Play Prey For Me Cover Image

Play Prey For Me

Author/Uploaded by Night, Ever; Lilac, Ever

Play Prey For Me Ever Night Play Prey For Me Copyright © 2023 by Ever Night. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author'...

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Play Prey For Me Ever Night Play Prey For Me Copyright © 2023 by Ever Night. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental. Note that this is a dark romance novella. Not intended for sensitive readers looking for safety and sweet moments where healthy love is expressed between the characters. This is also NOT a paranormal story. 1. Danielle Dragging my sulky ass into the coffee shop, I remove my sunnies before scanning the area. My friend Kayla turns around, her face immediately turning overexcited in an attempt to cheer me up. “Hey,” she says, pulling me in for a big hug and she smells of hairspray, “I didn’t think you’d come.” I shrug. “Nope, here I am, showered and did my makeup and everything.” “Good for you,” she grins and I manage to muster up a smile back, before the two of us link arms. “This place is kinda full,” she mutters and I nod because this coffee shop is one of the most popular in town and always crowded. “Over there,” I murmur, “that gentleman’s just leaving.” We hurry to grab our lattes and then sit down in a booth in the corner. I drag a sigh, pulling my scarf off, while dreading this little girly chat because I so do not want to talk about this. Kayla on the other hand is studying HR so she’s probably just dying to know everything. Leaning forward, she puts her chin in her palm. “Go on then,” she urges. “Spill the coffee beans.” She sniggers, “Get it? Pun intended.” “Very funny,” I roll my eyes before pouring sweetener into the latte and it messes up the foamy heart. “Well...they basically,” I drag a deep breath, “decided to fire me.” Kayla’s face turns horrified and she gasps in shock. “What!” she screams, nearly spitting her drink out and a snotty woman next to us watches us with disdain. “I thought they were just going to give you some time off.” “They were at first but then they changed their mind,” I squirm, “guess I deserved it.” “Listen to me carefully,” Kayla growls as sympathy shines in her eyes, “you did not deserve that.” “Come on...that was totally inappropriate behavior and I get why they did it.” I avert my gaze in embarrassment, shrugging my shoulders. “They said I scared the patients, the staff...” “Oh please,” Kayla says with an eye roll, “you’re 5.3 and probably weigh as much as my Chihuahua. Those idiots were just trying to make you feel bad.” “I was screaming at them,” I say with some difficulty and I get red in the face just thinking about it. “So, you got a little emotional...big deal,” Kayla tries but I shake my head. “More like a full blown temper tantrum. They called security on me.” “Shit,” Kayla mutters, finally getting the gravitas, “but I’m telling you, you didn’t deserve it. You care about people that’s all.” “Apparently I care too much,” I mutter, taking a big sip of my drink before gazing out the window. It happened a week ago. I was doing my usual thing as a nurse when I found out that Mr. Bigget, one of my favorite patients was going to be released. The man was in no position to leave the hospital, way too sick and way too frail and without family to look after him but the hospital claimed he was totally fine. In reality they were just trying to get rid of him because of the extra workload he was putting on the staff. It infuriated me and so I tried reasoning with them. They refused to listen and the way they just turned their backs on Mr. Bigget made me see red. I screamed at them that they were coldhearted monsters, along with a couple of curse words thrown in here and there. “I just hate negligence,” I mutter. “Can’t stand it.” I wring my hands. “And I mean...we’re supposed to help people in need and they didn’t give a rat’s ass about him.” Sinking back in my chair, I cross my arms. “But I guess they’re just humans, they have bad days, they’re overworked...” “Are you kidding me?” Kayla blurts. “You’re defending those people after everything they did.” She shakes her head as if scolding me and I feel myself blush. “That compassion of yours needs to be reined in every once in a while.” Letting out a humorless laugh, I murmur, “I wasn’t always like this.” “What are you talking about?” Kayla asks, simultaneously throwing a look at her phone and inwardly I sigh. “Nothing.” She nods, giving me her full attention again. “So, what are you going to do now? Are you checking out any new hospitals?” Doing a little grimace, I murmur, “Actually, I’m thinking about going private.” “Wow, yeah you totally should,” she encourages, cheering me up a little before I slump again. “Only problem is that the ones who checked my boxes aren’t hiring until weeks. I kinda need something now and preferably in the state in case things don’t work out.” “Got it,” Kayla murmurs. “Just stay positive and patient and things will come around.” “Fingers crossed, right?” “Fingers crossed,” Kayla replies, crossing her fingers. The movement causes her to spill some of her drink on the table and she lets out a curse, before grabbing a stack of napkins. “Whoa, what is that?” she says, midst her cleanup. “What is what?” I say in alarm, thinking she just saw an ex or something but she’s looking down at the table, at a newspaper that someone must’ve left behind and she

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