Nora's Kraken Cover Image

Nora's Kraken

Author/Uploaded by Leigh Miller

Nora's KrakenMonster Relations Bureau Book 1Leigh Miller This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places are either products of the author’s imagination, or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental Copyright © 2023 Leigh Miller All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written per...

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Nora's KrakenMonster Relations Bureau Book 1Leigh Miller This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places are either products of the author’s imagination, or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental Copyright © 2023 Leigh Miller All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner ISBN: 9798387705472Cover design by Leigh Content NoteNORA’S KRAKEN contains adult content that may not be suitable for all readers. For a full list of content warnings, visit the author's website. To A — You told me I didn’t need to dedicate another book to you.I didn’t listen. Did you really expect me to? This one’s for you. 1NoraMy world comes crashing down around me on a Friday afternoon.Sitting in a nondescript beige and gray office at the Paranormal Citizens Relations Bureau, I stare open-mouthed at the Bureau agent across the desk from me.“I’ve been what?” I ask, sure I must have misheard him.“Recognized, Ms. Perry. As a kraken’s mate.”“I didn’t… I wasn’t… how did this happen?”Mr. Blair, the agent who called my workplace three days ago out of the blue and asked for this meeting, looks at me with patience and understanding, a soothingly calm tone to his voice.Like that would do anything to take the edge off the bomb he’s dropped in my lap.“I realize this all must be very unexpected,” he says, “but I promise you everything will be alright.”This has to be a joke. I glance at the shut office door behind me, half-expecting Kenna or Holly or one of my other friends to burst through and tell me I’m being pranked.It certainly wouldn’t be any more of a surprise than getting the call to come here.This place didn’t even exist a few years ago, not until the government’s passage of the Paranormal Acts, allowing all sorts of different beings to come forward and join the mortal, human world.It was a shock for everyone, to put it mildly.One day all those creatures were the stuff of myths and legends, and the next they were all too real. The Paranormal Citizens Relations Bureau oversaw it all, smoothing the way for paranormal folk to find their place in this brand new world.Some paranormals definitely look it. Orcs, winged fae, and naga, among others. Some, though, move through the world indistinguishable from humans. Shifters, vampires, nymphs, and demons, they have the choice whether they ever want to come forward and reveal who they are.Mr. Blair is one of the latter types of creatures. Sitting in front of me, he looks almost entirely human, except for his eyes. Sharp, amber, and with thin, oblong pupils, I don’t know what they make him, and I don’t know what to make of the fact those eyes seem able to see right through me.“Unexpected is one word for it,” I mutter. “How was I… what did you call it? Identified?”“Recognized,” he corrects gently. “Your mate saw you three days ago at a coffee shop, and immediately knew who you were to him.”My stomach lurches. It must have been the Second Cup Cafe, just down the street from the bookstore where I work. That was Tuesday, which I only remember because it’s the one day each week I splurge on something coffee-related that doesn’t come from my pot at home. I hate Tuesdays, and Second Cup’s chai lattes always make them a little better.“How did you find out who I am, and how to get in touch with me?”The question gives him a moment of pause, and his golden eyes flicker as he comes up with an answer.It triggers a warning deep in the back of my brain.How did they find me? I’ve spent these last few years trying to make myself as unnoticeable as possible, and they were not only able to discover who I am, but where I work, in a matter of hours. I got my latte at half-past seven, and the phone in the shop was ringing before noon.The realization puts a sheen of sweat on the back of my neck.“We have investigators,” he says finally with a small, apologetic smile. “They get assigned to cases like these.”The silence between my question and his answer makes me think that’s a lie.And just like that, I don’t know if I can trust anything he’s saying. The old instincts kick up hard. Who is he, really? What does he want from me? Do I even have a mate out there somewhere, or am I being set up for another reason entirely?“Your mate’s name is Elias Morgan, and he’s very eager to meet you,” Mr. Blair goes on when I don’t respond. “He’s a kraken shifter, to be more specific, and all krakens are very steadfast and loyal. They can live for up to a thousand years, but only ever take one mate. That makes them just the slightest bit territorial, but…”Whatever else he says is lost to the rushing sound in my ears.Territorial.It’s just one word, but the implications behind it make my lungs constrict and my heart race. Other adjectives spring up around it, bringing a wave of panic with them.Territorial. Possessive. Jealous. Controlling.My thoughts spiral, sucked into a deep well of memories and fears and long, black nights. Unable to take a second more of this conversation, I push my chair back. The movement is so abrupt it startles the agent out of his monologue.“Ms. Perry? Is everything alright?”“I’m not interested. Please tell Mr. Morgan I don’t have any interest in meeting or being mated to him.”Mr. Blair’s brow creases in concern. “Have I said something that’s upset you? I didn’t mean to, and having a kraken for a fated mate really is—”I wave my hands in front of my face. “Enough. Please. I’m leaving now.”Before he can get another word in, I grab my coat and head for the door. I have to get out of here. I need fresh air, space, and

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