Ravishing Reign Cover Image

Ravishing Reign

Author/Uploaded by Aleatha Romig

Book three of the Royal Reflections Series Aleatha Romig New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE INFORMATION RAVISHING REIGN Book 3 of the Royal Reflections series Copyright @ 2023 Romig Works, LLC Published by Romig Works, LLC 2023 Edition ISBN: 978-1-956414-49-3 Cover art: Letitia Hasser at RBADesigns/Romantic Book Affairs Editing: Lisa Aurell...

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Book three of the Royal Reflections Series Aleatha Romig New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE INFORMATION RAVISHING REIGN Book 3 of the Royal Reflections series Copyright @ 2023 Romig Works, LLC Published by Romig Works, LLC 2023 Edition ISBN: 978-1-956414-49-3 Cover art: Letitia Hasser at RBADesigns/Romantic Book Affairs Editing: Lisa Aurello Formatting: Romig Works, LLC Proofreader: Stacy Zitano Inman This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. 2023 Edition License This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the appropriate retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.” ~ Abraham Lincoln Buried beneath the surface where Princess Lucille’s world is turned upside down, she must make impossible choices. Truth or deception, life or death, loyalty or love. Who will survive? Have you been Aleatha’d? From New York Times bestselling author Aleatha Romig comes a brand-new contemporary romantic-suspense series, Royal Reflections, set in the world of the royal elite, where things are not as they appear. *RAVISHING REIGN is book three of the Royal Reflections series that began with RUTHLESS REIGN, continued with RESILIENT REIGN and RAVISHING REIGN, and will conclude with RELEVANT REIGN. Prologue End of book 2, RESILIENT REIGN Roman As Francis got out of the car, I contemplated jumping into the driver’s seat. The duke leaned into the open door with a grin. “This is where I keep the good stuff, the cigars and bourbon your sister doesn’t know I have.” Fuck. Cigars and bourbon. I opened the door to my side and stepped out onto the frozen ground. The pond again caught my eye. However, despite the water being completely frozen and snow covered, a small square was cut away. “Ice fishing?” I asked. At the same time, the door to the cabin opened. I stopped as I stared at my own image. “Noah?” I questioned. “Oh,” Francis said, “remember how I was confused? You see, I was never told about Noah…about Noah not being Roman. Isabella still doesn’t know.” Noah’s dark stare was focused on me. “Imagine my shock,” Francis went on, “when I received a visitor, my brother-in-law. But my sister’s brother was in Molave. I knew that. Fuck, I thought I was seeing double.” “You’re alive,” I said, stunned at the sight before me. “You know my name. That means you found what I left behind.” I nodded. “I was afraid you were dead.” “I was supposed to be. Lord Avery got me to safety, not in time to save himself. The king was presented with two charred bodies.” I took a staggered step backward. “King Theodore called for your death?” “Tell me you’re smart enough to figure that out,” Noah replied. “You’ve also fucked up my hard work. You see, Theo was supposed to be the one dead, not me. I would have been king.” “You’re free now.” I looked from Noah to Francis. “He’s free. Help him get away.” Francis smiled. “We have a new plan.” He nodded to Noah. My heart stuttered as Noah pulled a pistol from his back waistband. “Whoa,” I said, lifting my hands. “I took a damn job. If you want it back…” As the words came out, I knew I couldn’t let this man back near Lucille. He stepped closer, the gun raised. “Did they promise you riches? Did they tell you to bed the princess? I suppose you’re supposed to get the whining cunt pregnant.” Standing tall, I clenched my jaw. “You’re wrong about the princess.” His nostrils flared. “There can’t be two of us.” I turned to my brother-in-law. “Do something.” “Whatever your name is,” Francis said, speaking to me. “Let me share a bit of family history.” My gaze went to Noah and his gun. “Not a good time.” “This pond, it’s where Theo and Anne’s first son drowned. I thought it was an appropriate place for them to find their second son’s body. Not that you’re really their son.” “You can’t be serious.” He nodded. “I could hand you a gun, too. Then the two of you shoot it out. With both of you gone, Isabella will rule.” “No, she won’t,” I said, hoping what I was about to say was true. “Lucille is pregnant. If that baby is a boy, he will rule.” “Fuck,” Francis growled. I turned to Noah. “Go. Leave. I won’t tell anyone you’re alive.” The gun wavered in his grasp. “I can’t do this.” “Don’t do this,” I screamed. The ground shook as the gun’s blast echoed through the cold air and red spatter rained over the snow. Lucille I woke from my nap with a start as I looked around the unfamiliar bedchamber. “Roman,” I called out. The door opened inward as Lady Buckingham appeared. “He’s still gone with the duke.” My stomach twisted as I wrapped my arm around my midsection. Lady Buckingham came closer. “Are you still not feeling well?” She laid her hand on my forehead. “You’re not warm.” I tried to think back to the procedure. It had only been two weeks, but I could have gotten pregnant before that. Looking up at her concerned expression, I whispered, “Did we bring a pregnancy test?” Her eyes opened wide. “Yes, but the king would want the royal physician—” “Get me the test.” This wasn’t the first time my mistress and I had stood over a small indicator stick. It

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