eyes to shield them from the sharp glare. Bright spots popped behind my closed eyelids even after the glowing orb exploded in a shower of blinding light shafts. Of all the magic that my daughter could have gotten, illumination felt like a special punishment. The fact that she was still young enough to count her age in months rather than years didn’t help things. A normal Nordan citizen wouldn’t get their magic until age fifteen. Mags was close to mastering hers at a year-and-a-half. "Thanks for that," I grumbled, blinking my eyes to get my vision back. Mags clapped her hands and was already summoning a second sphere as the light shafts fizzled back into nothing. I didn’t need to be her father to tell that she was exceptionally pleased with her work. But being her father gave the sharp look I shot her that much more weight. I pointed my finger at the second ball of light glowing in her palms. "Don’t you dare. Or do you want Fernando to read you your bedtime story tonight?" A shocked look stole across Mags’s face, and a low wail burst from her mouth. The glowing ball of light faded away into nothing. Clearly, the prospect of having the Earl read her to sleep carried even more weight than my being her father did. It was difficult to blame her. After the defeat of King Korbi, Earl Fernando had gotten way more somber than usual. His fairy tale bedtime stories were like something out of the Brothers Grimm, with far too many little girls getting lost in the woods for even my taste. "There’s my good little girl. Although, you should really give Fernando a chance. He’s a good guy and likes you a lot. Not that he has the best choice of reading material, I’ll grant you," I said to the mortified toddler. The sound of footsteps made me turn to the doorway just as Tarla’s face appeared. My wife placed a hand on her hip and smiled at us warmly. She had a basket of steaming warm bread balanced against her other hip. "Did I hear you talking about me?" she asked. "Oh! You said, ‘good little girl.’ I thought you just said, ‘good girl.’ My apologies!" "Mama!" Mags squealed happily. "Hello our good little girl," Tarla teased with a wink at me. "I’d pick you up, but I seem to be out of arms at the moment. Do you want daddy to hold you, instead?" Mags pouted and turned to me. Then she folded her arms and stomped one foot on the stone floor. "I’ll take that as a no, then," I said. "Which is for the best anyway. What do you say to helping your old man build your new bed instead?" Tarla turned a teasing look my way. "Ah, is that what you’re up to? I couldn’t tell, with all the mess." She came around to stand beside me and get a better view of my work. "Yes, I can see it now. And a fine bed it will be, once you cave and let your father build it for you." I snorted and lifted two pieces of wood from the floor. The ends of the two pieces each had a notch cut into them, with a small hole in the center. When I lined the notches up, the holes overlapped each other perfectly. "As if I’d cave like that. It’s tradition for a father to put together his child’s first real bed." I stretched for a small dowel that lay to my right but found that I couldn’t quite reach it. "Could you hand me that dowel, Tarla? It must have rolled in all the commotion." Tarla stepped over and toed the dowel towards me. "What?" she asked with a pout. "You want me to bend over with perfectly fresh bread in my arms and hand it to you personally? What if I dropped the bread in the commotion?" "I suppose not," I chuckled, slotting the dowel into the hole and securing the joint. "This seems strong enough, right?" The bed wasn’t large, but it would be more than enough to accommodate Mags for a few years. The girl had outgrown her crib in our bedroom the very instant she showed that the gods did have a sense of humor regarding her powers. Mags had gotten them just last week. I wondered whether the gods were laughing at me. Caitlyn certainly did, making sure to point out that I was far from normal, and Mags should be just the same. "Maybe," Tarla said. "But I still think I’d rather have a stone bed frame for my only daughter. Are you sure your dad doesn’t want to build it? It would probably take less time." I shook my head and fitted the second board into place before shifting shadows forced me to hold the dowel back. "Mags, do you mind?" The light faded, and I heard Tarla chuckle. "Been like this all day, then?" I fitted the dowel into the hole and nodded back to my daughter. "Why do you think it’s going so

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