My Three Brother’s Best Friends Cover Image

My Three Brother’s Best Friends

Author/Uploaded by Eden, Molly

My Three Brother’s Best Friends MOLLY EDEN My Three Brother’s Best Friends Text Copyright © 2023 by Molly Eden All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and inci...

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My Three Brother’s Best Friends MOLLY EDEN My Three Brother’s Best Friends Text Copyright © 2023 by Molly Eden All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental. First printing, 2023 Publisher Molly Eden [email protected] Contents Molly Eden Books 1. Tabitha 2. Jace 3. Tabitha 4. Wilder 5. Levi 6. Jace 7. Levi 8. Jace 9. Tabitha 10. Wilder 11. Tabitha 12. Levi 13. Tabitha 14. Wilder 15. Jace 16. Levi 17. Tabitha 18. Levi 19. Tabitha 20. Wilder 21. Levi 22. Tabitha 23. Jace 24. Levi 25. Tabitha 26. Jace 27. Tabitha 28. Wilder 29. Tabitha 30. Levi 31. Tabitha Epilogue More Why Choose Romances You’ll Love Molly Eden Books Molly Eden Books To keep up with all of my new releases, visit my website and sign up for my mailing list: The newsletter features information on upcoming books and special offers. CHAPTER 1 Tabitha A surge of heat rushed through me as I stared admiringly at the piece in front of me. Once more, I fingered the edges of the paper, relishing the thrill that the accomplishment had given me. My MBA. I’d worked my ass off for this. That’s my girl, I purred to myself, carefully handling the crisp diploma as to not get any fingerprints on it. I had yet to find a frame worthy of the page, but if I didn’t locate one soon, it would surely get ruined over the time I spent poring over it. “Are you crying over your degree again?” Wincing, I whipped my head toward the threshold of my bedroom door where Finn lounged, his arms crossed against his broad chest, a half smirk creasing his lips. I should have known my personal moment wouldn’t keep. I thought about explaining my pride to him, but what would be the point? My brother was just apt to dismiss my satisfaction as childish. He’d already done as much with his teasing. “Crying? Why would I cry?” I snickered lightly, tucking the paper away in the drawer of the nightstand. The antique furniture hadn’t changed since I’d gone through my “adult” stage in ninth grade, the matching four-poster bed and armoire a tribute to my maturity—or at least that had been my reasoning at fourteen. Now, the faded ivory clapboard only brought back memories of angst and hormones that I could have done without in my childhood home. I need to redo this room. But if I do that, it means I’m staying. No, it’s better to just leave it as motivation to get out. My brother pushed himself off the doorframe and ambled in without invitation, but I didn’t stop him as he perched beside me on the bed. “Tears of relief, of course,” he replied. “You’ve been gone for so long.” I didn’t miss the note of disapproval in his voice, but I chose to ignore it. Leaving New York to get my degree in Chicago had been a fight I didn’t regret winning. The experience away from home had been everything I’d hoped it would be. And now, I was back in Tarrytown, where everyone wanted me. But at least I had that degree. “Yes, Finny. I’m sobbing with elation,” I replied dryly as he plopped onto the bedspread beside me. My brother cast me a sidelong look, dark brows rising toward his too-perfect hair. “It’s not too late to throw it in the garbage and come on the road with me,” he joked. “My agent keeps telling me how much the public eats up these sibling teams on the screen. She’s always commenting on how much we look alike. She could make a star out of you.” I snorted loudly and shook my head vehemently. “Thank you, but hell no. We’ll leave the acting to you, big brother. I’m happy putting my education to work.” Finn shrugged indifferently, running a hand through his chestnut waves. “Lise will be heartbroken. I still think you’re wasting your time with all this business stuff.” I stifled my annoyance. Leave it to my brother to dispel all my blood, sweat, and tears as “wasting time.” “Your agent will find someone else’s soul to suck, I’m sure,” I replied lightly. I cleared my throat and pursed my lips, heat spiking into my cheeks even before I spoke a word that was really on my mind. “So… uh, you talked to the guys then?” I asked. Instantly, I cringed, hearing the weird squeak of my voice, the pitch rising at the end. If Finn noticed it, he made no comment, his eyes darting around the room like he was seeing it for the first time. “Mom and Dad really did keep this as a shrine to you, huh?” I tittered nervously, but it had nothing to do with his comment. “Yeah, it’s going to need an overhaul,” I agreed quickly. “I’ll do some redecorating… after my first paycheck…?” I trailed off and stared at him hopefully. Finn turned back to me, his mouth twisting into a grimace of annoyance. “If you need money, Tabs, I’ll give you money. Or just order the work done, and Dad will take care of it.” I flushed, embarrassed at the turn the conversation had taken. “I don’t want your money or Dad’s,” I replied evenly. “I am fully capable of working and earning my own money. Anyway, I don’t think I’ll be staying here for very long. Now that I’m back from Chicago, it’s just a matter of time before I find a place in the city—” Finn stood, his action cutting me off awkwardly. I heard

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